“Karma does not exist. Karma is but retribution for bringing into manifestation discord and inharmony. Substitute renunciation for retribution and you correct the cause for Karma, as it exists only in the thoughts of those determined to manifest Karma. Remove the cause or substitute it by a higher condition and the lower condition is erased. You have elevated the vibrations of your body above those which allowed Karma to exist.”
Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East, Vol. 3, pg. 155-156 by Baird T. Spalding
This teaching was given by a wise man in a village visited by a party of archeologists who had gone to the Gobi Desert and the Himalayas, and subsequently had the pleasure to have meetings with many “Masters" (sometimes even Jesus and Buddha would attend and teach).
This teaching declares that “karma" doesn’t exist, only as we manifest it. This somewhat goes against our theory in physics that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. And it also flies in the face of our Christian concept of “justice."
If what this wise man taught is correct, then we must go into a higher science of physics, and we will have to re-evaluate our thoughts on justice.
I am not a ‘master’ or an illuminated teacher, but studying this subject for years, here is my definition.
Debt does not exist, the corollary to karma does not exist.
The concepts of debt and credit are simply concepts that were invented to accommodate our new form of accounting, double entry bookkeeping, which was introduced when our money system changed from “hard” money to the use of negotiable instruments in 1933.
This is a fact of our commercial history here in America and actually all over the ‘civilized’ world where countries engage in international commerce.
Capitalism is an Invention of Christianity.
Christianity was created during the times of Constantine, the Emperor of the ‘Holy’ Roman Empire. Prior to the time of Constantine the “believers” in the teachings delivered by the Master, Jesus, were simply referred to “followers of the way,“ as was Constantine’s mother, a British woman known as Helen of The Cross, who was also the daughter of the British King Cole. (Remember the song sung at Christmas … “old King Cole was a merry old soul … ?”)
And our sense of “justice” came from the writings in the King James “Authorized” Version of the Holy Bible. That “version” was translated specifically for commerce, so I suspect that certain concepts were left out, and perhaps certain things inserted purposefully. The chief translator who oversaw that effort was Robert Fludd just so happened to be the Grand Master of the Priory of Sion, a “secret society” who were closely associated with the Knights Templars.
Something that was not taken out was the concept that justice was demanded by the “law,” but that sanctification came by the Spirit. Sanctification - wonder what that is? Might it be a higher vibrational concept than justice? Is it possible to “ascend” from the concept of justice to the spiritual concept of sanctification?
To completely review and understand the concepts of the Old and New Testaments in the KJV, one ought to consider the whole story of the evolution of the doctrine when moving from the Levitical Priesthood into the Melchisadec Priesthood - the change from the “Old” to the “New.” (Study carefully the Book of Hebrews in the NT, especially chapter 7 verse 22 where it refers to Jesus as the “surety.” Suretyis a common word used in “modern” commerce).
Consider also the sayings in the OT where Jesus (Yeshua Ben Joseph) was referred to as the “lamb slain before the foundation of the world.” In the book I referred to above, it is brought out that Jesus (and even the one called John the Baptist) spent considerable time in the Himalayas with the Masters who tried to talk Jesus out of returning to Jerusalem to a certain death. But Jesus had a destiny and “contract” to fulfill, and so he went back.
One author I read said that a “perfect” man was one who kept all of his contracts. And in the NT we see the phrase “ ...and being made perfect...” in reference to Jesus. Apparently Jesus was made perfect by keeping his contract with Creator. What does that say for you and I? Could we become perfect if we keep our contracts - even “soul” contracts?
(Side note: a man I have known who was high up in the CIA told me that he had actually seen the ancient records with Jesus in the Himalayas. It made a “believer” out of him. He turned to God and left the CIA).
Getting back to “karma": “karma" does not exist and the corollary “debt” does not exist, and the concept of retribution (justice/law) vs. renunciation (sanctification/spirit) starting to take a foothold in our logic. The “holy man” from the Himalayas taught this concept in regards to karma, but I, a not so “holy man,” have “contracted" (with God) to bring these same concepts into our commercial “world.” In essence, if you can understand the one, you can understand the other. Perhaps a bit of study and meditation is in order here for us all. As we “ascend" it appears necessary to fuse the physical (commercial) aspects into our spiritual practices. If we fail to do that, perhaps we will be slowed in our progression.
Winston Shrout is an educator, author, researcher, and lecturer focusing on the history, origins and foundational concepts related to commerce.
After graduating from college with a degree in psychology – with little hope of getting a paying job – he supported himself and his family by working as a carpenter in the construction industry. For the most part, he enjoyed the work he was doing, but he couldn’t shake the feeling that he had another “true calling”. He began to notice that in his daily interactions with the world of commerce there were many inconsistencies and contradictions.
Winston is a lifelong student, and the more knowledge he gained, the more he saw that there was a true need for a library of commercial education materials. He created ‘Solutions in Commerce’ to provide people the tools they need to understand and navigate our complicated commercial world with educational material and solutions that are dubiously absent from the standard curriculums of today.
Website: www.wssic.com