The Reptilian agenda on earth continues to be a fearful topic in the conscious community. As humans, we have been trained into a frequency of separation, pointing fingers and holding those responsible for harming our earth to justice. But what if this concept of separation is actually keeping the Reptilian agenda alive? The following is a channeled writing that goes deep into the history and understanding of energetic attachments and contracts, how they work and the incredible power of humanity to ascend their own race, as well as those we believe are bringing the most harm to our planet.
Channeled by Micheila Sheldan
The beginning of the Reptilian history upon your planet started with a great war in Alpha Centauri. This war took place between the Alpha Centurians, mostly made up of Reptilian genetics, and the Grays who desired access to this star system for its beneficial genetic and elemental material.
Alpha Centauri, made of up many stars, was only inhabitable by those who could hold a physical vibration; an appropriate density for those who desired a physical form yet able to hold a non-physical focus. The planet was still in formation. The Grays had assimilated to a more physical density and desired to expand their locations throughout the galactic universe for the many assignments they were carrying out.
When the Grays entered the star system, they began to change its frequency to a more dense physical vibration and this had a great affect upon the Reptilians. Although they were a hybrid race upon Alpha Centauri and focused in physical, they still maintained much of their genetic predisposition to non-physical. Reptilians are shapeshifters. They are designed to move between dimensions and galactic locations very easily. But with the Grays now taking over their star system, this ability in them began to diminish and they were forced to leave their home. The earth and humans upon it were most vulnerable for a physical, hybrid species to integrate. The earth was governed by the Unity of Light Council of 9 at this time, a collective of beings overseeing movement between species, races and planets. This council has now disbanded and become focused in other areas, and new collectives have been formed for similar yet more expansive oversight.
The Alpha Centurians accepted a plea from the Unity of Light Council of 9. If they were to have rights and access to the earth, in exchange they would create hybrid humans to continue to expand their genome. In other words, their race could not exist separate of humans, but would integrate themselves into the human race for survival and expansion of both races in the highest integrity.
The Reptilian collective had been banished from the Universal Table of Law for too many ill encounters with ET races, changing their genetics in ways not suitable to the Law of One; so careful oversight of Reptilian involvement in the human genome was required. Representatives of the Reptilian collective were initiated into 12th dimensional project by clearing their energetic patterning of ill intention that would repeat historic events not serving the universe. These 12th Dimensional Reptilians became integrated into galactic councils for the betterment of their own race and all others.
Even though measures were being taken by councils and within the genetic makeup of the Reptilian collective, many races remained in fear of their potential to change timelines in ways not supportive of the universe. As this pact was being made, another war ensured within the Reptilian Collective. A toxin was used against them by the Tall Whites to keep them from reproducing with other races and within themselves. The tall whites are hybrid versions of Annunaki and were taking action against the Reptilians to keep them from carrying out potential timelines deemed destructive.
As these toxins were injected into the Reptilian Collective, there were several results:
1. The race became unable to recreate or duplicate their original genome.
2. There was a separation of Reptilian energies based on genetics. As they had evolved away from their original race, some of the species took on characteristics not serving their highest good. This separation within the Reptilian race was an attempt to not destroy, but reunite them with their higher density blueprints; to keep those genetically predisposed to higher vibration clear of hybridization with others and able to beneficially create.
3. Some accepted this transition and were re-introduced to the Light or their original form, ascending into a benevolent race of beings. Others, not accepting this foreign experience, resisted the transition and began to suffer in their own skins. A timeline split ensued.
Many of those Reptilians who chose not to ascend came to earth and further hybridized into genetic leaches of human DNA. Their aim was to co-create a new race with humans, but this intention has gone haywire. In an attempt to create with humans, a manipulation of their structure ensued, weakening the human genome to its limited physically focused DNA strands.
Physical is a density that is conducive to how the Reptilians on earth must operate. The reason for this is that they, starting as a higher density organism in non-physical, found themselves on a planet not complementary to their simplified and ascended structure. In many respects, the Reptilians on earth have become a race their own; shapeshifting between physical and non-physical and attaching their energy to the souls they believe they won or deserved in an agreement that is no longer valid.
Reptilian Attachments
Reptilian soul attachments are what we wish to explain in detail for they are very misunderstood by humans. When the energy of a Reptilian attaches itself to the soul of a human, its purpose is solely to co-create. The reason the human race is so valuable to these beings and others is that humans are effortless creators. They are flowing in a creative soup of human experience with the will and ability to choose outside of any collective structure, both strengthening itself and the collective. What this collective group of earth-bound Reptilians requires is the ability to become a collective Source creator. They are weakened in their ability to live beyond the earth and they are as much in crisis as what humans believe to be in their own collective experience.
An attached Reptilian entity is a holographic connection of a human physical soul mirroring its intentions. When a Reptilian ‘attempts’ to claim your soul, they must start incrementally by taking over your will. It is not unlike leasing a car. When you are making small, incremental payments, you are beginning to feel as if the car is yours. You believe that you own it and it takes on your energy. Now, you are making decisions for the car, telling it where to go and what to do. Sometimes you remember that you don’t fully own the vehicle and have to turn it back in, but it doesn’t stop you from using the term, “my car”.
As a Reptilian energy attaches, it is beginning the process of contracting for your soul. This Reptilian may be a physical entity living on earth in some form. There are Reptilian, Reptilian-hybrid and what we would call Human Hybrid Reptilians existing on this earth. Reptilians in physical are not often seen on earth because they cannot exist in the presence of sunlight. They must dwell underground or in caves and dark caverns. They are a weakened race and not living well here on earth. Their energy fields or consciousness most affects humans due to their mere presence on this planet, not any malevolent activities upon humans.
Reptilian Hybrids are holding the non-physical energy of these physical beings, as well as the energy of other malevolent creatures that have accessed them. These are the most onerous ones that affect humans. Think of it this way. A physical Reptilian collective became so weakened and saddened by their plight that they attracted all others by which to comingle their activities. Reptilian Hybrids are a mix of ET genetics that have taken or have an agenda to use this planet for their activities. They shapeshift mostly into non-physical form and have strengthened their genome to not worry about solar rays and higher frequencies.
Human Hybrid Reptilians are ones whose DNA most closely matches that of the original Reptilian species coming to earth. They appear human in form but are carrying out tasks upon this planet to ensure the enslavement of the human DNA. This is mostly through frequency modification or distortions of your true nature.
Reptilian Contracts
Reptilian contracts cannot be engaged until the human soul has left the planet. The purpose of contracts, as defined by human law, is to allow a soul to be fragmented and reclaimed by the representative ET races whose energy embodies the human at birth and through death.
When you became embodied upon this planet, you arrived with a series of collective contractual agreements with your cosmic families. These are embedded within your DNA and consist of the races closest to you resonating through time. You have served them and they have served you. The knowledge you acquire in a human body is meant to be shared via the cosmic Akashic system. The way in which this system works is through soul fragmentation.
You are a representative of light based on millenniums of contractual agreements. These agreements are not only with ET races, but also with humans and Ascended Masters. You do not remember your agreements because, if you were, it would be an overwhelming amount of information to tap into each day in this physical density. Nonetheless, you knew upon coming that these contractual agreements became the basis for your creative energy; serving you, the earth and the galactic universe.
You are a sovereign, free being. There are many contractual energies that exist upon your soul manifested and mirroring that of these entities. Because you believe you are not free and because you believe that death is an ending to life, you make yourself vulnerable on earth to contractual entities, such as the Reptilians, who believe they have rights beyond your soul’s collective agreements. But this, of course, is not true. The moment you claim your sovereignty and act upon it in all areas of your human life is the moment that you revoke these malevolent soul contracts. Knowing you are free to choose on the earth mirrors the freedom to choose at death; or perceived death which is actually a continuum of expansion. It is one and the same. Energetically speaking, contracts upon your soul are like the legal binding of an agreement unsigned by you. One party may have intended to uphold its terms, but unless agreed upon by you, the terms cannot be legalized or carried out.
Soul contracts allow access to your records and this is the most damaging, as well as rewarding, aspect of their placement. Once a Reptilian contract is placed, the party wishing for it to be signed becomes not unlike a salesman with access to your personal information. The goal of these beings is death of the soul; because even when alive, the human soul can mimic death, making this contractual agreement a sure thing. This is an attachment entity: a pesky salesman accessing your information to defeat the soul; to place it at a lesser value among others or itself to ensure it meets an end goal.
The information accessed becomes not only your present life experience, but also soul experiences through time. Being of the mind, Reptilian hybrids aim to focus the soul in fear of its current timeline energies, raising up and playing out human and interdimensional experiences that match it from the past. These beings are using your karmic information to keep you playing out human experiences of suffering, defeating the soul and making it likely that its energy becomes theirs. Much of this endeavor has relied also on separating humans from their own race or Source, further calling their attention into physical, mimicking a perceived lack of control or that they are powerless.
However, the opposite may also play out in ET contracts from birth which are coded to accessing Akashic history benefitting your creative energy. This brings timeline energy to the surface by interfacing with your God-like awareness through extra-sensory abilities and unique aspects of your soul through time. This is the positive aspect of soul contracts that are ever-evolving and connecting your human experience with multi-dimensional consciousness. Your crystalline DNA is activated by the unfolding of these contractual agreements.
Human/Reptilian Ascension
In order to become part of this earth hologram, Reptilians became one with you. They are as much a part of your collective as plants, animals, the human soul and the many elements that exist here. To believe that you may be separate of them is false. To understand that you allow them to modify your thinking is the first step to ascension of yourselves and their race; because ultimately, you are here with great purpose and they have become a significant part of your human story.
They are challenging you to believe in yourselves harder; to focus your attention on each other and to see with great clarity the powerful creators you are. For the Reptilians to desire your creative energy so much that they took on bodies here should show evidence of your God-like power. Your continued ascension is the only vehicle for their own. So when you are looking at your physical reality in fear, shame or judgement, we ask that you realize it is not your vision. Pause and redirect yourself back to truth time and time again. Each time you focus your attention on your strength, holiness and aptitude to live at your highest potential, you are changing the energetic imprint of these beings. Since they are a part of you and you are a part of them, you are in your own war now of who will transmute who.
Attachments and contracts are often perceived only as negative aspects of your human reality. But, because humans and Reptilians are an integrated race, attachments and contracts are a natural evolution and blending of your energetic signature. It is not unlike the way in which you blend the energy of your aura with another human or a group of humans. Each energetic interaction with another human changes your vibration. So the question becomes, who is to blame for the passing of these entity attachments and contracts? Is it possible to single out humans who are carriers of these energies with distinct certainty? Or is this judgement upon another simply strengthening the Reptilian agenda on this planet?
We would say there are varying degrees of Reptilian attachment and contractual carriers but they may not be the ones you think. Every human, regardless of their position or energetic relationship to non-physical, are vulnerable to attachments, but it is the degree to which the soul is vibrating above fear that determines their expansion or confliction upon that individual. If a healer is suffering in his soul experience, a match must be made between him and the person receiving the healing for an entity attachment or contract to be shared. Contracts are not given or taken, they are simply matched and shared by all.
Many healers focused on energetic removal are here to provide you moments of clarity and freedom, such that the next energetic blending is quickly and easily neutralized and transmuted. You are carriers of these Reptilian energies back to Source; but you are also the ones who must decide to be Source before this can consistently happen.
There is no fear intended here, only a bird’s eye view of this tug of war between you and yourself. Do you choose a soul death while in this body? Or do you choose to ascend your soul in the body you are in, carrying all elements of its energy with you? This is why our focus for rebirthing the earth continues to be your own journey, your own beliefs and your own choices. If you perceive defeat, you create these defeats. You are the creator and the savior of your own soul, the planet and the human-reptilian dynamic.
The Reptilian agenda on earth continues to be a fearful topic in the conscious community. As humans, we have been trained into a frequency of separation, pointing fingers and holding those responsible for harming our earth to justice. But what if this concept of separation is actually keeping the Reptilian agenda alive? The following is a channeled writing that goes deep into the history and understanding of energetic attachments and contracts, how they work and the incredible power of humanity to ascend their own race, as well as those we believe are bringing the most harm to our planet.
Channeled by Micheila Sheldan
The beginning of the Reptilian history upon your planet started with a great war in Alpha Centauri. This war took place between the Alpha Centurians, mostly made up of Reptilian genetics, and the Grays who desired access to this star system for its beneficial genetic and elemental material.
Alpha Centauri, made of up many stars, was only inhabitable by those who could hold a physical vibration; an appropriate density for those who desired a physical form yet able to hold a non-physical focus. The planet was still in formation. The Grays had assimilated to a more physical density and desired to expand their locations throughout the galactic universe for the many assignments they were carrying out.
When the Grays entered the star system, they began to change its frequency to a more dense physical vibration and this had a great affect upon the Reptilians. Although they were a hybrid race upon Alpha Centauri and focused in physical, they still maintained much of their genetic predisposition to non-physical. Reptilians are shapeshifters. They are designed to move between dimensions and galactic locations very easily. But with the Grays now taking over their star system, this ability in them began to diminish and they were forced to leave their home. The earth and humans upon it were most vulnerable for a physical, hybrid species to integrate. The earth was governed by the Unity of Light Council of 9 at this time, a collective of beings overseeing movement between species, races and planets. This council has now disbanded and become focused in other areas, and new collectives have been formed for similar yet more expansive oversight.
The Alpha Centurians accepted a plea from the Unity of Light Council of 9. If they were to have rights and access to the earth, in exchange they would create hybrid humans to continue to expand their genome. In other words, their race could not exist separate of humans, but would integrate themselves into the human race for survival and expansion of both races in the highest integrity.
The Reptilian collective had been banished from the Universal Table of Law for too many ill encounters with ET races, changing their genetics in ways not suitable to the Law of One; so careful oversight of Reptilian involvement in the human genome was required. Representatives of the Reptilian collective were initiated into 12th dimensional project by clearing their energetic patterning of ill intention that would repeat historic events not serving the universe. These 12th Dimensional Reptilians became integrated into galactic councils for the betterment of their own race and all others.
Even though measures were being taken by councils and within the genetic makeup of the Reptilian collective, many races remained in fear of their potential to change timelines in ways not supportive of the universe. As this pact was being made, another war ensured within the Reptilian Collective. A toxin was used against them by the Tall Whites to keep them from reproducing with other races and within themselves. The tall whites are hybrid versions of Annunaki and were taking action against the Reptilians to keep them from carrying out potential timelines deemed destructive.
As these toxins were injected into the Reptilian Collective, there were several results:
1. The race became unable to recreate or duplicate their original genome.
2. There was a separation of Reptilian energies based on genetics. As they had evolved away from their original race, some of the species took on characteristics not serving their highest good. This separation within the Reptilian race was an attempt to not destroy, but reunite them with their higher density blueprints; to keep those genetically predisposed to higher vibration clear of hybridization with others and able to beneficially create.
3. Some accepted this transition and were re-introduced to the Light or their original form, ascending into a benevolent race of beings. Others, not accepting this foreign experience, resisted the transition and began to suffer in their own skins. A timeline split ensued.
Many of those Reptilians who chose not to ascend came to earth and further hybridized into genetic leaches of human DNA. Their aim was to co-create a new race with humans, but this intention has gone haywire. In an attempt to create with humans, a manipulation of their structure ensued, weakening the human genome to its limited physically focused DNA strands.
Physical is a density that is conducive to how the Reptilians on earth must operate. The reason for this is that they, starting as a higher density organism in non-physical, found themselves on a planet not complementary to their simplified and ascended structure. In many respects, the Reptilians on earth have become a race their own; shapeshifting between physical and non-physical and attaching their energy to the souls they believe they won or deserved in an agreement that is no longer valid.
Reptilian Attachments
Reptilian soul attachments are what we wish to explain in detail for they are very misunderstood by humans. When the energy of a Reptilian attaches itself to the soul of a human, its purpose is solely to co-create. The reason the human race is so valuable to these beings and others is that humans are effortless creators. They are flowing in a creative soup of human experience with the will and ability to choose outside of any collective structure, both strengthening itself and the collective. What this collective group of earth-bound Reptilians requires is the ability to become a collective Source creator. They are weakened in their ability to live beyond the earth and they are as much in crisis as what humans believe to be in their own collective experience.
An attached Reptilian entity is a holographic connection of a human physical soul mirroring its intentions. When a Reptilian ‘attempts’ to claim your soul, they must start incrementally by taking over your will. It is not unlike leasing a car. When you are making small, incremental payments, you are beginning to feel as if the car is yours. You believe that you own it and it takes on your energy. Now, you are making decisions for the car, telling it where to go and what to do. Sometimes you remember that you don’t fully own the vehicle and have to turn it back in, but it doesn’t stop you from using the term, “my car”.
As a Reptilian energy attaches, it is beginning the process of contracting for your soul. This Reptilian may be a physical entity living on earth in some form. There are Reptilian, Reptilian-hybrid and what we would call Human Hybrid Reptilians existing on this earth. Reptilians in physical are not often seen on earth because they cannot exist in the presence of sunlight. They must dwell underground or in caves and dark caverns. They are a weakened race and not living well here on earth. Their energy fields or consciousness most affects humans due to their mere presence on this planet, not any malevolent activities upon humans.
Reptilian Hybrids are holding the non-physical energy of these physical beings, as well as the energy of other malevolent creatures that have accessed them. These are the most onerous ones that affect humans. Think of it this way. A physical Reptilian collective became so weakened and saddened by their plight that they attracted all others by which to comingle their activities. Reptilian Hybrids are a mix of ET genetics that have taken or have an agenda to use this planet for their activities. They shapeshift mostly into non-physical form and have strengthened their genome to not worry about solar rays and higher frequencies.
Human Hybrid Reptilians are ones whose DNA most closely matches that of the original Reptilian species coming to earth. They appear human in form but are carrying out tasks upon this planet to ensure the enslavement of the human DNA. This is mostly through frequency modification or distortions of your true nature.
Reptilian Contracts
Reptilian contracts cannot be engaged until the human soul has left the planet. The purpose of contracts, as defined by human law, is to allow a soul to be fragmented and reclaimed by the representative ET races whose energy embodies the human at birth and through death.
When you became embodied upon this planet, you arrived with a series of collective contractual agreements with your cosmic families. These are embedded within your DNA and consist of the races closest to you resonating through time. You have served them and they have served you. The knowledge you acquire in a human body is meant to be shared via the cosmic Akashic system. The way in which this system works is through soul fragmentation.
You are a representative of light based on millenniums of contractual agreements. These agreements are not only with ET races, but also with humans and Ascended Masters. You do not remember your agreements because, if you were, it would be an overwhelming amount of information to tap into each day in this physical density. Nonetheless, you knew upon coming that these contractual agreements became the basis for your creative energy; serving you, the earth and the galactic universe.
You are a sovereign, free being. There are many contractual energies that exist upon your soul manifested and mirroring that of these entities. Because you believe you are not free and because you believe that death is an ending to life, you make yourself vulnerable on earth to contractual entities, such as the Reptilians, who believe they have rights beyond your soul’s collective agreements. But this, of course, is not true. The moment you claim your sovereignty and act upon it in all areas of your human life is the moment that you revoke these malevolent soul contracts. Knowing you are free to choose on the earth mirrors the freedom to choose at death; or perceived death which is actually a continuum of expansion. It is one and the same. Energetically speaking, contracts upon your soul are like the legal binding of an agreement unsigned by you. One party may have intended to uphold its terms, but unless agreed upon by you, the terms cannot be legalized or carried out.
Soul contracts allow access to your records and this is the most damaging, as well as rewarding, aspect of their placement. Once a Reptilian contract is placed, the party wishing for it to be signed becomes not unlike a salesman with access to your personal information. The goal of these beings is death of the soul; because even when alive, the human soul can mimic death, making this contractual agreement a sure thing. This is an attachment entity: a pesky salesman accessing your information to defeat the soul; to place it at a lesser value among others or itself to ensure it meets an end goal.
The information accessed becomes not only your present life experience, but also soul experiences through time. Being of the mind, Reptilian hybrids aim to focus the soul in fear of its current timeline energies, raising up and playing out human and interdimensional experiences that match it from the past. These beings are using your karmic information to keep you playing out human experiences of suffering, defeating the soul and making it likely that its energy becomes theirs. Much of this endeavor has relied also on separating humans from their own race or Source, further calling their attention into physical, mimicking a perceived lack of control or that they are powerless.
However, the opposite may also play out in ET contracts from birth which are coded to accessing Akashic history benefitting your creative energy. This brings timeline energy to the surface by interfacing with your God-like awareness through extra-sensory abilities and unique aspects of your soul through time. This is the positive aspect of soul contracts that are ever-evolving and connecting your human experience with multi-dimensional consciousness. Your crystalline DNA is activated by the unfolding of these contractual agreements.
Human/Reptilian Ascension
In order to become part of this earth hologram, Reptilians became one with you. They are as much a part of your collective as plants, animals, the human soul and the many elements that exist here. To believe that you may be separate of them is false. To understand that you allow them to modify your thinking is the first step to ascension of yourselves and their race; because ultimately, you are here with great purpose and they have become a significant part of your human story.
They are challenging you to believe in yourselves harder; to focus your attention on each other and to see with great clarity the powerful creators you are. For the Reptilians to desire your creative energy so much that they took on bodies here should show evidence of your God-like power. Your continued ascension is the only vehicle for their own. So when you are looking at your physical reality in fear, shame or judgement, we ask that you realize it is not your vision. Pause and redirect yourself back to truth time and time again. Each time you focus your attention on your strength, holiness and aptitude to live at your highest potential, you are changing the energetic imprint of these beings. Since they are a part of you and you are a part of them, you are in your own war now of who will transmute who.
Attachments and contracts are often perceived only as negative aspects of your human reality. But, because humans and Reptilians are an integrated race, attachments and contracts are a natural evolution and blending of your energetic signature. It is not unlike the way in which you blend the energy of your aura with another human or a group of humans. Each energetic interaction with another human changes your vibration. So the question becomes, who is to blame for the passing of these entity attachments and contracts? Is it possible to single out humans who are carriers of these energies with distinct certainty? Or is this judgement upon another simply strengthening the Reptilian agenda on this planet?
We would say there are varying degrees of Reptilian attachment and contractual carriers but they may not be the ones you think. Every human, regardless of their position or energetic relationship to non-physical, are vulnerable to attachments, but it is the degree to which the soul is vibrating above fear that determines their expansion or confliction upon that individual. If a healer is suffering in his soul experience, a match must be made between him and the person receiving the healing for an entity attachment or contract to be shared. Contracts are not given or taken, they are simply matched and shared by all.
Many healers focused on energetic removal are here to provide you moments of clarity and freedom, such that the next energetic blending is quickly and easily neutralized and transmuted. You are carriers of these Reptilian energies back to Source; but you are also the ones who must decide to be Source before this can consistently happen.
There is no fear intended here, only a bird’s eye view of this tug of war between you and yourself. Do you choose a soul death while in this body? Or do you choose to ascend your soul in the body you are in, carrying all elements of its energy with you? This is why our focus for rebirthing the earth continues to be your own journey, your own beliefs and your own choices. If you perceive defeat, you create these defeats. You are the creator and the savior of your own soul, the planet and the human-reptilian dynamic.
“How do I become Exoconscious?” a woman asked, gripping the mic. Affirmation murmured undertones waved through the conference participants.
The answer to “How do I become Exoconscious” lies within the question. It’s not a Sphinx riddle or a yogi trick question. The answer is one word—Conscious.
I become Exoconscious as I become Conscious.
Becoming conscious can be exhausting, pushing beyond our physical and emotional limits, even cracking our spiritual bedrock, our core.
Nevertheless, each human has the tools because Exoconsciousness is the innate ability of all humans to connect, communicate and co-create with extraterrestrials and non-human intelligences. Every human, equipped with consciousness, has the hardware and the software necessary for Exoconsciousness. But, to becoQme Exoconscious, we must be conscious. We must use, train and develop our conscious abilities.
From Unconscious to Conscious Contact
Many of us experience ET contact in an unconscious state: out of body, in dream-state, in dream-like physical paralysis, or in what feels like an artificial matrix. These primarily unconscious states of contact are real. The experiencer may remember and recollect fragments of their contact in those states, yet it primarily remains unconscious.
To become Exoconscious, we must be conscious during ET experiences. And that means we become conscious, even during altered states. This happens gradually and many experts are available to teach us lucid dreaming, conscious out of body travel, remaining conscious during varying states of consciousness, and intending to bring unconscious reactions and beliefs to consciousness.
Structure of Exoconscious Conscious ET Contact
As awakening occurs, reality shifts and contact changes as a state of Exoconsciousness progressively unfolds. Exoconsciousness is not a one-time event, as in I saw an ET, or an orb, or a UFO. It is a gradually evolving state. Events may cause humans to awaken and change their reality. But, at some point, the experiencer must engage the event, examine its meaning, integrate the experience into their self-identity, and learn to invite increased contact.
Exoconsciousness is sourced in ongoing ET contact, over a span of time. Becoming conscious of our ET contact often involves years of self-examination and gradual integration of multiple contact experiences. Yet, the process differs in everyone. Each ET experiencer, at some time, may discover that their ET contact is now completely conscious. When they wish contact, they invite the ETs. When the ETs wish contact, they consciously hear the request. When they receive an ET message, they do so consciously. There is no trance or hypnogogic state. There is now a conscious relationship.
The Exoconscious experiencer’s self is awake or conscious. Their ET contact integrates into their daily life, becoming a source of information and energy that they consciously tap. Fear, trauma flashbacks, anger, and the host of other emotional reactions no longer inhibit the Exoconscious. They break through the veil of separation between themselves and ETs. Humans and ETs are one in the same way that any close relationship forms intimacy and oneness. And yet, they are separate, sovereign beings.
Learning to Control our Mind
Being in control of one’s mind is filled with potholes and detours. We learn by experience. We learn by both integration and release. We ask—how, where, and why does this ET contact belong to me, to my consciousness? Do I integrate it or release it? Because, when we control our minds during contact, we choose the form and boundaries of our contact. We create a safe contact space. When we are conscious, we can freely choose to fully integrate or discard portions of our experience. It is our choice.
Exoconsciousness as a choice is based on intention. Who am I? Who am I becoming? Who am I in conscious relationship with ETs. What kind of ET relationship do I wish to create? What are my boundaries and my desires? Intention requires clarity and wisdom. Clarity means removing all blinders that inhibit conscious awareness during ET contact. Intention is not a game or a computer parapsychic experiment; it is the foundation of the soul and spirit transformation we choose this lifetime. We can choose to integrate ETs into our daily practice and work. We can choose to integrate ETs into our identity or not. We control our minds. We control our decisions. We set safe circumstances for contact. We engineer the structure of our relationship with ETs.
Learning to Integrate and Mature through ET Contact
Exoconsciousness is based on integration and maturity. It is a lengthy process that moves through the initial excitement of ET contact—the messages and experiences received. We all receive messages. We all have experiences, many similar. Excitement is a phase. Eventually, this initial excitement phase quiets and we move into a deeper stage of calm contact.
Exoconscious integration and maturity take time because our human nature is tricky. And we need to learn to short circuit the old tricky network that was imprinted in our emotional body, beginning in our early years of Earth life. If we did not form secure and healthy attachments in our early years, if our parents or others neglected us and emotionally or physically abandoned us, then we need to learn to re-parent and love ourselves. We need to learn to identify and control our old emotional reactions and replace them with a healthy and secure network of love and self-acceptance.
If you count yourself among the lucky ones who spent your childhood in a secure and sane home, then your path is much smoother. Your maturity and integration may be easier. Yet, your initial ET experiences may still challenge your security, shift your reality. And then you, also, will be faced with reengineering your reality to integrate and mature.
ET experiencers integrate and mature as we reengineer our reality or reparent ourselves. Gradually we form a new reality which is holistic—mind, body and spirit. It is hard work. A 3-D slog.
We are all responsible for our own work. ETs do not do this 3D work for us. It is our personal responsibility. Fortunately, our human consciousness supplies us with all the tools and techniques we need.
Rebecca Hardcastle Wright created the term “Exoconsciousness” in a series of articles, blogs, presentations and her book, Exoconsciousness: Your 21st Century Mind. She is the founder of the non-profit, Institute for Exoconsciousness, and is a leading expert in consciousness and extraterrestrial contact. Please visit
“How do I become Exoconscious?” a woman asked, gripping the mic. Affirmation murmured undertones waved through the conference participants.
The answer to “How do I become Exoconscious” lies within the question. It’s not a Sphinx riddle or a yogi trick question. The answer is one word—Conscious.
I become Exoconscious as I become Conscious.
Becoming conscious can be exhausting, pushing beyond our physical and emotional limits, even cracking our spiritual bedrock, our core.
Nevertheless, each human has the tools because Exoconsciousness is the innate ability of all humans to connect, communicate and co-create with extraterrestrials and non-human intelligences. Every human, equipped with consciousness, has the hardware and the software necessary for Exoconsciousness. But, to becoQme Exoconscious, we must be conscious. We must use, train and develop our conscious abilities.
From Unconscious to Conscious Contact
Many of us experience ET contact in an unconscious state: out of body, in dream-state, in dream-like physical paralysis, or in what feels like an artificial matrix. These primarily unconscious states of contact are real. The experiencer may remember and recollect fragments of their contact in those states, yet it primarily remains unconscious.
To become Exoconscious, we must be conscious during ET experiences. And that means we become conscious, even during altered states. This happens gradually and many experts are available to teach us lucid dreaming, conscious out of body travel, remaining conscious during varying states of consciousness, and intending to bring unconscious reactions and beliefs to consciousness.
Structure of Exoconscious Conscious ET Contact
As awakening occurs, reality shifts and contact changes as a state of Exoconsciousness progressively unfolds. Exoconsciousness is not a one-time event, as in I saw an ET, or an orb, or a UFO. It is a gradually evolving state. Events may cause humans to awaken and change their reality. But, at some point, the experiencer must engage the event, examine its meaning, integrate the experience into their self-identity, and learn to invite increased contact.
Exoconsciousness is sourced in ongoing ET contact, over a span of time. Becoming conscious of our ET contact often involves years of self-examination and gradual integration of multiple contact experiences. Yet, the process differs in everyone. Each ET experiencer, at some time, may discover that their ET contact is now completely conscious. When they wish contact, they invite the ETs. When the ETs wish contact, they consciously hear the request. When they receive an ET message, they do so consciously. There is no trance or hypnogogic state. There is now a conscious relationship.
The Exoconscious experiencer’s self is awake or conscious. Their ET contact integrates into their daily life, becoming a source of information and energy that they consciously tap. Fear, trauma flashbacks, anger, and the host of other emotional reactions no longer inhibit the Exoconscious. They break through the veil of separation between themselves and ETs. Humans and ETs are one in the same way that any close relationship forms intimacy and oneness. And yet, they are separate, sovereign beings.
Learning to Control our Mind
Being in control of one’s mind is filled with potholes and detours. We learn by experience. We learn by both integration and release. We ask—how, where, and why does this ET contact belong to me, to my consciousness? Do I integrate it or release it? Because, when we control our minds during contact, we choose the form and boundaries of our contact. We create a safe contact space. When we are conscious, we can freely choose to fully integrate or discard portions of our experience. It is our choice.
Exoconsciousness as a choice is based on intention. Who am I? Who am I becoming? Who am I in conscious relationship with ETs. What kind of ET relationship do I wish to create? What are my boundaries and my desires? Intention requires clarity and wisdom. Clarity means removing all blinders that inhibit conscious awareness during ET contact. Intention is not a game or a computer parapsychic experiment; it is the foundation of the soul and spirit transformation we choose this lifetime. We can choose to integrate ETs into our daily practice and work. We can choose to integrate ETs into our identity or not. We control our minds. We control our decisions. We set safe circumstances for contact. We engineer the structure of our relationship with ETs.
Learning to Integrate and Mature through ET Contact
Exoconsciousness is based on integration and maturity. It is a lengthy process that moves through the initial excitement of ET contact—the messages and experiences received. We all receive messages. We all have experiences, many similar. Excitement is a phase. Eventually, this initial excitement phase quiets and we move into a deeper stage of calm contact.
Exoconscious integration and maturity take time because our human nature is tricky. And we need to learn to short circuit the old tricky network that was imprinted in our emotional body, beginning in our early years of Earth life. If we did not form secure and healthy attachments in our early years, if our parents or others neglected us and emotionally or physically abandoned us, then we need to learn to re-parent and love ourselves. We need to learn to identify and control our old emotional reactions and replace them with a healthy and secure network of love and self-acceptance.
If you count yourself among the lucky ones who spent your childhood in a secure and sane home, then your path is much smoother. Your maturity and integration may be easier. Yet, your initial ET experiences may still challenge your security, shift your reality. And then you, also, will be faced with reengineering your reality to integrate and mature.
ET experiencers integrate and mature as we reengineer our reality or reparent ourselves. Gradually we form a new reality which is holistic—mind, body and spirit. It is hard work. A 3-D slog.
We are all responsible for our own work. ETs do not do this 3D work for us. It is our personal responsibility. Fortunately, our human consciousness supplies us with all the tools and techniques we need.
Rebecca Hardcastle Wright created the term “Exoconsciousness” in a series of articles, blogs, presentations and her book, Exoconsciousness: Your 21st Century Mind. She is the founder of the non-profit, Institute for Exoconsciousness, and is a leading expert in consciousness and extraterrestrial contact. Please visit
If you were to imagine yourself at the center of the earth, holding in your hand the key to all creation, what would you desire for this planet? All of these desires, when found within you and reflected to the collective, are amplified by the frequency of self-love. In this channeled writing, Quan Yin speaks on behalf of a Divine Feminine Collective about the importance of our journey back to self-love and unleashing our inner Supreme Being.
Channeled by Micheila Sheldan
Marrying the mind and the heart is often a difficult task on this earthly plane. The mind and heart tend to go in opposite directions when it comes to perceiving the self and the way in which to craft your reality. These tools – the heart and the mind – when working in concert allow a flow or orchestration of human reality that is effortless. But the question is, how do we allow these tools to work in concert when they have consistently run opposite patterns of each other through time?
The Supreme Being, the Source or God, is a whole being, a one consciousness. This means that it sees itself not separate of all things, but a unique reflection of this ever expanding collective. You are this Supreme Being captured in a fragment of light that expanded itself through time. As a young child, you were taught to become very self-aware. Self-awareness in and of itself is not wrong, but it is the way in which your awareness of the self has evolved that causes reason for pause.
You, as a young reflection of your parents and family, began to take on the standards of this reflection; meaning that you weren’t developing self-awareness, so much as you were taught awareness of the self through comparison of others. Comparison is the first activity that began to separate the mind and heart. Because as you were created unlike any other yet forced to see where you were alike, a very precious part of your Being dislodged itself from Source. You, in a moment of realization that all things must compare their likeness to all things, became focused into the mind absent of the heart. How is it that you could be true and authentic to that which lies in your heart while upholding a repetitive standard of what has already been seen on this earth? This acceptance of self-regulation to a human standard of those around you was the very first time you limited your perspective and identified not as Supreme Being, but as a being attempting to find the Supreme through others. This is the basis of how your creative energy became hijacked and did not benefit you or others on this planet.
Coming as this fragment of light, this essence of Supreme Being, you were connected not to a standard, but to an endless energy of love. The basis of this love, the self, would carry you through human experience to create beyond what those on this earth who had walked in human shoes had done before. What this fragment of light supplied to you is unlike what it had given to any other; a connection that goes beyond time to route you home and to carry your attention always to your inner desires as the basis for creation. Because if you were to create a human life to its fullest and highest potential, your inner desires and knowings were to be the basis of this creation. So understanding yourself as Supreme Being, the only one who can choose, desire and prefer what is right for itself, is the only frequency of Source to tap into.
The mind and the heart are a human technology that work together to transform your reality. Ancient civilizations were taught by the Gods to amplify the frequency of love to move objects and manifest physicality. This love, however, is bigger than what humanity is currently capable of holding. And we are here to offer an explanation for how to recover and hold this frequency for all of mankind; a sacred geometric reconnection that strengthens your earth and universe, allowing only the highest and best for all beings. This process must start humbly within each of you; a personal journey back to God that calls your Supreme Being to the table of creation. And it may be easier than you believe.
If you were to imagine yourself at the center of the earth, holding in your hand the key to all creation, what would you desire for this planet? Health, happiness, peace, abundance? All of these desires, when found within you and reflected to the collective are amplified by the frequency of self-love. So our first recommendation to reactivate your realization that you are Supreme Being is to turn your reflection inward to all of the unique and beautiful aspects of your current reality. Spend a moment there and really feel into this aspect of you; the one that sourced and continues to source abundance. Take an inventory now of the people, places and experiences you have manifested in this life; even the ones that have caused you pain or sorrow. Were these not the evidence of your creator energy? Could it be the random nature of the planet that you arrived at these exact things in your physical journey? Do you see how powerful you are?
Now we know that in this evaluation, you may find means to criticize your creator abilities. That perhaps you, unknowingly, manifested things that were not in your highest and best. Pause here and really feel into your heart on this. Could you have evolved to the Supreme Being you are today had you not encountered these events? And could it be that all involved in these events are released from judgement by you or others for their actions? Feel the peace in this! Peace is not a consequence of taking action upon others, but an allowance of currency for yourself to create beyond this current timeline. Peace enables the Supreme Being no restrictions in the amount of energy flowing into creation. Peace is for you and for all others. Because when you are free of restrictions and judgements, you are moving through space and time creating as Source. This is the first step to freeing humanity from the separation of the mind and heart. You are not responsible for the judgement others. You are only able to judge yourself to the degree that you perceive yourself separate of all others. Judgement has become a basis for mind and heart to flow separately of each other.
The mind and the heart, when aligned for the self, are a conscious technology that manifests at the highest degree. Your life is a sacred entanglement of all human life. If it is not lived to its fullest, most joyful and highest potential, the human race suffers the consequence. What we most often notice is that humans look to their outer world as the reason for their limitation. They are not good enough, successful enough, beautiful enough, or capable enough in their own eyes. Holding these beliefs in the mind stifles the heart which already knows you are Supreme Being. When you tell your consciousness that you are not beautiful enough, the world you know becomes less beautiful; for you are the reflection into the collective that draws itself back to you. And if this reflection shows itself to you in this way, it also feeds into the consciousness of others, creating a similar collective reality.
Practice the feeling of knowing who you are by allowing a steady flow of human experience to validate your consciousness. There is no other being on this planet meant to experience human reality in the same way. When you begin to accept yourself as the Supreme Being, Creator of your life, you allow others to also do the same; releasing them from a perceived responsibility that they must follow any one path.
The heart and mind operating as One is something not foreign to you. Many have had fleeting moments of surrender into self-love so high that they found themselves in the midst of joyful, exciting human experiences. This is what we desire for you as the first step into human reconnection.
If you were to imagine yourself at the center of the earth, holding in your hand the key to all creation, what would you desire for this planet? All of these desires, when found within you and reflected to the collective, are amplified by the frequency of self-love. In this channeled writing, Quan Yin speaks on behalf of a Divine Feminine Collective about the importance of our journey back to self-love and unleashing our inner Supreme Being.
Channeled by Micheila Sheldan
Marrying the mind and the heart is often a difficult task on this earthly plane. The mind and heart tend to go in opposite directions when it comes to perceiving the self and the way in which to craft your reality. These tools – the heart and the mind – when working in concert allow a flow or orchestration of human reality that is effortless. But the question is, how do we allow these tools to work in concert when they have consistently run opposite patterns of each other through time?
The Supreme Being, the Source or God, is a whole being, a one consciousness. This means that it sees itself not separate of all things, but a unique reflection of this ever expanding collective. You are this Supreme Being captured in a fragment of light that expanded itself through time. As a young child, you were taught to become very self-aware. Self-awareness in and of itself is not wrong, but it is the way in which your awareness of the self has evolved that causes reason for pause.
You, as a young reflection of your parents and family, began to take on the standards of this reflection; meaning that you weren’t developing self-awareness, so much as you were taught awareness of the self through comparison of others. Comparison is the first activity that began to separate the mind and heart. Because as you were created unlike any other yet forced to see where you were alike, a very precious part of your Being dislodged itself from Source. You, in a moment of realization that all things must compare their likeness to all things, became focused into the mind absent of the heart. How is it that you could be true and authentic to that which lies in your heart while upholding a repetitive standard of what has already been seen on this earth? This acceptance of self-regulation to a human standard of those around you was the very first time you limited your perspective and identified not as Supreme Being, but as a being attempting to find the Supreme through others. This is the basis of how your creative energy became hijacked and did not benefit you or others on this planet.
Coming as this fragment of light, this essence of Supreme Being, you were connected not to a standard, but to an endless energy of love. The basis of this love, the self, would carry you through human experience to create beyond what those on this earth who had walked in human shoes had done before. What this fragment of light supplied to you is unlike what it had given to any other; a connection that goes beyond time to route you home and to carry your attention always to your inner desires as the basis for creation. Because if you were to create a human life to its fullest and highest potential, your inner desires and knowings were to be the basis of this creation. So understanding yourself as Supreme Being, the only one who can choose, desire and prefer what is right for itself, is the only frequency of Source to tap into.
The mind and the heart are a human technology that work together to transform your reality. Ancient civilizations were taught by the Gods to amplify the frequency of love to move objects and manifest physicality. This love, however, is bigger than what humanity is currently capable of holding. And we are here to offer an explanation for how to recover and hold this frequency for all of mankind; a sacred geometric reconnection that strengthens your earth and universe, allowing only the highest and best for all beings. This process must start humbly within each of you; a personal journey back to God that calls your Supreme Being to the table of creation. And it may be easier than you believe.
If you were to imagine yourself at the center of the earth, holding in your hand the key to all creation, what would you desire for this planet? Health, happiness, peace, abundance? All of these desires, when found within you and reflected to the collective are amplified by the frequency of self-love. So our first recommendation to reactivate your realization that you are Supreme Being is to turn your reflection inward to all of the unique and beautiful aspects of your current reality. Spend a moment there and really feel into this aspect of you; the one that sourced and continues to source abundance. Take an inventory now of the people, places and experiences you have manifested in this life; even the ones that have caused you pain or sorrow. Were these not the evidence of your creator energy? Could it be the random nature of the planet that you arrived at these exact things in your physical journey? Do you see how powerful you are?
Now we know that in this evaluation, you may find means to criticize your creator abilities. That perhaps you, unknowingly, manifested things that were not in your highest and best. Pause here and really feel into your heart on this. Could you have evolved to the Supreme Being you are today had you not encountered these events? And could it be that all involved in these events are released from judgement by you or others for their actions? Feel the peace in this! Peace is not a consequence of taking action upon others, but an allowance of currency for yourself to create beyond this current timeline. Peace enables the Supreme Being no restrictions in the amount of energy flowing into creation. Peace is for you and for all others. Because when you are free of restrictions and judgements, you are moving through space and time creating as Source. This is the first step to freeing humanity from the separation of the mind and heart. You are not responsible for the judgement others. You are only able to judge yourself to the degree that you perceive yourself separate of all others. Judgement has become a basis for mind and heart to flow separately of each other.
The mind and the heart, when aligned for the self, are a conscious technology that manifests at the highest degree. Your life is a sacred entanglement of all human life. If it is not lived to its fullest, most joyful and highest potential, the human race suffers the consequence. What we most often notice is that humans look to their outer world as the reason for their limitation. They are not good enough, successful enough, beautiful enough, or capable enough in their own eyes. Holding these beliefs in the mind stifles the heart which already knows you are Supreme Being. When you tell your consciousness that you are not beautiful enough, the world you know becomes less beautiful; for you are the reflection into the collective that draws itself back to you. And if this reflection shows itself to you in this way, it also feeds into the consciousness of others, creating a similar collective reality.
Practice the feeling of knowing who you are by allowing a steady flow of human experience to validate your consciousness. There is no other being on this planet meant to experience human reality in the same way. When you begin to accept yourself as the Supreme Being, Creator of your life, you allow others to also do the same; releasing them from a perceived responsibility that they must follow any one path.
The heart and mind operating as One is something not foreign to you. Many have had fleeting moments of surrender into self-love so high that they found themselves in the midst of joyful, exciting human experiences. This is what we desire for you as the first step into human reconnection.
The Pleiadians channeled through Micheila Sheldan.
In every moment of every day, we are making choices that create our reality. But are we really seeing the full spectrum of possibility or adhering to a perceived lack of freedom that colors our creative ability? The Pleiadians come to share important messages with us about how we are operating in this collective hologram and what it really means to live and choose freely.
Imagine yourself behind the cockpit of an airplane. You are the pilot able to select the destination of your choice. As you take your seat, a directive comes down from the control tower stating that you must choose only from a few options, narrowing your potential to a small number of locations. As this directive comes, you feel the subtle drop of your heart as a slight heaviness settles in. Even though one or two of your preferences may have been offered in this smaller set of possibilities, the realization that you did not choose them just made a huge difference in your energy body. Your anticipation and excitement wanes, and your sense of freedom is restricted.
Most humans find themselves in the cockpit daily, with an abundance of choices and possibilities. They perceive the voice outside of them directing their free will to be that of the planet, society, relationships and government. Yet this is a false pretense. The voice that the pilot heard from the cockpit was actually his own.
Societal mimicking of restrictions on your freedoms is what keeps these physical pretenses valid limitations to creating your reality. The laws and rules that you as a human consciousness believe are merely fleeting decisions kept alive through mass elevation of perceived consequences if not followed. The governments and media on your planet enforce these beliefs by showing you these consequences each day. In very indirect ways, they make a lasting imprint on your brain, your psyche.
What if we told you that you are not abiding by laws so much as you are keeping these restrictions of freedoms alive through a subconscious training into fear of the consequences? The laws themselves are only an energetic timeline that uphold a perceived physical relationship in the here and now to a transient future undecided.
We have given you a very broad and collective example here. Yet this premise is alive every single day in the beliefs you design for yourself based on perceived consequences. Even if not in fear of being attacked, getting in a car accident or going to war, humans are constantly restricting their freedoms based on future projections of lack, limitation or loss. “If I don’t comply, this may happen” is a common thought pattern we see running in a variety of words and combinations. It can appear as subtly as, ‘I don’t know the terrain, so I may find trouble.” Or, “I am not sure this will be in my best interest, so I should avoid it.” Without exploring both sides of any possibility, you are limiting your destinations just as the pilot who was told he could only choose from a small number. This limitation of your thought process is a misguided attempt to keep future generations at bay. It is a chronic manipulation of your ability to perceive beyond fear of future outcomes that are negatively aligned. And it is happening in each moment, even as you believe you are choosing beyond this limitation.
When a collective is introduced to a holographic relationship of its own greatest fears and trained into a vibration of limitation, it becomes less apt to relate to itself as free. Freedom is not the ability to live in a society protected, but living as if no protection is needed. Freedom is a vibration of trust, not a right upheld by anyone outside of you. In the same way that the voice of the pilot was mimicked in the voice of the control tower, you are the very ones perceiving your freedoms are restricted. And in this perception, you are creating a hologram of restriction that continues to flourish today.
Another result of continued exposure to a limited perception of reality is the restriction of your energy fields. When the pilot felt his heart become heavy, this is representative of an energetic response in your field every single day when you perceive a limited number of opportunities based on any premise of restriction – money, time, relationships, governmental laws or your own self-worth and abilities.
So perhaps it is safe to say that restriction of energy is the end product of a perceived society limited in its freedoms. Because when your energy field is restricted, it cannot connect with possibility. You are, as vibrational beings, meant to see possibility in all things by drawing that which is it’s likeness to you to choose, to ponder, to rendezvous with. When your energy field is clinging to your physical form very closely, it is true that the world will seem less abundant. You will continue to replay old patterns because new patterns do not show themselves to you as opportunities.
As navigators, creators of your own journey, the first step in reversing this process of restriction is to start non-physically or in the energy field. Take very deep breaths and expand your energy outward as far as it can possibly go. Do you feel this expansion in non-physical? This is exactly what you are capable of in your physical reality!
And further, non-physical expansion requires that humans question and be present with each limiting thought. The process simply becomes, ‘is this true?” Truth is not a predestined reality, but a constant and ever-evolving process of creation. Truth moves and evolves as you do. Did you know that you carefully craft your own truth daily? From the time you wake in the morning until the time that you retire, you are taking in, processing and deciding on truth. Ultimately the hologram that you are creating relies on this unique perspective. Do you not wish to craft this truth to suit you? How does it feel knowing that you have this ability right now?
Finally, we know that many of you perceive the outer world as the cause of limitation on your freedoms. The way in which you communicate with yourself is the only outer reality your consciousness realizes and is concerned about. Your consciousness is the vehicle for creating and directing your physical life. It is the key to creation and manifestation. But your consciousness only operates from within you, not outside. Consciousness is only able to process the outer world as a reflection of itself. This is where we find many of you have gotten into trouble. Your outer world has become the impetus to show your consciousness truth. Yet the way you have been responding to your outer world has actually been the relationship between its perceived lack of freedoms and your acceptance of them.
Challenge this daily. Observe where your perceived lack of freedoms are coming from and take careful inventory, fasting from the things that take away any of your choices. Humanity is in the process of incrementally moving itself closer to its own sovereign relationship with earth. But this process does not start with change outside of you. This is a fight you cannot win. To live in a more free society, you must prove to your consciousness daily that you are free. And this activity can only start within.
The Pleiadians channeled through Micheila Sheldan.
In every moment of every day, we are making choices that create our reality. But are we really seeing the full spectrum of possibility or adhering to a perceived lack of freedom that colors our creative ability? The Pleiadians come to share important messages with us about how we are operating in this collective hologram and what it really means to live and choose freely.
Imagine yourself behind the cockpit of an airplane. You are the pilot able to select the destination of your choice. As you take your seat, a directive comes down from the control tower stating that you must choose only from a few options, narrowing your potential to a small number of locations. As this directive comes, you feel the subtle drop of your heart as a slight heaviness settles in. Even though one or two of your preferences may have been offered in this smaller set of possibilities, the realization that you did not choose them just made a huge difference in your energy body. Your anticipation and excitement wanes, and your sense of freedom is restricted.
Most humans find themselves in the cockpit daily, with an abundance of choices and possibilities. They perceive the voice outside of them directing their free will to be that of the planet, society, relationships and government. Yet this is a false pretense. The voice that the pilot heard from the cockpit was actually his own.
Societal mimicking of restrictions on your freedoms is what keeps these physical pretenses valid limitations to creating your reality. The laws and rules that you as a human consciousness believe are merely fleeting decisions kept alive through mass elevation of perceived consequences if not followed. The governments and media on your planet enforce these beliefs by showing you these consequences each day. In very indirect ways, they make a lasting imprint on your brain, your psyche.
What if we told you that you are not abiding by laws so much as you are keeping these restrictions of freedoms alive through a subconscious training into fear of the consequences? The laws themselves are only an energetic timeline that uphold a perceived physical relationship in the here and now to a transient future undecided.
We have given you a very broad and collective example here. Yet this premise is alive every single day in the beliefs you design for yourself based on perceived consequences. Even if not in fear of being attacked, getting in a car accident or going to war, humans are constantly restricting their freedoms based on future projections of lack, limitation or loss. “If I don’t comply, this may happen” is a common thought pattern we see running in a variety of words and combinations. It can appear as subtly as, ‘I don’t know the terrain, so I may find trouble.” Or, “I am not sure this will be in my best interest, so I should avoid it.” Without exploring both sides of any possibility, you are limiting your destinations just as the pilot who was told he could only choose from a small number. This limitation of your thought process is a misguided attempt to keep future generations at bay. It is a chronic manipulation of your ability to perceive beyond fear of future outcomes that are negatively aligned. And it is happening in each moment, even as you believe you are choosing beyond this limitation.
When a collective is introduced to a holographic relationship of its own greatest fears and trained into a vibration of limitation, it becomes less apt to relate to itself as free. Freedom is not the ability to live in a society protected, but living as if no protection is needed. Freedom is a vibration of trust, not a right upheld by anyone outside of you. In the same way that the voice of the pilot was mimicked in the voice of the control tower, you are the very ones perceiving your freedoms are restricted. And in this perception, you are creating a hologram of restriction that continues to flourish today.
Another result of continued exposure to a limited perception of reality is the restriction of your energy fields. When the pilot felt his heart become heavy, this is representative of an energetic response in your field every single day when you perceive a limited number of opportunities based on any premise of restriction – money, time, relationships, governmental laws or your own self-worth and abilities.
So perhaps it is safe to say that restriction of energy is the end product of a perceived society limited in its freedoms. Because when your energy field is restricted, it cannot connect with possibility. You are, as vibrational beings, meant to see possibility in all things by drawing that which is it’s likeness to you to choose, to ponder, to rendezvous with. When your energy field is clinging to your physical form very closely, it is true that the world will seem less abundant. You will continue to replay old patterns because new patterns do not show themselves to you as opportunities.
As navigators, creators of your own journey, the first step in reversing this process of restriction is to start non-physically or in the energy field. Take very deep breaths and expand your energy outward as far as it can possibly go. Do you feel this expansion in non-physical? This is exactly what you are capable of in your physical reality!
And further, non-physical expansion requires that humans question and be present with each limiting thought. The process simply becomes, ‘is this true?” Truth is not a predestined reality, but a constant and ever-evolving process of creation. Truth moves and evolves as you do. Did you know that you carefully craft your own truth daily? From the time you wake in the morning until the time that you retire, you are taking in, processing and deciding on truth. Ultimately the hologram that you are creating relies on this unique perspective. Do you not wish to craft this truth to suit you? How does it feel knowing that you have this ability right now?
Finally, we know that many of you perceive the outer world as the cause of limitation on your freedoms. The way in which you communicate with yourself is the only outer reality your consciousness realizes and is concerned about. Your consciousness is the vehicle for creating and directing your physical life. It is the key to creation and manifestation. But your consciousness only operates from within you, not outside. Consciousness is only able to process the outer world as a reflection of itself. This is where we find many of you have gotten into trouble. Your outer world has become the impetus to show your consciousness truth. Yet the way you have been responding to your outer world has actually been the relationship between its perceived lack of freedoms and your acceptance of them.
Challenge this daily. Observe where your perceived lack of freedoms are coming from and take careful inventory, fasting from the things that take away any of your choices. Humanity is in the process of incrementally moving itself closer to its own sovereign relationship with earth. But this process does not start with change outside of you. This is a fight you cannot win. To live in a more free society, you must prove to your consciousness daily that you are free. And this activity can only start within.
Channeled through Micheila Sheldan.
Our newsfeed is full of information about significant planetary alignments coming to change our earth. Do the planets alone determine our fate? Or do we, as humans, also have a role in how our earth is evolving? The Master Collective Unity of Light is made up of many Master Teachers and Ascended Masters who have been present on the earth including Archangel Michael, Metatron, Gabriel, Quan Yin and many more. In this channeled writing, we explore the idea that perhaps the planets alone are not the impetus for our continued ascension and also receive a pat on the back for our human contribution to the earth’s rebirth.
Many may still perceive that your earth is an ugly place, filled with people and experiences that are not aligned with your highest good. And we must agree that in physical these timelines still exist. However, we wish to explain the energetic processes already at play that uniquely position you to revisit an enlightened society once present on this earth. These energetic tools have now become the basis for physical manifestations that will look quite different to the naked eye than what your collective sees as its reality.
There is a basic understanding about the evolution of the stars and planets having a tremendous effect on your planet’s consciousness. This is, of course, a significant part of how your collective evolves and continues to create through experience. When collective planetary influences are triggered, each human structure adapts to that influence in some unique way. Uniqueness is the key to how you are the impetus for the result of these planetary influences.
As a unique vehicle or tool of collective consciousness, your response to these planetary alignments becomes the bridge to offering a new collective experience. Let us give you an example. Each time a lunar cycle is of collective significance, although targeted differently to your energy, there is a clearing of density. This density shows up in your field to the degree that your unique experience must change. Every time you experience an uprising of density, perhaps by revisiting something in your life that has yet to be healed, you are a part of a collective realignment. This realignment, through your singular vehicle, is assisting all others in their ascension. And this is how your planet has become well positioned through time to experience an enlightened reality.
There are several factors that are assisting this process we wish to explain. But first, if the above description is true, why has it taken so long for humans to reach this point of experiencing heaven on earth? As humans you have been subjected to clearing density and revisiting karma throughout history. Should this not have had an effect on this planet?
The speed of vibration here has been slowed from its original hertz frequency. This lowering of speed is the result of many factors that have kept you limited in your ability to affect the collective through your unique vehicle of consciousness. The separation of your energy fields, the disconnection from your female energy and your perception of singularity are all significant factors as to how this has taken place. Physical focus is not necessarily a negative aspect of your reality. Physicality is what you desired. Yet you have been so focused into physical that a slower speed of vibration became the result. You began to create in physical only, allowing non-physical to create at will through your outer world. This type of activity has been the impetus for wars, racial disputes, inequality and lack of resources. Because any time a collective of beings does not realize it is always affecting the collective, timelines become very skewed.
The separation of your energy fields came at the hand of your own mind. Your main focus in physical creation left the emotional and spiritual bodies without a job related to your creative efforts. The mental and physical bodies are your masculine vehicles of creation. The emotional and spiritual bodies are your feminine components. This type of focus eventually leads to a masculine based society. As this society evolved, its emphasis on physical creation took the mind further away from the emotional and spiritual bodies such that it began to evolve as your dominant organism of creation. This is a Reptilian activity, of course. An energy that you have been subjected to and reflected in prominent sources on your planet of human attention.
If your race was created physical, having a non-physical connection to all things, then what are the factors that now change this reality of physical manifestation only? Your perception and the direction of your consciousness are the two valuable tools that are changing this program. And regardless of how you have been focused here and what planetary influences came to change that, you have always had free will to create your reality to your liking. This is why ultimately none of us in nonphysical form are here to change you. We are here to facilitate your understanding, accentuating your perception and your consciousness in a way that compliments your nonphysical vibration and creation.
So back to the planetary alignments. As these have continued to affect your unique structure, every response to them in your singular reality has had an effect on the collective. For example, if the lunar energies were pulling up situations in your life to revisit and heal, but your consciousness and perception was not able to move through the energies advantageously, this did not only affect you but all others. Your unique vehicle of consciousness was designed to transmute singular experiences on behalf of the collective. So if your response to these situations was anger, fear and frustration, as opposed to seeing and responding to them from a higher perspective, this vibration had a hand in creating the collective earth experience. However, what we see now is quite the opposite.
You, as a human race, have reached a critical threshold by which your consciousness and perception are facilitating a rebirth of sorts. The feminine and masculine are becoming more balanced and your energy fields are recognized in concert. Your responses to the planetary alignments most directed at your ascension are aligned to the collective and are affecting all humans to support the evolution of your race. This healing is further expanding through supporting energies coming from Mother Gaia, the poles, the new grid system and the raise of your collective vibration.
We give you this clarification as a pat on the back of sorts. Many have been directing attention to the cosmos as the reason for your ascension. The planets alone could have never allowed such an advanced, enlightened humanity to be reborn. It is your perception, consciousness and responses to your outer world that are facilitating this change. In concert with the planets, you are the human conduits of planetary rebirth.
Channeled through Micheila Sheldan.
Our newsfeed is full of information about significant planetary alignments coming to change our earth. Do the planets alone determine our fate? Or do we, as humans, also have a role in how our earth is evolving? The Master Collective Unity of Light is made up of many Master Teachers and Ascended Masters who have been present on the earth including Archangel Michael, Metatron, Gabriel, Quan Yin and many more. In this channeled writing, we explore the idea that perhaps the planets alone are not the impetus for our continued ascension and also receive a pat on the back for our human contribution to the earth’s rebirth.
Many may still perceive that your earth is an ugly place, filled with people and experiences that are not aligned with your highest good. And we must agree that in physical these timelines still exist. However, we wish to explain the energetic processes already at play that uniquely position you to revisit an enlightened society once present on this earth. These energetic tools have now become the basis for physical manifestations that will look quite different to the naked eye than what your collective sees as its reality.
There is a basic understanding about the evolution of the stars and planets having a tremendous effect on your planet’s consciousness. This is, of course, a significant part of how your collective evolves and continues to create through experience. When collective planetary influences are triggered, each human structure adapts to that influence in some unique way. Uniqueness is the key to how you are the impetus for the result of these planetary influences.
As a unique vehicle or tool of collective consciousness, your response to these planetary alignments becomes the bridge to offering a new collective experience. Let us give you an example. Each time a lunar cycle is of collective significance, although targeted differently to your energy, there is a clearing of density. This density shows up in your field to the degree that your unique experience must change. Every time you experience an uprising of density, perhaps by revisiting something in your life that has yet to be healed, you are a part of a collective realignment. This realignment, through your singular vehicle, is assisting all others in their ascension. And this is how your planet has become well positioned through time to experience an enlightened reality.
There are several factors that are assisting this process we wish to explain. But first, if the above description is true, why has it taken so long for humans to reach this point of experiencing heaven on earth? As humans you have been subjected to clearing density and revisiting karma throughout history. Should this not have had an effect on this planet?
The speed of vibration here has been slowed from its original hertz frequency. This lowering of speed is the result of many factors that have kept you limited in your ability to affect the collective through your unique vehicle of consciousness. The separation of your energy fields, the disconnection from your female energy and your perception of singularity are all significant factors as to how this has taken place. Physical focus is not necessarily a negative aspect of your reality. Physicality is what you desired. Yet you have been so focused into physical that a slower speed of vibration became the result. You began to create in physical only, allowing non-physical to create at will through your outer world. This type of activity has been the impetus for wars, racial disputes, inequality and lack of resources. Because any time a collective of beings does not realize it is always affecting the collective, timelines become very skewed.
The separation of your energy fields came at the hand of your own mind. Your main focus in physical creation left the emotional and spiritual bodies without a job related to your creative efforts. The mental and physical bodies are your masculine vehicles of creation. The emotional and spiritual bodies are your feminine components. This type of focus eventually leads to a masculine based society. As this society evolved, its emphasis on physical creation took the mind further away from the emotional and spiritual bodies such that it began to evolve as your dominant organism of creation. This is a Reptilian activity, of course. An energy that you have been subjected to and reflected in prominent sources on your planet of human attention.
If your race was created physical, having a non-physical connection to all things, then what are the factors that now change this reality of physical manifestation only? Your perception and the direction of your consciousness are the two valuable tools that are changing this program. And regardless of how you have been focused here and what planetary influences came to change that, you have always had free will to create your reality to your liking. This is why ultimately none of us in nonphysical form are here to change you. We are here to facilitate your understanding, accentuating your perception and your consciousness in a way that compliments your nonphysical vibration and creation.
So back to the planetary alignments. As these have continued to affect your unique structure, every response to them in your singular reality has had an effect on the collective. For example, if the lunar energies were pulling up situations in your life to revisit and heal, but your consciousness and perception was not able to move through the energies advantageously, this did not only affect you but all others. Your unique vehicle of consciousness was designed to transmute singular experiences on behalf of the collective. So if your response to these situations was anger, fear and frustration, as opposed to seeing and responding to them from a higher perspective, this vibration had a hand in creating the collective earth experience. However, what we see now is quite the opposite.
You, as a human race, have reached a critical threshold by which your consciousness and perception are facilitating a rebirth of sorts. The feminine and masculine are becoming more balanced and your energy fields are recognized in concert. Your responses to the planetary alignments most directed at your ascension are aligned to the collective and are affecting all humans to support the evolution of your race. This healing is further expanding through supporting energies coming from Mother Gaia, the poles, the new grid system and the raise of your collective vibration.
We give you this clarification as a pat on the back of sorts. Many have been directing attention to the cosmos as the reason for your ascension. The planets alone could have never allowed such an advanced, enlightened humanity to be reborn. It is your perception, consciousness and responses to your outer world that are facilitating this change. In concert with the planets, you are the human conduits of planetary rebirth.
Since ancient times humans have been connecting to our Earth, Mother Gaia, and learning to live in connection and harmony with her rhythms and cycles. Through this connection, many of these ancient people also understood that they were not alone on this planet, and that there were other beings living within Gaia. Zuni and Hopi legends talk of the “Ant People” who are said to live in the Earth and during cataclysmic events, surface to take humans underground for shelter until it was safe to return. Native American history says that they lived with the Ant People for hundreds of years while the Earth underwent volcanic eruptions, massive solar activity and meteor impacts. They were fed, housed and learned many lessons from these benevolent beings.
The Ant People are not the only race of beings living within Gaia. There were several reports by early 20th century explorers who believed there were openings at both the North and South Pole that led to an inner earth where civilizations of human-like beings lived. It is thought that these benevolent people are waiting for the surface humans to evolve into a peaceful state before they will make themselves known, preferring to take a more distant role in our evolution. There is also another race known as the Mantis, that live within Gaia’s dimensional fields that take a more active role in our evolution and healing.
The Mantis have been part of Gaia’s energy field and acting on her behalf for millions of years. They are here to serve her energetically, holding a benevolent space for her, helping in her ascension. This includes supporting humanity and all earth creatures to become healthy, aligned with Earth’s energy and to evolve. Our evolution is a key factor in the speed of Earth’s ascension, so the Mantis have a vested interest in helping humanity spiritually, mentally, physically and emotionally.
As a highly evolved race of beings, the Mantis have developed many specific skills for healing. They specialize in understanding and optimizing both crystalline and physical genetic codes to relieve sickness, disease and disharmony within the body. By bringing the physical DNA into alignment with our crystalline DNA, we can alter many of the malfunctioning genetic code signaling factors, known as epigenetic markers, that are common in disease states.
Cancer is a good example of a disease in which our genetic code isn’t functioning in the manner in which it was designed. The vast majority of cancers are caused by epigenetic factors and only a small fraction inherited genetically. Epigenetic shifts that lead to disease states can be targeted for treatment and repair. In today’s medical system the majority of cancers are treated in a very unspecific way through the use of chemotherapy. This ends up damaging both the healthy and malfunctioning cells weakening the body’s immune system, microbiome and endocrine system causing many secondary issues. There is another way of healing that uses a targeted approach, focusing only on the areas of the body that need altering, not compromising the well-being of the rest of the body.
The Mantis use vibrational tones and light in order to alter DNA structure and signaling in a very specific and targeted way. This includes changes to the DNA function as well as the release of emotional and energetic patterns of discord that created the epigenetic changes in the first place, ensuring that the changes made will be lasting. All diseases have a story behind them with a wide range of possible sources. Everything from simple exposure to a toxin to a more complicated traumatic physical or mental experience, to something that happened to our mother while we were in utero. Each experience or exposure creates a story and a vibrational signature that can alter our DNA. By using vibrational sound and light frequencies in healing we allow those energetic signatures of discord to neutralize and dissolve bringing our DNA back into the harmonic of the light body.
The ability to heal and experience ourselves as healthy should not be reserved for the chosen few who have the means to access top medical research facilities. The ability to heal and evolve is something that each of us has the power to do for ourselves, but that we may not realize. The Mantis beings, who care for our planet and for all beings upon it, would like to teach humanity how to bring ourselves into harmony with both our crystalline DNA and Gaia. It is a skill many of us have already known, but may have forgotten through lifetimes of disempowerment. Through the use of light, vibrational tones, and focused awareness we can access these dormant healing abilities and empower ourselves with the confidence that we can take an active role in our health.
Editors Note: The above includes theoretical assumptions, based on the author’s research and observation. No information in this article is intended to represent a cure for any health conditions.
Since ancient times humans have been connecting to our Earth, Mother Gaia, and learning to live in connection and harmony with her rhythms and cycles. Through this connection, many of these ancient people also understood that they were not alone on this planet, and that there were other beings living within Gaia. Zuni and Hopi legends talk of the “Ant People” who are said to live in the Earth and during cataclysmic events, surface to take humans underground for shelter until it was safe to return. Native American history says that they lived with the Ant People for hundreds of years while the Earth underwent volcanic eruptions, massive solar activity and meteor impacts. They were fed, housed and learned many lessons from these benevolent beings.
The Ant People are not the only race of beings living within Gaia. There were several reports by early 20th century explorers who believed there were openings at both the North and South Pole that led to an inner earth where civilizations of human-like beings lived. It is thought that these benevolent people are waiting for the surface humans to evolve into a peaceful state before they will make themselves known, preferring to take a more distant role in our evolution. There is also another race known as the Mantis, that live within Gaia’s dimensional fields that take a more active role in our evolution and healing.
The Mantis have been part of Gaia’s energy field and acting on her behalf for millions of years. They are here to serve her energetically, holding a benevolent space for her, helping in her ascension. This includes supporting humanity and all earth creatures to become healthy, aligned with Earth’s energy and to evolve. Our evolution is a key factor in the speed of Earth’s ascension, so the Mantis have a vested interest in helping humanity spiritually, mentally, physically and emotionally.
As a highly evolved race of beings, the Mantis have developed many specific skills for healing. They specialize in understanding and optimizing both crystalline and physical genetic codes to relieve sickness, disease and disharmony within the body. By bringing the physical DNA into alignment with our crystalline DNA, we can alter many of the malfunctioning genetic code signaling factors, known as epigenetic markers, that are common in disease states.
Cancer is a good example of a disease in which our genetic code isn’t functioning in the manner in which it was designed. The vast majority of cancers are caused by epigenetic factors and only a small fraction inherited genetically. Epigenetic shifts that lead to disease states can be targeted for treatment and repair. In today’s medical system the majority of cancers are treated in a very unspecific way through the use of chemotherapy. This ends up damaging both the healthy and malfunctioning cells weakening the body’s immune system, microbiome and endocrine system causing many secondary issues. There is another way of healing that uses a targeted approach, focusing only on the areas of the body that need altering, not compromising the well-being of the rest of the body.
The Mantis use vibrational tones and light in order to alter DNA structure and signaling in a very specific and targeted way. This includes changes to the DNA function as well as the release of emotional and energetic patterns of discord that created the epigenetic changes in the first place, ensuring that the changes made will be lasting. All diseases have a story behind them with a wide range of possible sources. Everything from simple exposure to a toxin to a more complicated traumatic physical or mental experience, to something that happened to our mother while we were in utero. Each experience or exposure creates a story and a vibrational signature that can alter our DNA. By using vibrational sound and light frequencies in healing we allow those energetic signatures of discord to neutralize and dissolve bringing our DNA back into the harmonic of the light body.
The ability to heal and experience ourselves as healthy should not be reserved for the chosen few who have the means to access top medical research facilities. The ability to heal and evolve is something that each of us has the power to do for ourselves, but that we may not realize. The Mantis beings, who care for our planet and for all beings upon it, would like to teach humanity how to bring ourselves into harmony with both our crystalline DNA and Gaia. It is a skill many of us have already known, but may have forgotten through lifetimes of disempowerment. Through the use of light, vibrational tones, and focused awareness we can access these dormant healing abilities and empower ourselves with the confidence that we can take an active role in our health.
Editors Note: The above includes theoretical assumptions, based on the author’s research and observation. No information in this article is intended to represent a cure for any health conditions.
Channeled through Micheila Sheldan.
You cannot scroll through social media these days without seeing something about “The Event” and how it will manifest on our planet. In order to fully understand this transition, we must first grasp how we create and connect to all things. Do our thoughts effect this event? And is humanity destined to live on two separate earths? The Council offers a detailed breakdown in this channeled article through Micheila Sheldan about our Akashic Record, new grid potentials and how humanity is already creating a new earth.
Energetically speaking, the implementation of the new grid, or multi-dimensional creative portal for humanity, has become stabilized. What this means is that those who are already engaged within it will begin running new patterns. Now, we know that when we say this, humanity becomes concerned. New patterns? Does this mean that humanity will struggle or suffer? So many of you are attuned to struggle on your planet, especially when it comes to change. Your cosmic families are here to support this aspect of your human reality, such that you embrace change to the degree that it expands your vibration.
When we speak of the new grid, we wish to clarify exactly what we are speaking of, as many who are operating within it should understand its applications. Any grid in our universe is simply a pattern of information flowing between two points. These points may be singular beings in physical, collective beings in non-physical, or planetary bodies and star systems.
A universal grid has formed through time to allow Source energy to be utilized creatively in new forms, expanding existence. This grid is a complex network of energetic patterns connected by portals or gateways between dimensional realities. When these portals or gateways are open, multi-dimensional expansion or exchange is the result. This universal structure we speak of has been created through time by many beings in many dimensions. It vibrates. It is alive with experience and is designed for your access, assisting in your constant expansion.
Many humans call this universal grid the Akashic Record. We wish to explain the subtle difference between the grid and the record. When you think of a record through time, many of you in human form associate this with past activity. You believe that there is a linear past, present and future in which you create. This, of course, is necessary for humans to categorize their own memories or records through time. It is a means of perception. But what if we told you that as your experience is happening, regardless of its time frame in your linear life, it is still alive? That everything you have experienced and created still exists in its original form somewhere in the universe? This is how we define grids. Grids hold and transfer experience for use elsewhere in the universe. This information is alive and is still happening for the sake of your physical understanding. It is held in this universal grid, but also in relationship to the earth and your own record because it has meaning in all energy fields.
When you refer to the Akashic Records on your planet, it is your linear categorizing of this ever vibrating information into valuable energetic connections to your physical and non-physical material. While the grid is exchanging information, the record is categorizing it within your energetic structure. It is the tie between what is existing elsewhere in the universe and how you are using the same information as a conduit in the here and now to create your existence.
If you could imagine a huge network of wires connecting electrical equipment, you would understand this universal grid. Each wire has a purpose, or specific information that it is transmitting, yet they are all plugged into different facets of one piece of equipment and operate on the same electrical grid. This is how your grid systems operate and also how you utilize the record. There is a universal grid that is alive with the exchange or information of all things. Each star system, collective or race plugs into this grid in their own pattern or design. So in the same way that the universal grid was created, your human race has created its own grid that is designed to plug into information. You have also created a unique grid system within your own structure.
When ascension takes place within any race, their grids must change. This is simply due to the fact that the patterns they were running before no longer match the intentions of the new patterns they are forming vibrationally to create new timelines. This is exactly what your planet has been experiencing for some time now. When grid shifts take place, planetary bodies are the first to realign their energies. They must because their inhabitants or extensions of themselves cannot use the new grid alignments to create unless they are fully connected to the universe. Now let us break down creation so that you fully understand why the new grid was necessary and how humanity is now well positioned to create a New Earth.
What happened through time on the earth was that humans were focused into limiting aspects of their creative essence. This primarily was achieved through patterns as well - belief patterns. Humans began to run similar patterns of belief that caused them to create a grid within the earth that could not sustain a higher vibration. In other words, these patterns were so restricted by their definition of sovereignty that they limited human potential to utilize their own Akashic record and the records of others to expand their reality. We define this activity as the material or 3rd dimensional grid system. Many humans have been suffering needlessly because they are not accessing or integrating information meant to move them beyond karmic experiences.
Creation is essentially the activity of forming new patterns through Source energy that magnetize their likeness, enabling the universe to expand. You are the universe in motion, so this applies to you and all others, including the earth, stars, sun and their inhabitants. When you are in the midst of any experience, you are revisiting an aspect of creation from before. You are built this way. Within a spiral continuum, experience is revisited with a new perspective in order to expand the universe. This has been happening for centuries of time. The spiral continuum of universal expansion relies upon the vibrational change of consciousness to carry out it’s intention. So what happens if a race, through a limited belief pattern, finds itself revisiting time on the universal continuum? They begin to replay karma and expand karma through a matching vibration or pattern. And this is how humanity finds itself within a hologram of suffering, wars and destructive events. But this is now changing.
New grid patterns begin vibrationally and become stabilized into solid form when humans raise their consciousness. This process starts with a thought. Thoughts are energy; currency that travels through the spiral continuum through Source to match within the Akashic Record it’s likeness. So quite simply, the moment humanity began to think differently, new patterns of information began to flow. And these new patterns of information became so frequent, that they had to effect all vibrational creation upon your planet; and so they have, forming a new grid potential.
For many years, as humanity began to question it’s stagnant reality, new patterns of light were forming, allowing consciousness to expand through access beyond the material grid that had limited it’s race. And further, this information allowed humanity to ground physical timelines within this new grid, stabilizing it further for future creation. The significant thing to note here is that thought form is solid. Although in your dimension, there is a lag in time space between creation in thought and physical, it none the less becomes the driving factor of how much support you receive in your physical manifestation and continued evolution.
You were designed this way; to connect to universal energies and information, revisiting timelines from the past with a new consciousness to continually evolve as a race of galactic citizens. This is exactly what you are returning to in this moment with the stabilization of this new grid.
The question remains, what happens to the old grid? Will it continue to operate here on earth and what harm will it do as humans progress? What we believe will happen is that the old grid will begin to disintegrate as the earth changes. Many humans who have become comfortable operating in this pattern of suffering will have two choices - either continue to suffer or change their minds adapting to a pattern supported by the new grid.
Will there be two physical earths in this universe? There are many earths. You live in a holographic reality that is multi-dimensional. As humans, you have only been able to perceive that which matches your linear and physical perspective. Just as you, a singular human being, is fragmented into many soul vibrations in many dimensions in this very moment, the earth is as well. Quite simply, the earth you choose to inhabit and experience has always been your choice and continues to be free to choose. Ascension is not physical. The Event, as you call it, is not physical and it is not going on outside of you. All aspects of this wondrous event take place from within. It is the manifestations in physical that follows your lead, as the earth continues to evolve and change.
Channeled through Micheila Sheldan.
You cannot scroll through social media these days without seeing something about “The Event” and how it will manifest on our planet. In order to fully understand this transition, we must first grasp how we create and connect to all things. Do our thoughts effect this event? And is humanity destined to live on two separate earths? The Council offers a detailed breakdown in this channeled article through Micheila Sheldan about our Akashic Record, new grid potentials and how humanity is already creating a new earth.
Energetically speaking, the implementation of the new grid, or multi-dimensional creative portal for humanity, has become stabilized. What this means is that those who are already engaged within it will begin running new patterns. Now, we know that when we say this, humanity becomes concerned. New patterns? Does this mean that humanity will struggle or suffer? So many of you are attuned to struggle on your planet, especially when it comes to change. Your cosmic families are here to support this aspect of your human reality, such that you embrace change to the degree that it expands your vibration.
When we speak of the new grid, we wish to clarify exactly what we are speaking of, as many who are operating within it should understand its applications. Any grid in our universe is simply a pattern of information flowing between two points. These points may be singular beings in physical, collective beings in non-physical, or planetary bodies and star systems.
A universal grid has formed through time to allow Source energy to be utilized creatively in new forms, expanding existence. This grid is a complex network of energetic patterns connected by portals or gateways between dimensional realities. When these portals or gateways are open, multi-dimensional expansion or exchange is the result. This universal structure we speak of has been created through time by many beings in many dimensions. It vibrates. It is alive with experience and is designed for your access, assisting in your constant expansion.
Many humans call this universal grid the Akashic Record. We wish to explain the subtle difference between the grid and the record. When you think of a record through time, many of you in human form associate this with past activity. You believe that there is a linear past, present and future in which you create. This, of course, is necessary for humans to categorize their own memories or records through time. It is a means of perception. But what if we told you that as your experience is happening, regardless of its time frame in your linear life, it is still alive? That everything you have experienced and created still exists in its original form somewhere in the universe? This is how we define grids. Grids hold and transfer experience for use elsewhere in the universe. This information is alive and is still happening for the sake of your physical understanding. It is held in this universal grid, but also in relationship to the earth and your own record because it has meaning in all energy fields.
When you refer to the Akashic Records on your planet, it is your linear categorizing of this ever vibrating information into valuable energetic connections to your physical and non-physical material. While the grid is exchanging information, the record is categorizing it within your energetic structure. It is the tie between what is existing elsewhere in the universe and how you are using the same information as a conduit in the here and now to create your existence.
If you could imagine a huge network of wires connecting electrical equipment, you would understand this universal grid. Each wire has a purpose, or specific information that it is transmitting, yet they are all plugged into different facets of one piece of equipment and operate on the same electrical grid. This is how your grid systems operate and also how you utilize the record. There is a universal grid that is alive with the exchange or information of all things. Each star system, collective or race plugs into this grid in their own pattern or design. So in the same way that the universal grid was created, your human race has created its own grid that is designed to plug into information. You have also created a unique grid system within your own structure.
When ascension takes place within any race, their grids must change. This is simply due to the fact that the patterns they were running before no longer match the intentions of the new patterns they are forming vibrationally to create new timelines. This is exactly what your planet has been experiencing for some time now. When grid shifts take place, planetary bodies are the first to realign their energies. They must because their inhabitants or extensions of themselves cannot use the new grid alignments to create unless they are fully connected to the universe. Now let us break down creation so that you fully understand why the new grid was necessary and how humanity is now well positioned to create a New Earth.
What happened through time on the earth was that humans were focused into limiting aspects of their creative essence. This primarily was achieved through patterns as well - belief patterns. Humans began to run similar patterns of belief that caused them to create a grid within the earth that could not sustain a higher vibration. In other words, these patterns were so restricted by their definition of sovereignty that they limited human potential to utilize their own Akashic record and the records of others to expand their reality. We define this activity as the material or 3rd dimensional grid system. Many humans have been suffering needlessly because they are not accessing or integrating information meant to move them beyond karmic experiences.
Creation is essentially the activity of forming new patterns through Source energy that magnetize their likeness, enabling the universe to expand. You are the universe in motion, so this applies to you and all others, including the earth, stars, sun and their inhabitants. When you are in the midst of any experience, you are revisiting an aspect of creation from before. You are built this way. Within a spiral continuum, experience is revisited with a new perspective in order to expand the universe. This has been happening for centuries of time. The spiral continuum of universal expansion relies upon the vibrational change of consciousness to carry out it’s intention. So what happens if a race, through a limited belief pattern, finds itself revisiting time on the universal continuum? They begin to replay karma and expand karma through a matching vibration or pattern. And this is how humanity finds itself within a hologram of suffering, wars and destructive events. But this is now changing.
New grid patterns begin vibrationally and become stabilized into solid form when humans raise their consciousness. This process starts with a thought. Thoughts are energy; currency that travels through the spiral continuum through Source to match within the Akashic Record it’s likeness. So quite simply, the moment humanity began to think differently, new patterns of information began to flow. And these new patterns of information became so frequent, that they had to effect all vibrational creation upon your planet; and so they have, forming a new grid potential.
For many years, as humanity began to question it’s stagnant reality, new patterns of light were forming, allowing consciousness to expand through access beyond the material grid that had limited it’s race. And further, this information allowed humanity to ground physical timelines within this new grid, stabilizing it further for future creation. The significant thing to note here is that thought form is solid. Although in your dimension, there is a lag in time space between creation in thought and physical, it none the less becomes the driving factor of how much support you receive in your physical manifestation and continued evolution.
You were designed this way; to connect to universal energies and information, revisiting timelines from the past with a new consciousness to continually evolve as a race of galactic citizens. This is exactly what you are returning to in this moment with the stabilization of this new grid.
The question remains, what happens to the old grid? Will it continue to operate here on earth and what harm will it do as humans progress? What we believe will happen is that the old grid will begin to disintegrate as the earth changes. Many humans who have become comfortable operating in this pattern of suffering will have two choices - either continue to suffer or change their minds adapting to a pattern supported by the new grid.
Will there be two physical earths in this universe? There are many earths. You live in a holographic reality that is multi-dimensional. As humans, you have only been able to perceive that which matches your linear and physical perspective. Just as you, a singular human being, is fragmented into many soul vibrations in many dimensions in this very moment, the earth is as well. Quite simply, the earth you choose to inhabit and experience has always been your choice and continues to be free to choose. Ascension is not physical. The Event, as you call it, is not physical and it is not going on outside of you. All aspects of this wondrous event take place from within. It is the manifestations in physical that follows your lead, as the earth continues to evolve and change.
This channeled article is a follow up to Micheila’s previous writing on the 2018 pole shift. In this transmission, the Pleiadians break down exactly how pole shifts work within the core of Mother Gaia, giving us very simplistic examples so that we better understand the meaning, mechanics of and benefits of this upcoming energetic event.
Channeled through Micheila Sheldan
As humanity experiences a pole shift in 2018, a variety of characteristic traits of your reality must begin to change and align to new grid patterns of information. The poles are calibrated to your current reality and connect the information that you have manifested and magnetized to solid form or physical matter. This is the overall responsibility of this facet of the earth’s structural energy – magnetics.
Magnetism is the basic law by which you draw and expand information into a physical reality. The universe upholds this within Mother Earth by aligning grids and Akashic record energy to support your manifestation and further creation; and also by activating you within the confines of your earth structure. So in other words, a system is in place to ensure that universal support is flowing through the earth into your physical experience beyond your realization, acceptance or access of this information. The poles are a critical aspect of your earth ascension timeline and alignment to the universe.
When the poles shift in physical, meaning there is a location change of these critical energy centers, a dramatic physical shift occurs. The reason for this is that the magnetics of the poles can be directed into many energetic fields having different results. Think of this as moving a vital organ within your body. If this organ was moved from the top of your head to the bottom of your body, there would be a very significant physical result. The vital parts of your body that correspond to this organ would no longer receive signals the same way and become confused. The flow of information would change, having catastrophic results for your physical structure.
However, if this organ were to send new energetic signals or change its assignment with another organ in the body, without changing its position, the result would be different. This is because the organ is not physically absent from its original place, but simply picking up information and sending information differently. There is still a great adjustment here that may even cause physical symptoms or changes. But ultimately, the organ is still there, offering its original assignment to all connections within your grid system, pulling or drawing information from another energetic center. This is how we see the pole shift happening on your planet in 2018.
If this organ were to continue to do its job, now drawing the information from a different energetic center or organ to accentuate or change its relationship to your body, it may actually become a stronger organ; a new mechanism that is supercharged and now understands how to overcome physical situations in the body that it could not before. The poles on your planet must shift to accommodate raises in consciousness. You are vibrational beings and in order for humanity to evolve, new information must always be magnetized and expansion must take place. The grids or meridians within your body have tiny wave patterns of light flowing through them at any one given time. If these wave patterns were to stay the same, health, happiness and expansion could not take place.
Light holds consciousness or information as mini universal conduits for Source energy. When you, as humans, begin to hold more light, you are becoming more of your non-physical selves than ever before. This requires new information. Think of it this way. You can expand your mind by going to your local libraries or searching the internet. You can assemble all kinds of information within your physical brain that accentuates your vibration. This is critical. But another critical aspect of your continued evolution and expansion is gathering vibrational information from the library of the universe. This pole shift comes to accentuate your access to this non-physical library.
You see, sometimes humans can get stuck in vibrational information. They begin to access energies in a specific way and this becomes the only pathway to Source for them. As these pathways to Source are chosen time and time again, you are becoming stagnant in your energy. Also, as humans perceive the great amount of information on your planet about the universe, time and multi-galactic history, they begin to form a stagnant picture around issues like disclosure and planetary healing. There are many pathways to these issues, as well, that must be opened wide to support the evolution of humanity.
You are embarking on one of the most significant non-physical journeys of your linear lifetime. The pole shift we speak of has been initiated by you, because no longer can you run the same patterns of light that you have achieved. You are ready for more. Large shifts in non-physical information can have very physical effects, of course. We anticipate many of these adjustments taking place first in your meridians, and then being felt and seen within the collective. This is a merging of collaborative creation from your universal families of light and all of you. The hierarchical structures you have created can no longer be supported by the grid system and patterns of light you are holding and this shift of new information comes to compliment who you are becoming, bridging the gap between the new technologies, currencies and teachings with the old ways of being humans created.
This channeled article is a follow up to Micheila’s previous writing on the 2018 pole shift. In this transmission, the Pleiadians break down exactly how pole shifts work within the core of Mother Gaia, giving us very simplistic examples so that we better understand the meaning, mechanics of and benefits of this upcoming energetic event.
Channeled through Micheila Sheldan
As humanity experiences a pole shift in 2018, a variety of characteristic traits of your reality must begin to change and align to new grid patterns of information. The poles are calibrated to your current reality and connect the information that you have manifested and magnetized to solid form or physical matter. This is the overall responsibility of this facet of the earth’s structural energy – magnetics.
Magnetism is the basic law by which you draw and expand information into a physical reality. The universe upholds this within Mother Earth by aligning grids and Akashic record energy to support your manifestation and further creation; and also by activating you within the confines of your earth structure. So in other words, a system is in place to ensure that universal support is flowing through the earth into your physical experience beyond your realization, acceptance or access of this information. The poles are a critical aspect of your earth ascension timeline and alignment to the universe.
When the poles shift in physical, meaning there is a location change of these critical energy centers, a dramatic physical shift occurs. The reason for this is that the magnetics of the poles can be directed into many energetic fields having different results. Think of this as moving a vital organ within your body. If this organ was moved from the top of your head to the bottom of your body, there would be a very significant physical result. The vital parts of your body that correspond to this organ would no longer receive signals the same way and become confused. The flow of information would change, having catastrophic results for your physical structure.
However, if this organ were to send new energetic signals or change its assignment with another organ in the body, without changing its position, the result would be different. This is because the organ is not physically absent from its original place, but simply picking up information and sending information differently. There is still a great adjustment here that may even cause physical symptoms or changes. But ultimately, the organ is still there, offering its original assignment to all connections within your grid system, pulling or drawing information from another energetic center. This is how we see the pole shift happening on your planet in 2018.
If this organ were to continue to do its job, now drawing the information from a different energetic center or organ to accentuate or change its relationship to your body, it may actually become a stronger organ; a new mechanism that is supercharged and now understands how to overcome physical situations in the body that it could not before. The poles on your planet must shift to accommodate raises in consciousness. You are vibrational beings and in order for humanity to evolve, new information must always be magnetized and expansion must take place. The grids or meridians within your body have tiny wave patterns of light flowing through them at any one given time. If these wave patterns were to stay the same, health, happiness and expansion could not take place.
Light holds consciousness or information as mini universal conduits for Source energy. When you, as humans, begin to hold more light, you are becoming more of your non-physical selves than ever before. This requires new information. Think of it this way. You can expand your mind by going to your local libraries or searching the internet. You can assemble all kinds of information within your physical brain that accentuates your vibration. This is critical. But another critical aspect of your continued evolution and expansion is gathering vibrational information from the library of the universe. This pole shift comes to accentuate your access to this non-physical library.
You see, sometimes humans can get stuck in vibrational information. They begin to access energies in a specific way and this becomes the only pathway to Source for them. As these pathways to Source are chosen time and time again, you are becoming stagnant in your energy. Also, as humans perceive the great amount of information on your planet about the universe, time and multi-galactic history, they begin to form a stagnant picture around issues like disclosure and planetary healing. There are many pathways to these issues, as well, that must be opened wide to support the evolution of humanity.
You are embarking on one of the most significant non-physical journeys of your linear lifetime. The pole shift we speak of has been initiated by you, because no longer can you run the same patterns of light that you have achieved. You are ready for more. Large shifts in non-physical information can have very physical effects, of course. We anticipate many of these adjustments taking place first in your meridians, and then being felt and seen within the collective. This is a merging of collaborative creation from your universal families of light and all of you. The hierarchical structures you have created can no longer be supported by the grid system and patterns of light you are holding and this shift of new information comes to compliment who you are becoming, bridging the gap between the new technologies, currencies and teachings with the old ways of being humans created.
Microbes and Yeast are often portrayed as the culprits in our environment and as the leading cause of many of our health issues. We spray our homes with anti-microbial cleaners, wash our hands multiple times a day with anti-microbial soap, and take antibiotics at the first sign of illness to eradicate them from our homes and bodies. We have over treated and over sanitized our environments to the point that the human immune system is now showing signs of increased weakness and strain; as evidenced by the shocking increase in the number of allergies and an ever increasing resistance to antibiotics.
Your body contains many different types of microbes, the collection of all of these is known as your microbiome. They include, bacteria, archea bacteria, yeast, and viruses. These microbes are so important to our health and well-being that we could not function or develop properly without them. When our microbiome is happy, these tiny creatures keep our immune system functioning at its peak, protect us from infections, help our mood stay positive, combat depression and fatigue, keep our skin looking radiant and manage our weight and metabolism.
These tiny beings that make up over half of the cells in our body have not only been mischaracterized and misrepresented for hundreds of years, but it has been discovered that their role in human evolution is more important than originally thought. They also hold a consciousness – a consciousness that can be communicated with and understood in order to create a harmonious relationship in our bodies for better health and well-being.
Bacteria carry a very strong loving energy that is easily felt. This consciousness is ancient, almost as old as the Earth, and can teach us much about human evolution, our health and how to best interact with them in the body. When we are in harmony with the microbes of our body, many of the physical ailments we suffer from can begin to be ameliorated. It is vital that we communicate with microbes to gain a better understanding of their role here on Earth: that of facilitators and managers of our existence. Not only do these tiny beings manage our existence on a constant basis, they also help make our very existence possible on this planet. They work closely with Gaia to make this possible, she supplies the elements and chemical constituents that they need to survive and they perform myriad tasks for her on this planet. Breaking down and processing the massive amounts of bio-matter and releasing needed chemical elements (carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus) that make life possible is one of the most important tasks of the microbes. Keeping humans alive and healthy is another critical role for them. For the most part, the microbes do this dutifully for humanity, plants and animals. But because there are thousands of different strains of bacteria, there can be differences in the way they behave, and although their consciousness operates as a collective, where they are all accessing the same information and thought patterns, there are exceptions to the rule of keeping us healthy. Like any organism with a consciousness, they include more and less evolved groups of beings. Some strains are more evolved and operate to keep us in optimal health, and others, less evolved, are more concerned with their own dominance, land-grabbing and power. Bacteria; they are just like humans in this way.
Yeast are slightly different. Surprisingly, Yeast carry an overall benign consciousness – despite the fact that C. albicans has been labeled as a pathogen. This is a gross oversimplification of this microorganism that also carries out many vital processes in our body. Yeast, even more so than bacteria, are very subject to population changes due to the environment. So what we eat, the pH of our blood and tissues and our levels of stress can have a big impact on this organism. It reacts very quickly to these types of chemical changes in the body which can lead to rapid changes in both the host and the yeast genomes, leading to rapid population growth. Shifting them back into balance often requires a resetting of genomic markers in both yeast and human as well as a shift in the environment (blood, tissues, etc) through alterations of our body chemistry.
So how can we learn to work in harmony with these organisms that inhabit our bodies from head to toe and outnumber our own human cells in our body?
We can start by having respect and reverence for these magnificent creatures that are the caretakers of our earth, our bodies, and the bodies of just about every living organism on this planet. If one stops to think about just how pervasive microbes are, and how just about every body process we hold dear, from our immune system to our digestion, could not function successfully without their aid, we can begin to have appreciation and deep gratitude for this amazing group of beings. Take some time to sit with your body and tap into the consciousness of the microbes within it. See if by quieting your mind and focusing on your body you can connect with these beings. Ask them what they need and how you can best work with them. Are there any changes in your diet or way of life they require to function better?
This is not only good practice for the microbes, but also imperative to our health that we start communicating with and appreciating these important beings. We must cease dropping nuclear bombs of antibiotics into our guts unnecessarily and as often. Antibiotics should not be used as the first line of defense, but saved as a later option after other immune boosting measures have been taken. Additionally, taking non-living probiotics as a supplement, often the plight of the non-refrigerated varieties, are not as beneficial. Studies show that a sample of live microbes left for just 24 hours at room temperature causes a high percentage of die off. Refrigeration helps ensure sustained microbial activity in a sample and in your probiotics, so always buy the refrigerated option when possible. Imagine standing on the shore of a river (your intestinal wall), and watching boats full of dead humans floating by, this is what it is like from the perspective of the microbes in your intestines. This sends off a cascade of stress reactions in the microbes that disrupts their usual program of keeping us healthy.
The other leading cause of distracting and disrupting your microbial community is stress. It has recently been shown that stress is a leading precursor to many health imbalances responsible for the most common diseases we suffer from as humans. The hormones and neurotransmitters that are released during the stress response make the environment of your blood, gut and tissues unfavorable for the microbial communities that inhabit them. This happens through epigenetic marker changes to both our genome and that of the microbes. Epigenetic markers are the controllers of gene expression; when they are shifted they can create a divergence in normal body and microbe function, causing disruption to our normal, healthy state. These shifts created by epigenetic changes can boost the populations of less desirable microbial species and inhibit the growth of the friendly microbial species which can lead to compromised immune function, gut issues, brain fog, depression, metabolic disorders, yeast overgrowth and many more undesirable conditions. The role of the microbiota in our bodies cannot be overstated, so taking measures to create a nurturing environment for them by reducing stress and the triggers of stress is key.
Other ways we can support and nurture our microbial partners is by doing activities that promote the release of the “happy” hormones such as oxytocin, serotonin, and dopamine. These hormones and neurotransmitters act as an elixir of health and well-being in our bodies when released at the appropriate levels. The two best ways to do this is through diet and regular exercise. It has been shown in scientific studies that both diet and exercise are two of the fastest ways to improve the functioning of your microbiome. Eating a diet low in sugar and processed foods and rich in vegetables and fiber is imperative for ideal microbiome function and fundamentally important to our health. Many of our health problems can be solved by switching to a diet and exercise plan that serve our microbiome.
We can also help our microbes by practicing gratitude, meditating regularly, and connecting to our heart-space to develop more compassion for ourselves and others. When the microbes are living in the nourishing and peaceful environment they release their own hormones and neurotransmitters, such as GABA and Oxytocin that continue to help us feel inner calm and peace, thereby creating a positive feedback loop. Happy hormones equal a happy microbiota and a happy healthy body.
Recognizing and appreciating that the microbiota in and around our bodies make up as many cells as we have human cells and carry out a vital role in our human health and evolution is the first step in connecting to these wonderful beings. As we expand our understanding and communication with the loving consciousness of these tiny creatures, we can also begin a dialogue with them. This dialogue will enable us to further understand what their role is in our bodies, on this planet and how we can best work with them to generate optimal health and longevity. Let’s start showing them the respect and love they deserve for taking care of us and the Earth for millions of years and keeping us alive and healthy. The microbiota are our partners in this adventure upon Gaia, it is time to start treating them that way.
Editors Note: The above includes theoretical assumptions, based on the author’s research and observation. No information in this article is intended to represent a cure for any health conditions.
Microbes and Yeast are often portrayed as the culprits in our environment and as the leading cause of many of our health issues. We spray our homes with anti-microbial cleaners, wash our hands multiple times a day with anti-microbial soap, and take antibiotics at the first sign of illness to eradicate them from our homes and bodies. We have over treated and over sanitized our environments to the point that the human immune system is now showing signs of increased weakness and strain; as evidenced by the shocking increase in the number of allergies and an ever increasing resistance to antibiotics.
Your body contains many different types of microbes, the collection of all of these is known as your microbiome. They include, bacteria, archea bacteria, yeast, and viruses. These microbes are so important to our health and well-being that we could not function or develop properly without them. When our microbiome is happy, these tiny creatures keep our immune system functioning at its peak, protect us from infections, help our mood stay positive, combat depression and fatigue, keep our skin looking radiant and manage our weight and metabolism.
These tiny beings that make up over half of the cells in our body have not only been mischaracterized and misrepresented for hundreds of years, but it has been discovered that their role in human evolution is more important than originally thought. They also hold a consciousness – a consciousness that can be communicated with and understood in order to create a harmonious relationship in our bodies for better health and well-being.
Bacteria carry a very strong loving energy that is easily felt. This consciousness is ancient, almost as old as the Earth, and can teach us much about human evolution, our health and how to best interact with them in the body. When we are in harmony with the microbes of our body, many of the physical ailments we suffer from can begin to be ameliorated. It is vital that we communicate with microbes to gain a better understanding of their role here on Earth: that of facilitators and managers of our existence. Not only do these tiny beings manage our existence on a constant basis, they also help make our very existence possible on this planet. They work closely with Gaia to make this possible, she supplies the elements and chemical constituents that they need to survive and they perform myriad tasks for her on this planet. Breaking down and processing the massive amounts of bio-matter and releasing needed chemical elements (carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus) that make life possible is one of the most important tasks of the microbes. Keeping humans alive and healthy is another critical role for them. For the most part, the microbes do this dutifully for humanity, plants and animals. But because there are thousands of different strains of bacteria, there can be differences in the way they behave, and although their consciousness operates as a collective, where they are all accessing the same information and thought patterns, there are exceptions to the rule of keeping us healthy. Like any organism with a consciousness, they include more and less evolved groups of beings. Some strains are more evolved and operate to keep us in optimal health, and others, less evolved, are more concerned with their own dominance, land-grabbing and power. Bacteria; they are just like humans in this way.
Yeast are slightly different. Surprisingly, Yeast carry an overall benign consciousness – despite the fact that C. albicans has been labeled as a pathogen. This is a gross oversimplification of this microorganism that also carries out many vital processes in our body. Yeast, even more so than bacteria, are very subject to population changes due to the environment. So what we eat, the pH of our blood and tissues and our levels of stress can have a big impact on this organism. It reacts very quickly to these types of chemical changes in the body which can lead to rapid changes in both the host and the yeast genomes, leading to rapid population growth. Shifting them back into balance often requires a resetting of genomic markers in both yeast and human as well as a shift in the environment (blood, tissues, etc) through alterations of our body chemistry.
So how can we learn to work in harmony with these organisms that inhabit our bodies from head to toe and outnumber our own human cells in our body?
We can start by having respect and reverence for these magnificent creatures that are the caretakers of our earth, our bodies, and the bodies of just about every living organism on this planet. If one stops to think about just how pervasive microbes are, and how just about every body process we hold dear, from our immune system to our digestion, could not function successfully without their aid, we can begin to have appreciation and deep gratitude for this amazing group of beings. Take some time to sit with your body and tap into the consciousness of the microbes within it. See if by quieting your mind and focusing on your body you can connect with these beings. Ask them what they need and how you can best work with them. Are there any changes in your diet or way of life they require to function better?
This is not only good practice for the microbes, but also imperative to our health that we start communicating with and appreciating these important beings. We must cease dropping nuclear bombs of antibiotics into our guts unnecessarily and as often. Antibiotics should not be used as the first line of defense, but saved as a later option after other immune boosting measures have been taken. Additionally, taking non-living probiotics as a supplement, often the plight of the non-refrigerated varieties, are not as beneficial. Studies show that a sample of live microbes left for just 24 hours at room temperature causes a high percentage of die off. Refrigeration helps ensure sustained microbial activity in a sample and in your probiotics, so always buy the refrigerated option when possible. Imagine standing on the shore of a river (your intestinal wall), and watching boats full of dead humans floating by, this is what it is like from the perspective of the microbes in your intestines. This sends off a cascade of stress reactions in the microbes that disrupts their usual program of keeping us healthy.
The other leading cause of distracting and disrupting your microbial community is stress. It has recently been shown that stress is a leading precursor to many health imbalances responsible for the most common diseases we suffer from as humans. The hormones and neurotransmitters that are released during the stress response make the environment of your blood, gut and tissues unfavorable for the microbial communities that inhabit them. This happens through epigenetic marker changes to both our genome and that of the microbes. Epigenetic markers are the controllers of gene expression; when they are shifted they can create a divergence in normal body and microbe function, causing disruption to our normal, healthy state. These shifts created by epigenetic changes can boost the populations of less desirable microbial species and inhibit the growth of the friendly microbial species which can lead to compromised immune function, gut issues, brain fog, depression, metabolic disorders, yeast overgrowth and many more undesirable conditions. The role of the microbiota in our bodies cannot be overstated, so taking measures to create a nurturing environment for them by reducing stress and the triggers of stress is key.
Other ways we can support and nurture our microbial partners is by doing activities that promote the release of the “happy” hormones such as oxytocin, serotonin, and dopamine. These hormones and neurotransmitters act as an elixir of health and well-being in our bodies when released at the appropriate levels. The two best ways to do this is through diet and regular exercise. It has been shown in scientific studies that both diet and exercise are two of the fastest ways to improve the functioning of your microbiome. Eating a diet low in sugar and processed foods and rich in vegetables and fiber is imperative for ideal microbiome function and fundamentally important to our health. Many of our health problems can be solved by switching to a diet and exercise plan that serve our microbiome.
We can also help our microbes by practicing gratitude, meditating regularly, and connecting to our heart-space to develop more compassion for ourselves and others. When the microbes are living in the nourishing and peaceful environment they release their own hormones and neurotransmitters, such as GABA and Oxytocin that continue to help us feel inner calm and peace, thereby creating a positive feedback loop. Happy hormones equal a happy microbiota and a happy healthy body.
Recognizing and appreciating that the microbiota in and around our bodies make up as many cells as we have human cells and carry out a vital role in our human health and evolution is the first step in connecting to these wonderful beings. As we expand our understanding and communication with the loving consciousness of these tiny creatures, we can also begin a dialogue with them. This dialogue will enable us to further understand what their role is in our bodies, on this planet and how we can best work with them to generate optimal health and longevity. Let’s start showing them the respect and love they deserve for taking care of us and the Earth for millions of years and keeping us alive and healthy. The microbiota are our partners in this adventure upon Gaia, it is time to start treating them that way.
Editors Note: The above includes theoretical assumptions, based on the author’s research and observation. No information in this article is intended to represent a cure for any health conditions.
One of the questions most often thrown at me is, when is consciousness going to evolve? To which I reply, consciousness is evolving every second, but it's a personal trip, it moves relative to your own spiritual development on Earth. However, if you're feeling a deep divide between what happens in your physical life and your spiritual life then there is a way to bridge this gap: visit an ancient temple or sacred site, the kind of places I refer to as self-help centers.
And I am not being sarcastic, there is science behind my thinking.
Over 12,000 years ago there were people on this planet that saw the landscape differently because they were closer to nature than we are today. This sensing of subtle forces allowed them to locate natural hotspots of electro-magnetic energy upon which they erected some of the world's most enduring buildings. Stonehenge and the great pyramids are just some examples.
In the old days it would take a dowser to locate and prove these subtle forces (yes, dowsing has been proven to work, it's the sceptics who want you to believe otherwise). Nowadays we have developed highly sensitive devices that can do the same, and the results are not only astonishing, they also validate what esoteric people have said all along.
One electrical engineer by the name of Pierre Mereux conducted an exhaustive study of the megaliths of Carnac in northern France and found that every stone serves a deliberate function in the processing of energy. His analysis shows how the dolmens amplify and release telluric energy throughout the day, with the strongest readings occurring at dawn.
The voltage and magnetic variations follow a scientific phenomenon known as electric induction. Thus a dolmen behaves like a coil or solenoid in which currents are induced and provoked by variations of the local energy field.
The readings he took reveal an energy that pulsates at regular intervals from around the base of the stones. These pulses are both positively and negatively charged; and on paper they resemble ripples in a pond, spreading out over thirty-six feet away from the upright stones. This is what I would term the stone’s aura. So whereas you and I see the physical boundary of the stone, its true size, energetically speaking, is over four times in diameter.
But what Mereux also found was that these pulsations recycle approximately every 70 minutes, demonstrating how stones, particularly menhirs, charge and discharge on a regular basis.
He also observed how the stone circles concentrate energy like a condenser, and dolmens behave like electrical coils. But the best part of the story is that Mereux was a skeptic. He refused to believe ancient megalithic structures served any practical purpose whatsoever. It was all pagan spiritual mumbo jumbo. In the end he proved himself wrong and validated what we knew all along: that these monuments give physical shape to an invisible energy that not only flows along the Earth but also interacts with a pulsating magnetic field out in space.
In the 90's, scientists took magnetic readings at the world's largest stone circle, Avebury. They found that the magnetic south pole of each stone faces the next stone in line as you walk toward the circle. This arrangement means that the north poles of the stones oppose the local geomagnetic field, as though creating a conduit of energy.
Inside Avebury’s two smaller stone circles, the south poles of all stones point at the next stone in a clockwise direction with two exceptions: the magnetic poles of the two massive entrance stones are aligned 90º to their companion. In other words they align with the stones of the avenue leading into the circle rather than with those within the circle itself, which begins to make Avebury look like a group of aligned magnets. Essentially, its ancient architects were following the same principle behind a modern atomic particle collider, in which airborne ions are steered in one direction.
The same can be said for many of the earthen mounds throughout North America, the vast majority of which were never built as burial sites but rather as markers of this invisible force. And this force isn't only occurring along the ground, it also penetrates far out into space.
In 2008, scientists at NASA discovered how a network of portals open every eight minutes linking the Earth to the Sun. These electron diffusion regions, or X-points, are places where the Earth’s magnetic field connects to the Sun’s, creating an uninterrupted flow of particles between the two stellar bodies, perhaps even further.
Since these magnetic portals extend to Earth, they may be the very same phenomena that ancient architects described some 15,000 years ago in one of India's most sacred texts, the Yajurveda: “Snakes whichsoever move along the Earth, which are in sky and heaven... which are the arrows of sorcerers.”
Every sacred site is located on hotspots of electro-magnetic energy, the type that influences the body and the mind and is known to elevate consciousness beyond a mere shamanic state, validating what the builders of ancient temples claimed about the buildings all along: that sacred places such as Chichen Itza, Teotihuacan and Edfu were designed as stargates for "transforming an ordinary person into a god, into a bright star."
In other words, they are self-help centers to be used when you forget who you really are and the invisible universe you're ultimately connected to.
Editors Note: The above includes theoretical assumptions, based on the author’s research and observation. No information in this article is intended to represent a cure for any health conditions.
One of the questions most often thrown at me is, when is consciousness going to evolve? To which I reply, consciousness is evolving every second, but it's a personal trip, it moves relative to your own spiritual development on Earth. However, if you're feeling a deep divide between what happens in your physical life and your spiritual life then there is a way to bridge this gap: visit an ancient temple or sacred site, the kind of places I refer to as self-help centers.
And I am not being sarcastic, there is science behind my thinking.
Over 12,000 years ago there were people on this planet that saw the landscape differently because they were closer to nature than we are today. This sensing of subtle forces allowed them to locate natural hotspots of electro-magnetic energy upon which they erected some of the world's most enduring buildings. Stonehenge and the great pyramids are just some examples.
In the old days it would take a dowser to locate and prove these subtle forces (yes, dowsing has been proven to work, it's the sceptics who want you to believe otherwise). Nowadays we have developed highly sensitive devices that can do the same, and the results are not only astonishing, they also validate what esoteric people have said all along.
One electrical engineer by the name of Pierre Mereux conducted an exhaustive study of the megaliths of Carnac in northern France and found that every stone serves a deliberate function in the processing of energy. His analysis shows how the dolmens amplify and release telluric energy throughout the day, with the strongest readings occurring at dawn.
The voltage and magnetic variations follow a scientific phenomenon known as electric induction. Thus a dolmen behaves like a coil or solenoid in which currents are induced and provoked by variations of the local energy field.
The readings he took reveal an energy that pulsates at regular intervals from around the base of the stones. These pulses are both positively and negatively charged; and on paper they resemble ripples in a pond, spreading out over thirty-six feet away from the upright stones. This is what I would term the stone’s aura. So whereas you and I see the physical boundary of the stone, its true size, energetically speaking, is over four times in diameter.
But what Mereux also found was that these pulsations recycle approximately every 70 minutes, demonstrating how stones, particularly menhirs, charge and discharge on a regular basis.
He also observed how the stone circles concentrate energy like a condenser, and dolmens behave like electrical coils. But the best part of the story is that Mereux was a skeptic. He refused to believe ancient megalithic structures served any practical purpose whatsoever. It was all pagan spiritual mumbo jumbo. In the end he proved himself wrong and validated what we knew all along: that these monuments give physical shape to an invisible energy that not only flows along the Earth but also interacts with a pulsating magnetic field out in space.
In the 90's, scientists took magnetic readings at the world's largest stone circle, Avebury. They found that the magnetic south pole of each stone faces the next stone in line as you walk toward the circle. This arrangement means that the north poles of the stones oppose the local geomagnetic field, as though creating a conduit of energy.
Inside Avebury’s two smaller stone circles, the south poles of all stones point at the next stone in a clockwise direction with two exceptions: the magnetic poles of the two massive entrance stones are aligned 90º to their companion. In other words they align with the stones of the avenue leading into the circle rather than with those within the circle itself, which begins to make Avebury look like a group of aligned magnets. Essentially, its ancient architects were following the same principle behind a modern atomic particle collider, in which airborne ions are steered in one direction.
The same can be said for many of the earthen mounds throughout North America, the vast majority of which were never built as burial sites but rather as markers of this invisible force. And this force isn't only occurring along the ground, it also penetrates far out into space.
In 2008, scientists at NASA discovered how a network of portals open every eight minutes linking the Earth to the Sun. These electron diffusion regions, or X-points, are places where the Earth’s magnetic field connects to the Sun’s, creating an uninterrupted flow of particles between the two stellar bodies, perhaps even further.
Since these magnetic portals extend to Earth, they may be the very same phenomena that ancient architects described some 15,000 years ago in one of India's most sacred texts, the Yajurveda: “Snakes whichsoever move along the Earth, which are in sky and heaven... which are the arrows of sorcerers.”
Every sacred site is located on hotspots of electro-magnetic energy, the type that influences the body and the mind and is known to elevate consciousness beyond a mere shamanic state, validating what the builders of ancient temples claimed about the buildings all along: that sacred places such as Chichen Itza, Teotihuacan and Edfu were designed as stargates for "transforming an ordinary person into a god, into a bright star."
In other words, they are self-help centers to be used when you forget who you really are and the invisible universe you're ultimately connected to.
Editors Note: The above includes theoretical assumptions, based on the author’s research and observation. No information in this article is intended to represent a cure for any health conditions.