As we set out on our path of personal growth and exploration, we often feel vulnerable. It is a fertile and transformative time when we are learning about new aspects of ourselves, remembering how to trust our own power of manifestation, and rediscovering multi-dimensional gifts. As we nurture and familiarize ourselves with these new aspects, abilities, and beliefs, it is natural to feel vulnerable. After all, we are germinating a new version of ourselves. We are letting go of an outdated world-view, and embracing new ideals, values, and philosophies more aligned with our current reality.
In this process, there is an in-between period when our roots still need to anchor into this new version of who we are becoming. And during this transitional time, we may feel vulnerable and extra sensitive to hearing or receiving No’s, whether it’s in the form of a door closing, an opportunity not panning out, a relationship ending or the feeling that our truth or new self is not being seen, heard, or received as we had hoped. And that is where we can draw inspiration from our animal companions.
One of the most tangible ways our pets help us understand the benefits of a No is through our own role in pet parenting. Young or new pets exemplify how important buffers and boundaries can be. A puppy left unattended can get into a dangerous situation, so as pet guardians we leverage loving boundaries until they better understand the world around them, what is safe and what is not, and are able to make good choices. We teach them to feel secure in a crate, to stay near us during walks, and to come to us when called. And as pet guardians imposing those loving boundaries, we know that our motivation for creating those boundaries are rooted in keeping our animal companions safe, healthy, and happy.
Our pets help us realize that those No’s we receive more broadly in our lives are forming a similar energetic buffer around us. They remind us that boundaries help keep us safe and create space to incubate and nurture these new aspects of ourselves, these new beliefs, and points of view until they are fully formed and ready to be shared more broadly.
Just as our puppies have us to lend a watchful eye and keep them safe as they transition into more mature pups, we have the benefit of the universe, our guides, and our own intuition looking after our best interest and personal growth. Those relationships that didn’t pan out as we had hoped, missed opportunities, and closed doors are ways to keep us safe and confident as we build our understanding of who we are, our role in the universe, and what we are here to communicate and contribute. Just as we set our animal companions up for success with traditional training and loving boundaries, the universe, your guides, and your higher self is doing the same for you.
Think of a challenge, an ending to a relationship, or even what you felt like a missed opportunity that you experienced in your past. As you recall this experience, briefly acknowledge the emotions and stories that shaped it. How you felt, what you hoped for, what you feared might happen as an outcome. And now, with the benefit of time under your belt, focus on what you learned from that experience. What benefit came from it. How did it serve to get you where you are today?
There is always loving energy behind every No. In finding ways to appreciate and be grateful for the No’s, we are able to more whole-heartedly trust and pursue the Yes’s coming through – those opportunities, conversations, and relationships that are flowing easily. So anytime you encounter what feels to be a No, a seeming rejection, or a closed door, remember some of the instances in the past where they guided you down a more loving path.
Just as our pets trust us to guide them, the animals remind us to put our trust in the universe and its directives. Our pets remind us to trust that the No’s are keeping us safe, to embrace the loving boundaries, and pursue the Yes’s, as together they are creating a beautiful buffer for us to blossom into the next phase of who we are. And our pets want nothing more than to see us all in full bloom.
Denise Mange is a certified dog trainer, animal communicator, pet numerologist, speaker, and founder of Pet Prana©. Denise began her spiritual journey through connecting with animal companions, and believes that our pets truly are experts at providing clues that help us identify stagnant energies and patterns in ourselves.
After a decade working at some of the most prestigious advertising agencies in New York City, Denise left Madison Avenue to pursue her soul's purpose, which is working with pets and their humans. Denise believes that animals serve as amazing access points for powerful connections that help us learn more about ourselves and our spiritual gifts. Whether in the context of traditional training or communicating with animals in the wild, Denise is passionate about empowering humans to connect more deeply and whole-heartedly with our feathered, finned, scaled, winged, and furry friends. Denise received her BS from Boston University, her dog trainer certification from Animal Behavior College, and is a certified Animal Communicator through top experts in the field.
Website: petprana.com
Twitter: twitter.com/Denise_Trainer