The pineal gland or sixth chakra is located deep within the center of the brain and was considered by French philosopher Rene Descartes to be the “seat of the soul.” Mainstream society has long suppressed the science behind the true nature of the pineal, but evidence of its multifaceted function and symbolic history is coming to light as the consciousness of the planet rises. The pineal gland serves as a symbol of spirituality, intuition, and clairvoyance in many religions and societies across the globe. It is often referred to as the “third eye” because it possesses a lens, cornea, retina, and has light sensitive internal structures that are similar to the rods and cones of the eyes. Once activated, it allows an individual to view the spiritual realms. Yet to the detriment of humanity, toxins in the environment and a loss of spiritual knowledge have caused the third eye to calcify and become dormant in most people. However, an awakening is occurring that is allowing people to rediscover their third eye abilities as alternative science uncovers the once well-known mysteries of the sixth chakra.
Pineal Gland Function
The primary function of the pineal gland as understood by mainstream science, is to produce melatonin during sleep, as well as regulate body temperature and skin coloration, all of which depend on the presence of environmental light. Melatonin is a hormone produced from serotonin which affects our mood. Melatonin is secreted by the pineal gland in the absence of light which is responsible for repairing cells, governing circadian rhythms, and eliminating free radicals. A deficiency can lead to insomnia and cancer, and accelerate the aging process. Electromagnetic radiation and the presence of light during sleep also interfere with the signals that tell the pineal gland to start producing melatonin.
Canadian medical doctor, Roman Rozencwaig began studying the pineal gland and its ability to produce melatonin in the mid 1980’s. He believes decreased melatonin production is a direct result of atrophy of the pineal gland, which in turn leads to aging and disease. As a person grows older, the cells of the pineal are damaged and calcified due to toxins in the environment and injury. This leads to decreased melatonin production and higher levels of serotonin, which may be responsible for cancer and other diseases. Dr. Rozencwaig states that supplemental melatonin can drastically reduce the rate of pineal atrophy, slow down the aging process, and treat a wide array of diseases by boosting the immune system, allowing the pineal gland to maintain a balanced ratio between melatonin and serotonin levels in the body. He has treated several of his cancer patients with supplemental melatonin and many have seen a significant improvement in their condition. Even though melatonin is a vastly important part of pineal health, it is not the compound responsible for inducing mystical experiences.
DMT or Di-methyl-tryptamine, is a naturally occurring psychedelic compound that is found throughout the body, and produced by the pineal gland. DMT is believed to play a role in inducing mystical states of consciousness. DMT can be found in almost all plants and animals and has been thought of as the key to our spiritual gateway by many indigenous and ancient tribes, particularly those in South America.
In the mid-1800s Amazonian explorers described psychoactive powders and brews made from plants with high concentrations of DMT. The tribe members often recounted out of body experiences in which they would communicate with spirits and experience mystical visions. These tribes understood the nature of these substances far earlier than their western counterparts. DMT was discovered in the blood, urine, tissue, and spinal fluid of humans in the mid-60s and became the first psychedelic substance to be produced internally by the body. However, DMT research encountered political opposition in the following decade due to the growing anti-psychedelic sentiment, and was not studied again until the 90s.
In his book DMT-The Spirit Molecule, Dr. Rick Strassman discusses his groundbreaking research on DMT and its effects on the pineal gland. Dr. Strassman asserts that the pineal’s location in the center of the brain makes it an ideal candidate for DMT production. Since the third eye is close to the cerebrospinal fluid channels, this allows any secreted substance to be easily absorbed by the brain. Furthermore, the pineal is situated near the colliculi which are mounds of tissue that transmit emotional and sensory data to certain parts of the brain. It is also surrounded by the limbic system which governs the experience of emotions.
DMT is rapidly broken down by the body so the production center needs to be close to the emotional areas of the brain in order to have an effect on the consciousness of a person. The pineal contains the necessary enzymes to convert tryptamine (the base compound that derives melatonin and serotonin) into DMT. It also produces compounds called beta-carbolines which prevent neurotransmitter inhibitor enzymes called monoamine oxidase (MAO) from breaking down DMT. However, the pineal has mechanisms to prevent spontaneous DMT production during normal activities. For example, both the pineal and adrenal glands produce neurotransmitters called catecholamines. These are known to stimulate melatonin production in the pineal, and are produced in response to stress in the adrenals. When the adrenal catecholamines are near the pineal its nerve cells rapidly get rid of them. The nerve cells act as a security system to prevent the release of DMT in periods of everyday stress.
Dr. Strassman postulates that large amounts DMT are released by the pineal at specific points in a person’s life. "Pineal DMT production is the physical representation of non-material, or energetic, processes. It provides us with the vehicle to consciously experience the movement of our life-force in its most extreme manifestations.” He believes that DMT is released when the soul enters the fetus, at birth, during states of meditation or psychosis, and when the soul leaves the body. In patients with psychosis, enzymes that stimulate DMT production are elevated and MAO enzymes are decreased. Therefore, their third eye is unable to turn off DMT production, resulting in hallucinations. During states of deep meditation people have reported having mystical experiences similar to those produced by psychedelics. When a person enters a deep meditative state their brainwaves become slower and more coherent as they reach a level of expanded awareness. Thus, the pineal vibrates at these same frequencies which triggers the release of DMT. During birth and death, Strassman speculates that large amounts of catecholamines are released. Since birth and death can be high stress experiences, the pineal is overwhelmed with catecholamines which stimulate DMT release.
Dr. Strassman and his research team conducted a study in which they gave several volunteers low, medium, and high doses of IV DMT, and measured its effects on the body. When volunteers were given a dose of .05mg/kg, no psychedelic effects were present, but many experienced feelings of joy and happiness. At a medium dose volunteers experienced rapid colorful visual patterns that were kaleidoscopic or geometric in nature. At higher doses volunteers experienced complete loss of connection with reality as they were fully launched into a psychedelic experience. Many felt as if they had died, accompanied by feelings of bliss and euphoria, while a smaller percentage experienced feelings of terror and paranoia. Several reported traveling through realms with vibrant unfamiliar colors and shapes while whizzing past galaxies. Some volunteers even encountered beings who interacted with them and guided them through the DMT space. Overall the experiences were individual, but similar in many respects. Strassman’s research indicates that pineal DMT production may play a vital role in inducing mystical experiences during near death experiences, psychotic states, and deep states of meditation.
Pineal Calcification and Activation
Even though the pineal gland contains chemicals and neurotransmitters to induce mystical experiences without the use of external psychedelics, the pineal glands of most people are calcified and dormant. Many of the toxins in our food and environment are responsible for pineal calcification. Calcification prevents the pineal from functioning correctly and leads to decreased melatonin and DMT production. Fluoride, mercury, and processed foods, are some of the substances that contribute to pineal calcification. Fluoride is found in toothpaste and most of America’s water supply, and is one of the chief causes of pineal calcification. The calcified pineal contains the highest concentration of fluoride in the body.
Fluoride and mercury have been shown to effect brain function, and even lower IQ. Mercury can be found in vaccines and tooth fillings, and has been linked to the onset of autism in young children. However, fluoride can be removed from tap water with filters specifically designed for fluoride removal. Mercury and other heavy metals can be removed from the body with the correct supplements. Processed foods contain a plethora of additives, chemicals, and artificial compounds that indirectly cause pineal calcification, as well as a host of other health problems. Over 50% of the standard American diet consists of processed foods. Since their inception in the early 20s, processed foods have become a staple in many American diets, with Americans consuming 31% more processed food than fresh food.
There are numerous ways to activate and open the third eye, and each method can be individualized to suit the needs of the person. One of the most widely practiced pineal activation techniques is meditation. Dr. Joe Dispenza, author of “Evolve Your Brain: The Science of Changing Your Mind”, claims that through the science of neuroplasticity, a person can rewire their brain. In his research with cases of spontaneous remission, Dr. Dispenza discovered that those who had achieved total healing from terminal illnesses were able to rewire their brain through positive intention and thought. When a person is awake and alert they are generally in a beta state. When one begins to enter a meditative trance the brain enters alpha, theta, and gamma states, with the latter being the slowest and most conducive for healing. These slow frequencies allow the brain to readily access the field of quantum possibility when an intention is set. This is because the brain is not preoccupied with tasks of daily survival and it is able to expand its focus beyond everyday needs. Therefore if a person sets an intention to open their third eye, it can be activated with regular meditation practice.
The use of supplements coupled with a more plant based diet is an excellent way to decalcify the pineal gland. Nascent iodine is an electrified form of iodine that is readily absorbed by the body which helps eliminate fluoride, bromine, chlorine, and other toxins. Not only does nascent iodine remove pineal toxins, but it also stimulates the thyroid, improves mental clarity, and aids in boosting the immune system. Chaga mushroom is one of the best supplements for pineal decalcification because of its high melanin content. Melanin is produced by the pituitary gland in the presence of melatonin and is a primary pineal food source. Chaga is one of the highest natural sources of antioxidants, and helps balance the immune system and prevent cancer, as well as a host of other diseases. Chaga medicines can be made into powder, tea, and single or dual extracts. Dual extracts are the most potent because they contain both the water and alcohol soluble compounds of the mushroom and are rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream. Adding magnesium bicarbonate to drinking water not only decalcifies your pineal gland, but alkalizes your body and eliminates calcium deposits that have formed around other organs. Its Magnesium in water is absorbed 30% faster than magnesium in food and the bicarbonate amplifies the amount of magnesium absorbed by cells.
Since the pineal is a light sensitive, sun-gazing is a simple way to decalcify it. Sun-gazing is the practice of looking at the sun during the hour of sunset or sunrise in order to absorb its light energy. However, mainstream science has taught us that looking at the sun for even brief periods is harmful to our eyes, so many are skeptical of the process. In addition to pineal decalcification, sun-gazing can improve mental clarity, eliminate toxins, prevent mental and physical disease, slow the aging process, and decrease hunger. One of the most popular methods of gazing is the HRM method, named after its founder Hira Ratan Manek. HRM recommends that you begin gazing for 10 seconds, increasing 10 seconds each day until you reach a time of 45 minutes. According to this method total mental clarity occurs at 15 minutes and physical diseases start to disappear around the 30 minute mark. HRM believes after the 45 minute mark is reached, a person can stop gazing and start walking barefoot for 45 minutes per day on bare earth. This connection with the earth ensures that your “solar battery” remains charged. If this process is continued one experiences feelings of bliss and joy as their intuition supersedes the ego mind. It is recommended that a person only gaze an hour within sunset or sunrise when the UV index is low. When the sun is higher in the sky, the UV rays can be damaging to the retina of the eye. In order to gain the full benefit, HRM recommends that a person ground themselves by standing barefoot on dirt or sand while gazing. It is also important to note that you should never gaze while standing on grass because the plant life can absorb sun energy from the body and lessen the benefits. Sun-gazing is a journey for each person and the benefits and experiences are unique based on the intention and needs of the individual.
Western society once thought the third eye was a vestigial organ with no function, but its mysteries are slowly unraveling as science and spirituality merge. The discovery of DMT as a naturally occurring psychedelic adds validity to the complexities and unique nature of mystical experiences. As people connect with their spiritual nature through pineal decalcification, meditation, and other holistic practices the power of intention, belief, and thought becomes a driving force in the areas of health and spiritual attunement. We have only just begun to tap into the nature of our pineal, but as scientific evidence confirms spiritual knowledge mystical experiences become tangible tools for physical and spiritual growth.
Disclaimer: All information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Please consult a naturopathic or medical doctor.
The pineal gland or sixth chakra is located deep within the center of the brain and was considered by French philosopher Rene Descartes to be the “seat of the soul.” Mainstream society has long suppressed the science behind the true nature of the pineal, but evidence of its multifaceted function and symbolic history is coming to light as the consciousness of the planet rises. The pineal gland serves as a symbol of spirituality, intuition, and clairvoyance in many religions and societies across the globe. It is often referred to as the “third eye” because it possesses a lens, cornea, retina, and has light sensitive internal structures that are similar to the rods and cones of the eyes. Once activated, it allows an individual to view the spiritual realms. Yet to the detriment of humanity, toxins in the environment and a loss of spiritual knowledge have caused the third eye to calcify and become dormant in most people. However, an awakening is occurring that is allowing people to rediscover their third eye abilities as alternative science uncovers the once well-known mysteries of the sixth chakra.
Pineal Gland Function
The primary function of the pineal gland as understood by mainstream science, is to produce melatonin during sleep, as well as regulate body temperature and skin coloration, all of which depend on the presence of environmental light. Melatonin is a hormone produced from serotonin which affects our mood. Melatonin is secreted by the pineal gland in the absence of light which is responsible for repairing cells, governing circadian rhythms, and eliminating free radicals. A deficiency can lead to insomnia and cancer, and accelerate the aging process. Electromagnetic radiation and the presence of light during sleep also interfere with the signals that tell the pineal gland to start producing melatonin.
Canadian medical doctor, Roman Rozencwaig began studying the pineal gland and its ability to produce melatonin in the mid 1980’s. He believes decreased melatonin production is a direct result of atrophy of the pineal gland, which in turn leads to aging and disease. As a person grows older, the cells of the pineal are damaged and calcified due to toxins in the environment and injury. This leads to decreased melatonin production and higher levels of serotonin, which may be responsible for cancer and other diseases. Dr. Rozencwaig states that supplemental melatonin can drastically reduce the rate of pineal atrophy, slow down the aging process, and treat a wide array of diseases by boosting the immune system, allowing the pineal gland to maintain a balanced ratio between melatonin and serotonin levels in the body. He has treated several of his cancer patients with supplemental melatonin and many have seen a significant improvement in their condition. Even though melatonin is a vastly important part of pineal health, it is not the compound responsible for inducing mystical experiences.
DMT or Di-methyl-tryptamine, is a naturally occurring psychedelic compound that is found throughout the body, and produced by the pineal gland. DMT is believed to play a role in inducing mystical states of consciousness. DMT can be found in almost all plants and animals and has been thought of as the key to our spiritual gateway by many indigenous and ancient tribes, particularly those in South America.
In the mid-1800s Amazonian explorers described psychoactive powders and brews made from plants with high concentrations of DMT. The tribe members often recounted out of body experiences in which they would communicate with spirits and experience mystical visions. These tribes understood the nature of these substances far earlier than their western counterparts. DMT was discovered in the blood, urine, tissue, and spinal fluid of humans in the mid-60s and became the first psychedelic substance to be produced internally by the body. However, DMT research encountered political opposition in the following decade due to the growing anti-psychedelic sentiment, and was not studied again until the 90s.
In his book DMT-The Spirit Molecule, Dr. Rick Strassman discusses his groundbreaking research on DMT and its effects on the pineal gland. Dr. Strassman asserts that the pineal’s location in the center of the brain makes it an ideal candidate for DMT production. Since the third eye is close to the cerebrospinal fluid channels, this allows any secreted substance to be easily absorbed by the brain. Furthermore, the pineal is situated near the colliculi which are mounds of tissue that transmit emotional and sensory data to certain parts of the brain. It is also surrounded by the limbic system which governs the experience of emotions.
DMT is rapidly broken down by the body so the production center needs to be close to the emotional areas of the brain in order to have an effect on the consciousness of a person. The pineal contains the necessary enzymes to convert tryptamine (the base compound that derives melatonin and serotonin) into DMT. It also produces compounds called beta-carbolines which prevent neurotransmitter inhibitor enzymes called monoamine oxidase (MAO) from breaking down DMT. However, the pineal has mechanisms to prevent spontaneous DMT production during normal activities. For example, both the pineal and adrenal glands produce neurotransmitters called catecholamines. These are known to stimulate melatonin production in the pineal, and are produced in response to stress in the adrenals. When the adrenal catecholamines are near the pineal its nerve cells rapidly get rid of them. The nerve cells act as a security system to prevent the release of DMT in periods of everyday stress.
Dr. Strassman postulates that large amounts DMT are released by the pineal at specific points in a person’s life. "Pineal DMT production is the physical representation of non-material, or energetic, processes. It provides us with the vehicle to consciously experience the movement of our life-force in its most extreme manifestations.” He believes that DMT is released when the soul enters the fetus, at birth, during states of meditation or psychosis, and when the soul leaves the body. In patients with psychosis, enzymes that stimulate DMT production are elevated and MAO enzymes are decreased. Therefore, their third eye is unable to turn off DMT production, resulting in hallucinations. During states of deep meditation people have reported having mystical experiences similar to those produced by psychedelics. When a person enters a deep meditative state their brainwaves become slower and more coherent as they reach a level of expanded awareness. Thus, the pineal vibrates at these same frequencies which triggers the release of DMT. During birth and death, Strassman speculates that large amounts of catecholamines are released. Since birth and death can be high stress experiences, the pineal is overwhelmed with catecholamines which stimulate DMT release.
Dr. Strassman and his research team conducted a study in which they gave several volunteers low, medium, and high doses of IV DMT, and measured its effects on the body. When volunteers were given a dose of .05mg/kg, no psychedelic effects were present, but many experienced feelings of joy and happiness. At a medium dose volunteers experienced rapid colorful visual patterns that were kaleidoscopic or geometric in nature. At higher doses volunteers experienced complete loss of connection with reality as they were fully launched into a psychedelic experience. Many felt as if they had died, accompanied by feelings of bliss and euphoria, while a smaller percentage experienced feelings of terror and paranoia. Several reported traveling through realms with vibrant unfamiliar colors and shapes while whizzing past galaxies. Some volunteers even encountered beings who interacted with them and guided them through the DMT space. Overall the experiences were individual, but similar in many respects. Strassman’s research indicates that pineal DMT production may play a vital role in inducing mystical experiences during near death experiences, psychotic states, and deep states of meditation.
Pineal Calcification and Activation
Even though the pineal gland contains chemicals and neurotransmitters to induce mystical experiences without the use of external psychedelics, the pineal glands of most people are calcified and dormant. Many of the toxins in our food and environment are responsible for pineal calcification. Calcification prevents the pineal from functioning correctly and leads to decreased melatonin and DMT production. Fluoride, mercury, and processed foods, are some of the substances that contribute to pineal calcification. Fluoride is found in toothpaste and most of America’s water supply, and is one of the chief causes of pineal calcification. The calcified pineal contains the highest concentration of fluoride in the body.
Fluoride and mercury have been shown to effect brain function, and even lower IQ. Mercury can be found in vaccines and tooth fillings, and has been linked to the onset of autism in young children. However, fluoride can be removed from tap water with filters specifically designed for fluoride removal. Mercury and other heavy metals can be removed from the body with the correct supplements. Processed foods contain a plethora of additives, chemicals, and artificial compounds that indirectly cause pineal calcification, as well as a host of other health problems. Over 50% of the standard American diet consists of processed foods. Since their inception in the early 20s, processed foods have become a staple in many American diets, with Americans consuming 31% more processed food than fresh food.
There are numerous ways to activate and open the third eye, and each method can be individualized to suit the needs of the person. One of the most widely practiced pineal activation techniques is meditation. Dr. Joe Dispenza, author of “Evolve Your Brain: The Science of Changing Your Mind”, claims that through the science of neuroplasticity, a person can rewire their brain. In his research with cases of spontaneous remission, Dr. Dispenza discovered that those who had achieved total healing from terminal illnesses were able to rewire their brain through positive intention and thought. When a person is awake and alert they are generally in a beta state. When one begins to enter a meditative trance the brain enters alpha, theta, and gamma states, with the latter being the slowest and most conducive for healing. These slow frequencies allow the brain to readily access the field of quantum possibility when an intention is set. This is because the brain is not preoccupied with tasks of daily survival and it is able to expand its focus beyond everyday needs. Therefore if a person sets an intention to open their third eye, it can be activated with regular meditation practice.
The use of supplements coupled with a more plant based diet is an excellent way to decalcify the pineal gland. Nascent iodine is an electrified form of iodine that is readily absorbed by the body which helps eliminate fluoride, bromine, chlorine, and other toxins. Not only does nascent iodine remove pineal toxins, but it also stimulates the thyroid, improves mental clarity, and aids in boosting the immune system. Chaga mushroom is one of the best supplements for pineal decalcification because of its high melanin content. Melanin is produced by the pituitary gland in the presence of melatonin and is a primary pineal food source. Chaga is one of the highest natural sources of antioxidants, and helps balance the immune system and prevent cancer, as well as a host of other diseases. Chaga medicines can be made into powder, tea, and single or dual extracts. Dual extracts are the most potent because they contain both the water and alcohol soluble compounds of the mushroom and are rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream. Adding magnesium bicarbonate to drinking water not only decalcifies your pineal gland, but alkalizes your body and eliminates calcium deposits that have formed around other organs. Its Magnesium in water is absorbed 30% faster than magnesium in food and the bicarbonate amplifies the amount of magnesium absorbed by cells.
Since the pineal is a light sensitive, sun-gazing is a simple way to decalcify it. Sun-gazing is the practice of looking at the sun during the hour of sunset or sunrise in order to absorb its light energy. However, mainstream science has taught us that looking at the sun for even brief periods is harmful to our eyes, so many are skeptical of the process. In addition to pineal decalcification, sun-gazing can improve mental clarity, eliminate toxins, prevent mental and physical disease, slow the aging process, and decrease hunger. One of the most popular methods of gazing is the HRM method, named after its founder Hira Ratan Manek. HRM recommends that you begin gazing for 10 seconds, increasing 10 seconds each day until you reach a time of 45 minutes. According to this method total mental clarity occurs at 15 minutes and physical diseases start to disappear around the 30 minute mark. HRM believes after the 45 minute mark is reached, a person can stop gazing and start walking barefoot for 45 minutes per day on bare earth. This connection with the earth ensures that your “solar battery” remains charged. If this process is continued one experiences feelings of bliss and joy as their intuition supersedes the ego mind. It is recommended that a person only gaze an hour within sunset or sunrise when the UV index is low. When the sun is higher in the sky, the UV rays can be damaging to the retina of the eye. In order to gain the full benefit, HRM recommends that a person ground themselves by standing barefoot on dirt or sand while gazing. It is also important to note that you should never gaze while standing on grass because the plant life can absorb sun energy from the body and lessen the benefits. Sun-gazing is a journey for each person and the benefits and experiences are unique based on the intention and needs of the individual.
Western society once thought the third eye was a vestigial organ with no function, but its mysteries are slowly unraveling as science and spirituality merge. The discovery of DMT as a naturally occurring psychedelic adds validity to the complexities and unique nature of mystical experiences. As people connect with their spiritual nature through pineal decalcification, meditation, and other holistic practices the power of intention, belief, and thought becomes a driving force in the areas of health and spiritual attunement. We have only just begun to tap into the nature of our pineal, but as scientific evidence confirms spiritual knowledge mystical experiences become tangible tools for physical and spiritual growth.
Disclaimer: All information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Please consult a naturopathic or medical doctor.
The inner critic -- refer to it and everyone nods their head knowingly. But ask what it is and what it does and few have an easy reply. Exploring what the inner critic is and how it operates, can help us make it our inner champion.
Most people experience self-directed inner negativity – thoughts that come into your mind quickly and repetitively after you do or say something you wish you hadn’t. Thoughts such as “Why did I do that?” or “Why did I do that…again?” or “What’s wrong with me?” and “What was I thinking?” are common.
Perhaps your negative thoughts are a little different, but you likely have them – in some form. They are usually demeaning. For some, these thoughts are pervasive, and occur all day long in response to thoughts of the past or projections about the future.
These inner messages are what make up the inner critic.
The inner critic develops outside of our conscious awareness when we are very young. No one sets out to have a negative inner voice, but we all encounter uncomfortable events in childhood that we do not understand, and we strive to avoid their repetition. As children, we experience ourselves as the center of the universe, and so naturally we ascribe causality to our actions. “If I don’t do that again, Mom and Dad won’t get mad,” and so forth. But Mom and Dad being mad (or feeling and expressing another negative emotion) is not always about us, and so our developing minds have a hard time pinning down the -- often non-existent -- pattern.
Because we are not yet mature enough to understand paradox, double binds, and simple misdirected emotion, our self-preservation instinct begins to apply internal scolding -- “Don’t do that again” -- to things that are beyond our control in an attempt to avoid conflict. And since we do not talk about our internal processes, no one puts things in perspective for us, leaving this self-deprecatory instinct to develop unchecked.
As a result, it never really matures, and it uses the same strategy of attempted protection forever. Because we respond to the inner scolding, the inner critic part of the mind registers it as effective. But the response is not usually helpful. Instead we just feel bad. The inner critic is a like fussy 6-year-old that likes to tell us what we did wrong, but never offers any constructive advice. And it is very persistent.
Imagine for a moment that you can ask that part of you to be nicer, to try some more productive strategies, and that it will listen.
You can. And it will.
This isn’t magic. But over time the results are pretty magical.
You Can Stop Your Inner Critic with These Easy Steps
The first step is to tune in to what is going on internally – in your mind and body. Set the intention to notice when you feel bad.
Next set the intention to notice what sort of internal messages you are experiencing during these times. If they are some form of “you messed up” or “you are not good” or “you are going to screw up” then your inner critic could use a little help growing up!
Internally, turn toward that part of you. Speak to it -- gently.
Most people, when they initially realize they have a negative internal voice want to block it out or cut it off; they want to get rid of it.
The inner critic is a part of you. As such, it deserves to be treated with the same kindness, gentleness, respect, and generosity that every other part of you deserves. If you just tell it to “be quiet!” you are dropping to that same 6-year-old level. If you cut that part of yourself out, you will end up with phantom pain.
Instead, be a partner to your inner critic. Help it out, like it has been trying so hard to help you all this time -- and yes, it is there to help you. It has been trying to keep you safe, but it is over-protective and not good at predicting the future. If it were, it would tell you not to do things instead of scolding you after the fact. It would tell you how to avoid messing up, not that you are going to.
With some help, the inner critic can become a positive support for you, not just a nag.
How to Talk to Your Inner Critic
What follows is the language I suggest to people when introducing this concept, but please do not feel like you have to use it – find what works for you.
“I recognize that you have been working really hard for a long time to try to help me, but the way you are doing it has not been very effective.
Is there anything new here that you are trying to tell me? If there is, I want to know. Otherwise, please take a break from working so hard or try a new positive strategy.
You have been using the same strategy all these long years, and the outcome is always the same. I know you are working tirelessly to try and help me, and I would like to work together. I would like to share some new strategies with you that might be more useful.”
You might not be surprised to hear your inner critic respond that it will not work, or that it does not know what to do instead.
Tell it that it will work, and that you will be patient as it learns. Offer it some alternative things to say -- things you’d actually like to hear. Like, “Good Job!” or “You’re getting better at those sort of interactions” might be good places to start.
Your job is to be ready to remind the inner critic when it forgets that it is trying something new. And it is likely to be pretty forgetful.
Why does it not just change once you recognize you want it to? For the same reason that most things take more than one try – we are changing previously unconscious mental habits. It is a habit to let the inner critic talk negatively and unchallenged. It takes creating a new and conscious habit to change that.
Every time you recognize it is happening again you are in the process of changing it.
When you notice a repetitive or negative thought arise, remind your inner critic you are working together to change, and ask yourself if there is any new information. If there is not, make a choice to think about something positive. This is not running away from the negative voice, but making a discerning choice to think positively. Even if it only lasts for a moment, you are doing something different and on the way to a new inner outlook.
With practice your inner critic will soften. It will become less persistent and more reasonable. Use a little loving kindness and it can even become your friend!
For more information about changing the inner critic, you can check out "Tiny Buddha's Guide to Loving Yourself: 40 Ways to Transform Your Inner Critic and Your Life" by Lori Deschene.
Disclaimer: All information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Please consult a naturopathic or medical doctor.
The inner critic -- refer to it and everyone nods their head knowingly. But ask what it is and what it does and few have an easy reply. Exploring what the inner critic is and how it operates, can help us make it our inner champion.
Most people experience self-directed inner negativity – thoughts that come into your mind quickly and repetitively after you do or say something you wish you hadn’t. Thoughts such as “Why did I do that?” or “Why did I do that…again?” or “What’s wrong with me?” and “What was I thinking?” are common.
Perhaps your negative thoughts are a little different, but you likely have them – in some form. They are usually demeaning. For some, these thoughts are pervasive, and occur all day long in response to thoughts of the past or projections about the future.
These inner messages are what make up the inner critic.
The inner critic develops outside of our conscious awareness when we are very young. No one sets out to have a negative inner voice, but we all encounter uncomfortable events in childhood that we do not understand, and we strive to avoid their repetition. As children, we experience ourselves as the center of the universe, and so naturally we ascribe causality to our actions. “If I don’t do that again, Mom and Dad won’t get mad,” and so forth. But Mom and Dad being mad (or feeling and expressing another negative emotion) is not always about us, and so our developing minds have a hard time pinning down the -- often non-existent -- pattern.
Because we are not yet mature enough to understand paradox, double binds, and simple misdirected emotion, our self-preservation instinct begins to apply internal scolding -- “Don’t do that again” -- to things that are beyond our control in an attempt to avoid conflict. And since we do not talk about our internal processes, no one puts things in perspective for us, leaving this self-deprecatory instinct to develop unchecked.
As a result, it never really matures, and it uses the same strategy of attempted protection forever. Because we respond to the inner scolding, the inner critic part of the mind registers it as effective. But the response is not usually helpful. Instead we just feel bad. The inner critic is a like fussy 6-year-old that likes to tell us what we did wrong, but never offers any constructive advice. And it is very persistent.
Imagine for a moment that you can ask that part of you to be nicer, to try some more productive strategies, and that it will listen.
You can. And it will.
This isn’t magic. But over time the results are pretty magical.
You Can Stop Your Inner Critic with These Easy Steps
The first step is to tune in to what is going on internally – in your mind and body. Set the intention to notice when you feel bad.
Next set the intention to notice what sort of internal messages you are experiencing during these times. If they are some form of “you messed up” or “you are not good” or “you are going to screw up” then your inner critic could use a little help growing up!
Internally, turn toward that part of you. Speak to it -- gently.
Most people, when they initially realize they have a negative internal voice want to block it out or cut it off; they want to get rid of it.
The inner critic is a part of you. As such, it deserves to be treated with the same kindness, gentleness, respect, and generosity that every other part of you deserves. If you just tell it to “be quiet!” you are dropping to that same 6-year-old level. If you cut that part of yourself out, you will end up with phantom pain.
Instead, be a partner to your inner critic. Help it out, like it has been trying so hard to help you all this time -- and yes, it is there to help you. It has been trying to keep you safe, but it is over-protective and not good at predicting the future. If it were, it would tell you not to do things instead of scolding you after the fact. It would tell you how to avoid messing up, not that you are going to.
With some help, the inner critic can become a positive support for you, not just a nag.
How to Talk to Your Inner Critic
What follows is the language I suggest to people when introducing this concept, but please do not feel like you have to use it – find what works for you.
“I recognize that you have been working really hard for a long time to try to help me, but the way you are doing it has not been very effective.
Is there anything new here that you are trying to tell me? If there is, I want to know. Otherwise, please take a break from working so hard or try a new positive strategy.
You have been using the same strategy all these long years, and the outcome is always the same. I know you are working tirelessly to try and help me, and I would like to work together. I would like to share some new strategies with you that might be more useful.”
You might not be surprised to hear your inner critic respond that it will not work, or that it does not know what to do instead.
Tell it that it will work, and that you will be patient as it learns. Offer it some alternative things to say -- things you’d actually like to hear. Like, “Good Job!” or “You’re getting better at those sort of interactions” might be good places to start.
Your job is to be ready to remind the inner critic when it forgets that it is trying something new. And it is likely to be pretty forgetful.
Why does it not just change once you recognize you want it to? For the same reason that most things take more than one try – we are changing previously unconscious mental habits. It is a habit to let the inner critic talk negatively and unchallenged. It takes creating a new and conscious habit to change that.
Every time you recognize it is happening again you are in the process of changing it.
When you notice a repetitive or negative thought arise, remind your inner critic you are working together to change, and ask yourself if there is any new information. If there is not, make a choice to think about something positive. This is not running away from the negative voice, but making a discerning choice to think positively. Even if it only lasts for a moment, you are doing something different and on the way to a new inner outlook.
With practice your inner critic will soften. It will become less persistent and more reasonable. Use a little loving kindness and it can even become your friend!
For more information about changing the inner critic, you can check out "Tiny Buddha's Guide to Loving Yourself: 40 Ways to Transform Your Inner Critic and Your Life" by Lori Deschene.
Disclaimer: All information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Please consult a naturopathic or medical doctor.
There are few things as vibrationally pure as a child's laughter. As the universe expresses itself through all of us individually, the role of children is to bring back the joy and the curiosity to life itself. Not only is laughing great for the soul, but it has also been proven to provide irreplaceable health benefits: mental and physical. As we get older, we unfortunately forget this -- we forget to laugh.
We are living in a fascinating time here on Earth, and we chose to be here for the coming experiences. We can begin to see on both personal and global levels, that multiple shifts and changes are happening, as well as endings and new beginnings. In between all these changes, there is a beautiful opportunity right now to rediscover your inner you(th).
What Children Can Teach Us about Life
Often when we see a small child our first reaction is to immediately smile. This is a reaction to the inner you(th) that is so naturally being transmitted. With so few filters and stories in place, a child beams forth their essence -- exploring the world around in awe and excitement.
Each new experience brings a sense of wonder to this being of youth. The laughter that flows from a child so freely is contagious to all that surrounds or hears it. A child laughs uncontrollably without stopping and the simplest of motions keep this vibration going.
Science-Proven Benefits of Laughter
When is the last time that you allowed yourself to laugh in such a way -- like children do? Laughter is scientifically proven to change brain chemistry. It has been long discovered through studies that the body does not know the difference between simulated and real laughter. Just one minute of stimulated laughter can make a real difference!
In fact, according to psychology professor at Fairleigh Dickinson University: “Forced laughter is a powerful, readily available and cost-free way for many adults to regularly boost their mood and psychological wellbeing."
The body will receive the same physiological and emotional benefits. It is further noted that eventually the simulated laughter will turn into real genuine laughter. This goes back to the saying “fake it until you make it.”
So what is really happening to the body when you are laughing? During a laughter experience your body is releasing endorphins, natural opiates that are more potent than equivalent amounts of morphine. Laughter helps to reduce pain, increase mood, and strengthen your immune system. It is further found that laughing helps the brain regulate the stress hormones: cortisol and epinephrine.
The Way Children and Adults Laugh Differ Greatly
It is reported that children can laugh more than 100 times a day -- some studies show that children laugh as often as 400 times a day! -- while grown ups laugh only 10 to 15 times. This is because adults use their cognitive ability to first comprehend humor and then laugh. This is called the mind-to-body model. It relies on the ability to understand what is funny and amusing.
Children often use the body-to-mind model. If you watch and observe children, you will find that they laugh most while playing. This laughter comes from the body and does not make use of any intellectual capacity of the brain.
We can reap the same benefits again as we did as young children. This memory is still within our cells and tissues of how to move, play, and laugh. It is allowing ourselves permission to be silly again without restriction or fear of judgment of self or others.
Some simple suggestions would be: allow yourself to dance and flow around the living room to your own beat with a smile on your face, blow bubbles and laugh as you pop them, go on the swings at the local park and laugh as you ascend into the air, have a gentle pillow fight with friends and family, and practice different laughs in front of the mirror or each other (Dracula, quiet/ medium/loud, sing your favorite song with laughter vs. the words). You can laugh anywhere you are: in the car, with friends, family, at work, in the store. You will find as you express yourself freely, others will join in.
Laughter Yoga for A Joyful Life
A wonderful resource is an experience called Laughter Yoga. Laughter yoga is a unique concept where anyone can laugh for no reason without relying on humor, jokes, or comedy. It is called Laughter Yoga because it combines laughter exercises with yoga breathing. It assists in rediscovering the body-to-mind connection. You can check out video sessions on you tube or search for a local Laughter Yoga club in your area at www.laughteryoga.org.
Great transformations can occur from this technique. When individuals first arrive to a laughter yoga session, they can often appear apprehensive, display limited body movements to the exercises, and have a more nervous or forced laughter. By the end of the session, people are laughing hysterically coming from the body vs. the mind, moving freely all around the room, and allowing their authentic and child self to shine once again. People who tried laughter yoga reported feeling better, physically and emotionally, and it positively affected every area of their lives.
Through laughter and play we rediscover that inner you(th). The barriers and stories that we hold consciously and subconsciously begin to easily release. We are able to rediscover our passion and purpose for life again. This is an amazing time to reconnect to that presence within as we rebuild ourselves and the world around us for a new tomorrow.
Disclaimer: All information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Please consult a naturopathic or medical doctor.
There are few things as vibrationally pure as a child's laughter. As the universe expresses itself through all of us individually, the role of children is to bring back the joy and the curiosity to life itself. Not only is laughing great for the soul, but it has also been proven to provide irreplaceable health benefits: mental and physical. As we get older, we unfortunately forget this -- we forget to laugh.
We are living in a fascinating time here on Earth, and we chose to be here for the coming experiences. We can begin to see on both personal and global levels, that multiple shifts and changes are happening, as well as endings and new beginnings. In between all these changes, there is a beautiful opportunity right now to rediscover your inner you(th).
What Children Can Teach Us about Life
Often when we see a small child our first reaction is to immediately smile. This is a reaction to the inner you(th) that is so naturally being transmitted. With so few filters and stories in place, a child beams forth their essence -- exploring the world around in awe and excitement.
Each new experience brings a sense of wonder to this being of youth. The laughter that flows from a child so freely is contagious to all that surrounds or hears it. A child laughs uncontrollably without stopping and the simplest of motions keep this vibration going.
Science-Proven Benefits of Laughter
When is the last time that you allowed yourself to laugh in such a way -- like children do? Laughter is scientifically proven to change brain chemistry. It has been long discovered through studies that the body does not know the difference between simulated and real laughter. Just one minute of stimulated laughter can make a real difference!
In fact, according to psychology professor at Fairleigh Dickinson University: “Forced laughter is a powerful, readily available and cost-free way for many adults to regularly boost their mood and psychological wellbeing."
The body will receive the same physiological and emotional benefits. It is further noted that eventually the simulated laughter will turn into real genuine laughter. This goes back to the saying “fake it until you make it.”
So what is really happening to the body when you are laughing? During a laughter experience your body is releasing endorphins, natural opiates that are more potent than equivalent amounts of morphine. Laughter helps to reduce pain, increase mood, and strengthen your immune system. It is further found that laughing helps the brain regulate the stress hormones: cortisol and epinephrine.
The Way Children and Adults Laugh Differ Greatly
It is reported that children can laugh more than 100 times a day -- some studies show that children laugh as often as 400 times a day! -- while grown ups laugh only 10 to 15 times. This is because adults use their cognitive ability to first comprehend humor and then laugh. This is called the mind-to-body model. It relies on the ability to understand what is funny and amusing.
Children often use the body-to-mind model. If you watch and observe children, you will find that they laugh most while playing. This laughter comes from the body and does not make use of any intellectual capacity of the brain.
We can reap the same benefits again as we did as young children. This memory is still within our cells and tissues of how to move, play, and laugh. It is allowing ourselves permission to be silly again without restriction or fear of judgment of self or others.
Some simple suggestions would be: allow yourself to dance and flow around the living room to your own beat with a smile on your face, blow bubbles and laugh as you pop them, go on the swings at the local park and laugh as you ascend into the air, have a gentle pillow fight with friends and family, and practice different laughs in front of the mirror or each other (Dracula, quiet/ medium/loud, sing your favorite song with laughter vs. the words). You can laugh anywhere you are: in the car, with friends, family, at work, in the store. You will find as you express yourself freely, others will join in.
Laughter Yoga for A Joyful Life
A wonderful resource is an experience called Laughter Yoga. Laughter yoga is a unique concept where anyone can laugh for no reason without relying on humor, jokes, or comedy. It is called Laughter Yoga because it combines laughter exercises with yoga breathing. It assists in rediscovering the body-to-mind connection. You can check out video sessions on you tube or search for a local Laughter Yoga club in your area at www.laughteryoga.org.
Great transformations can occur from this technique. When individuals first arrive to a laughter yoga session, they can often appear apprehensive, display limited body movements to the exercises, and have a more nervous or forced laughter. By the end of the session, people are laughing hysterically coming from the body vs. the mind, moving freely all around the room, and allowing their authentic and child self to shine once again. People who tried laughter yoga reported feeling better, physically and emotionally, and it positively affected every area of their lives.
Through laughter and play we rediscover that inner you(th). The barriers and stories that we hold consciously and subconsciously begin to easily release. We are able to rediscover our passion and purpose for life again. This is an amazing time to reconnect to that presence within as we rebuild ourselves and the world around us for a new tomorrow.
Disclaimer: All information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Please consult a naturopathic or medical doctor.
The engine of consciousness that creates reality is meaning. When we assign meaning to a particular idea or theme, it gives rise to perspective. Perspective is important, because created through the emotional body, it gives the vibrational flavor to experience. Without perspective, physical reality is an empty shell of circumstance.
Each unique perspective imprints the collective tapestry with a myriad of higher and lower vibrational timelines and when sewn together, these timelines forge the collective experience. Each perspective regardless of whether it is lower or higher vibrational, is beneficial for the expansion of both the earth and universal collectives. This is because the energy of experience is neutral. It is the meaning that we assign to experience that creates our vibratory perception of it.
The recognition of the neutrality of experience allows us to transcend the energy of separation and polarity, so we can become a more unified human consciousness.
Navigating Through Darkness
In order to reach this unity through neutrality we must first acknowledge, accept, and integrate both lower and higher vibrational aspects that exist within us. Often society teaches people to only focus on positive aspects of themselves and to suppress the negative emotions they feel. This suppression creates resistance and the resistance creates suffering.
People create this resistance when they judge themselves for their emotions. We move past the judgment when we realize that the shadows and darkness within us can be one of our greatest teachers that launches us toward ascension. Movement through the shadows allows for growth and expansion within the self. It triggers us to face our fears by realizing our own inner strength. Transcending fear through recognition of inner strength gives us a new sense of self-worth, as we emerge out of the darkness of the situation and into the light.
This nonjudgmental perspective causes the doors of expansion to be blown wide open as we release resistance to the emotions within us and step into the synchronistic flow of neutrality.
In the midst of a tough situation it can be difficult to view things from a neutral perspective. More often than not, a person must experience the gamut of human emotion in order to find the neutral balance point.
For example, someone might be in a difficult relationship where one person causes the other to feel unworthy. These feelings of unworthiness surface so that he or she can move through and transcend them. He or she will continue to attract feelings of increased unworthiness until the experience becomes intense enough to cause a shift in perspective. In other words, sometimes we must shadow ourselves in darkness so that we can rebuild ourselves in the light. The shadowing allows all the darkness to be exposed and in this exposure, we are able to let go of things that no longer serve us. In this letting go, the necessity of darkness as a means of expansion becomes clear.
Darkness gives one the opportunity to expand by allowing us to transcend it, and create with our energy however we choose. It is through the duality of experience that we have the chance to ascend based on how we choose to vibrate in each moment.
Furthermore, this teaches us that in any situation that we are only responsible for knowing the value of our own truth and bringing a higher perspective to any situation. If someone does not resonate with our truth, it simply means that their truth is serving them from a different vantage point of expansion based on their own soul’s evolution. The key here, is to understand that neither truth is right or wrong, and that each truth serves each soul from a place of neutral expansion.
Imagine that each of us represents a tree of truth in a vast forest. Each tree is unique in the way it grows and expands as its branches extend outward. Some branches may interact with one another while others may never interact at all, but the root system of the forest is interconnected and benefits all. We each have our own truths that may resonate with some, and not resonate with others at all, but each truth benefits universal expansion.
Paradigms of Separation
Currently, the collective functions in a paradigm of separation on structural and societal levels. The cells within the body have the capacity to hold separate disharmonious patterns of energy within the body. These patterns are held as separate energetic imprints from various life experiences, and are responsible for disease. In essence, disease manifests because the body is not operating as a unified structure.
When the structure functions in a separate manner, it forces us to examine the concept of illness from a physically based standpoint. Thus, we manifest societal structures that attempt to heal the body by focusing on individual systems and organs. In turn, this manifests a healthcare system that treats separate illnesses with separate forms of medication for each condition.
As we transcend the energy of separation and heal ourselves, the body functions in a more holistic manner. You can read more about structural changes occurring within the body as consciousness raises here.
Another example of the dualistic nature of separation in society is the dichotomy of masculine and feminine. Society tends to put masculine and feminine constructs in a box of narrowly defined extremes as a representation of gender. This definition has kept us from integrating and balancing the masculine and feminine energies within ourselves. Ascribing to gender roles, limits our expansion and causes us to suppress our true nature. Stepping beyond them, gives us the opportunity to heal and reach a neutral state of awareness.
Masculine energy is characterized by structure, logic, and mental body oriented thinking, while feminine energy represents heart centered thinking, oneness and, a lack of structure. Rather than existing as extremes, male and female energies lie on a continuum, and each of us has varying degrees of masculine and feminine aspects.
Through the expression of our unique energy, we balance the collective and serve as the mirror for others to maintain balance within themselves. Masculine energy is heavily dominant in the structure of society and can be seen in the physical manifestations of wars, corporate structures and legal systems. Imbalanced male energy causes the mental body to become the primary operating system of creation which keeps people locked into a 3D mode of perception. This limited perspective blocks their awareness of how to heal certain situations in their lives, which perpetuates the theme of separation.
Harmonizing Masculine and Feminine Energies
However, as we transition into a unified consciousness people are more accepting of the fact that masculine and feminine energies lie on a continuum. Furthermore, as we approach unity, the mental body and heart become integrated as one. Heart centered female energy becomes the driving force of manifestation and the mental body operates as the observer of physical reality.
When the male and female energies are balanced, the higher-self comes online. With the activation of the higher-self, we become aware of our multidimensionality and are the observer of our timelines from a neutral vantage point. Integration with the higher-self allows people to realize that every timeline they create is tied to a collective energetic theme. In essence we are healing planetary history through the lens of our own perspective.
As each of us heals the history or situations in our own lives, we in turn heal collective history. Read more about healing collective history in Micheila Sheldan’s article: “The March 2016 Solar Eclipse: The Cosmic Pen to Rewrite History.”
Recognition of this collective theme allows us to expand our perception beyond the physical density of situations in our lives by healing them in an energetic manner and letting go of our personal attachment to them. When we let go of attachment, we stop blaming ourselves for the 3D timelines we create, and as a result, transcend them by viewing them from a higher perspective. Through this expanded awareness, we are able to identify and release recycled patterns that we have been recreating through a lower vibrational limited perception.
The concept of neutrality enables us to understand the necessity of separation and polarity as a means of ascension. Lightworkers often look to the physical world around them for disclosure and manifestations of higher vibrational change, but are discouraged by the lower vibrational things happening around them.
When we turn inward and focus on our own truth, we begin to manifest change through the compassion we share with others. Disclosure and exposure of outer systems starts when we begin to recognize our multidimensionality. Even though it may seem like the world is still spinning in darkness in certain respects, it is important to understand that the experience of darkness must be walked so we can let it go and see the light. It is analogous to moving a large rock and shining a light under it. When the rock is moved all the things under it are exposed. Darkness must be exposed in order for it to be healed.
We were given the opportunity of free will to choose to create both lower and higher vibrational timelines. Both are a means of expansion that is neither positive nor negative, as the integration of all experience allows us to understand the totality of who we are.
Disclaimer: All information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Please consult a naturopathic or medical doctor.
The engine of consciousness that creates reality is meaning. When we assign meaning to a particular idea or theme, it gives rise to perspective. Perspective is important, because created through the emotional body, it gives the vibrational flavor to experience. Without perspective, physical reality is an empty shell of circumstance.
Each unique perspective imprints the collective tapestry with a myriad of higher and lower vibrational timelines and when sewn together, these timelines forge the collective experience. Each perspective regardless of whether it is lower or higher vibrational, is beneficial for the expansion of both the earth and universal collectives. This is because the energy of experience is neutral. It is the meaning that we assign to experience that creates our vibratory perception of it.
The recognition of the neutrality of experience allows us to transcend the energy of separation and polarity, so we can become a more unified human consciousness.
Navigating Through Darkness
In order to reach this unity through neutrality we must first acknowledge, accept, and integrate both lower and higher vibrational aspects that exist within us. Often society teaches people to only focus on positive aspects of themselves and to suppress the negative emotions they feel. This suppression creates resistance and the resistance creates suffering.
People create this resistance when they judge themselves for their emotions. We move past the judgment when we realize that the shadows and darkness within us can be one of our greatest teachers that launches us toward ascension. Movement through the shadows allows for growth and expansion within the self. It triggers us to face our fears by realizing our own inner strength. Transcending fear through recognition of inner strength gives us a new sense of self-worth, as we emerge out of the darkness of the situation and into the light.
This nonjudgmental perspective causes the doors of expansion to be blown wide open as we release resistance to the emotions within us and step into the synchronistic flow of neutrality.
In the midst of a tough situation it can be difficult to view things from a neutral perspective. More often than not, a person must experience the gamut of human emotion in order to find the neutral balance point.
For example, someone might be in a difficult relationship where one person causes the other to feel unworthy. These feelings of unworthiness surface so that he or she can move through and transcend them. He or she will continue to attract feelings of increased unworthiness until the experience becomes intense enough to cause a shift in perspective. In other words, sometimes we must shadow ourselves in darkness so that we can rebuild ourselves in the light. The shadowing allows all the darkness to be exposed and in this exposure, we are able to let go of things that no longer serve us. In this letting go, the necessity of darkness as a means of expansion becomes clear.
Darkness gives one the opportunity to expand by allowing us to transcend it, and create with our energy however we choose. It is through the duality of experience that we have the chance to ascend based on how we choose to vibrate in each moment.
Furthermore, this teaches us that in any situation that we are only responsible for knowing the value of our own truth and bringing a higher perspective to any situation. If someone does not resonate with our truth, it simply means that their truth is serving them from a different vantage point of expansion based on their own soul’s evolution. The key here, is to understand that neither truth is right or wrong, and that each truth serves each soul from a place of neutral expansion.
Imagine that each of us represents a tree of truth in a vast forest. Each tree is unique in the way it grows and expands as its branches extend outward. Some branches may interact with one another while others may never interact at all, but the root system of the forest is interconnected and benefits all. We each have our own truths that may resonate with some, and not resonate with others at all, but each truth benefits universal expansion.
Paradigms of Separation
Currently, the collective functions in a paradigm of separation on structural and societal levels. The cells within the body have the capacity to hold separate disharmonious patterns of energy within the body. These patterns are held as separate energetic imprints from various life experiences, and are responsible for disease. In essence, disease manifests because the body is not operating as a unified structure.
When the structure functions in a separate manner, it forces us to examine the concept of illness from a physically based standpoint. Thus, we manifest societal structures that attempt to heal the body by focusing on individual systems and organs. In turn, this manifests a healthcare system that treats separate illnesses with separate forms of medication for each condition.
As we transcend the energy of separation and heal ourselves, the body functions in a more holistic manner. You can read more about structural changes occurring within the body as consciousness raises here.
Another example of the dualistic nature of separation in society is the dichotomy of masculine and feminine. Society tends to put masculine and feminine constructs in a box of narrowly defined extremes as a representation of gender. This definition has kept us from integrating and balancing the masculine and feminine energies within ourselves. Ascribing to gender roles, limits our expansion and causes us to suppress our true nature. Stepping beyond them, gives us the opportunity to heal and reach a neutral state of awareness.
Masculine energy is characterized by structure, logic, and mental body oriented thinking, while feminine energy represents heart centered thinking, oneness and, a lack of structure. Rather than existing as extremes, male and female energies lie on a continuum, and each of us has varying degrees of masculine and feminine aspects.
Through the expression of our unique energy, we balance the collective and serve as the mirror for others to maintain balance within themselves. Masculine energy is heavily dominant in the structure of society and can be seen in the physical manifestations of wars, corporate structures and legal systems. Imbalanced male energy causes the mental body to become the primary operating system of creation which keeps people locked into a 3D mode of perception. This limited perspective blocks their awareness of how to heal certain situations in their lives, which perpetuates the theme of separation.
Harmonizing Masculine and Feminine Energies
However, as we transition into a unified consciousness people are more accepting of the fact that masculine and feminine energies lie on a continuum. Furthermore, as we approach unity, the mental body and heart become integrated as one. Heart centered female energy becomes the driving force of manifestation and the mental body operates as the observer of physical reality.
When the male and female energies are balanced, the higher-self comes online. With the activation of the higher-self, we become aware of our multidimensionality and are the observer of our timelines from a neutral vantage point. Integration with the higher-self allows people to realize that every timeline they create is tied to a collective energetic theme. In essence we are healing planetary history through the lens of our own perspective.
As each of us heals the history or situations in our own lives, we in turn heal collective history. Read more about healing collective history in Micheila Sheldan’s article: “The March 2016 Solar Eclipse: The Cosmic Pen to Rewrite History.”
Recognition of this collective theme allows us to expand our perception beyond the physical density of situations in our lives by healing them in an energetic manner and letting go of our personal attachment to them. When we let go of attachment, we stop blaming ourselves for the 3D timelines we create, and as a result, transcend them by viewing them from a higher perspective. Through this expanded awareness, we are able to identify and release recycled patterns that we have been recreating through a lower vibrational limited perception.
The concept of neutrality enables us to understand the necessity of separation and polarity as a means of ascension. Lightworkers often look to the physical world around them for disclosure and manifestations of higher vibrational change, but are discouraged by the lower vibrational things happening around them.
When we turn inward and focus on our own truth, we begin to manifest change through the compassion we share with others. Disclosure and exposure of outer systems starts when we begin to recognize our multidimensionality. Even though it may seem like the world is still spinning in darkness in certain respects, it is important to understand that the experience of darkness must be walked so we can let it go and see the light. It is analogous to moving a large rock and shining a light under it. When the rock is moved all the things under it are exposed. Darkness must be exposed in order for it to be healed.
We were given the opportunity of free will to choose to create both lower and higher vibrational timelines. Both are a means of expansion that is neither positive nor negative, as the integration of all experience allows us to understand the totality of who we are.
Disclaimer: All information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Please consult a naturopathic or medical doctor.
The Great Armageddon of Uncovering is happening now. According to many of the presenters from Awake and Empowered Expo like internationally known lecturer, from Eceti (Enlightened Contact with Extra Terrestrial Intelligence), big changes are coming to the surface 2016 – 2017.
We’ve heard it from all angles. We can feel it on deep cellular level in our bodies, as we are strongly connected to Gaia. The energies on Earth are changing and spinning round. An electromagnetic field is running through all living organisms, thus also us - being these energy BEings here on Earth. We are generating this electromagnetic field of electrical activity in our bodies that is created by electrical currents in our nervous systems, as well as the electrochemical processes that are constantly occurring in all of our cells.
This leads us to the topic of how we are affected by the energies of the biggest energy generator upon us – the Sun, which is aligning us with Unity Consciousness. The wave of the energy generated from the Sun is getting stronger and stronger as we are moving into this major transition in time, spoken of by Mayan Ancestors and indigenous tribes for years.
People’s entire worlds are falling apart. We are all experiencing turbulences in relationships, health, personal lives, losing jobs, houses and money and being pushed to the edge of comfort zones as we are shifting to what we have known.
We are purging old programming, heavy densities that we’ve denied before or refused to look at. All of this is coming to the surface now and shouldn’t be judged as something bad or wrong. It shows up because we are ready to acknowledge it for what it is. It invites us to see through it as an old unnecessary baggage that is no longer needed to be overburdening us, and therefore released from our lives. This way, we open the door to the new exciting lives just waiting around the corner for us, which would otherwise not show up until we close the old, rusty one.
So what is the Purpose of The Sun in this Galactic Process and how it affects us?
The sun and its recorded changing activity confirmed by astrological centers all over the world plays a huge role in what we are all going through. We are in the midst of intense changes on the planetary level and we should embrace it fully instead of going into fear mode.
When these energies come in, they affect the energy field around the human body. They affect the weather and entire Planet Earth. We have crazy activity of volcanoes, earth quakes, floods happening in many places of the world.
Whenever you inject a lot of energy into a system, like the increased sun flares’ radiation, everything has to change and has to rise up to that occasion. Hence major emotional, psychological and physical changes take place within our bodies as well, as we are an innate part of the living organism, Mother Earth. It does not happen to us to punish us for anything, though. It is happening because we are ready to step into something more magical, more Divine, more abundant and meaningful in our lives.
The whole Universe, including all of us, is moving into highly energized place in space that we haven’t been in before. This astronomical change affects the Sun as well.
The Sun is so important, says James Gilliland in several interviews for Awake and Empowered TV hosted by spiritual teacher Ethann Fox. And people do not often realize, the sun is conscious. The rays of light coming to Earth actually carry with them consciousness and energy, and not just light. And the information is transferred through other dimensions. It affects our genetics through constant gamma emission radiation coming from the Sun. It affects our DNA and most of these affects are vibrational upgrades of different strands of DNA, known so far as “Junk DNA”.
If one strand gets activated we are going to open ourselves up to telepathy. Another strand will activate direct knowing. Another one will activate the ability to regenerate itself. Yet another, to move forward and back in time, developing bio-locating skills. As impossible as it may sound for some, these abilities are being recognized by many around the world, and will be coming out more during the next years.
These powerful energies activate all that was dormant before. As we bring our higher consciousness energy into our body and hold it as who we are now, we activate that which used to float around outside of our energy field. As we allow all "lack of purity and love" as it emerges, love will fill our cells and replace those old illusory beliefs once held inside. As we honor the energetic release by way of an emotion or thought, our body holds more light. As we sleep, integration occurs. As we choose, we change our own reality. As we commit, we shift the energy. As we focus our energy and stop wasting, dreams start to materialize in our physical experience.
As we break through those old barriers we held in place, as we go deep inside and find the inspiration, the desire, the knowing we already hold, as we cut out distractions of the old, as we invest in “me”/my journey/my purposes and missions here, as we love our body and ourselves... our entire physical reality starts to change. Planetary Liberation happens when we choose to liberate ourselves from inside out as we do not resist the process.
We become this change built on the foundation of Unity Consciousness from where all infinite possibilities for us become available.
Writing inspired by knowledge and information brought to light by interviews held by Ethann Fox from Awake and Empowered Expo TV and Flower of Life Center for Human Evolution
Disclaimer: All information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Please consult a naturopathic or medical doctor.
The Great Armageddon of Uncovering is happening now. According to many of the presenters from Awake and Empowered Expo like internationally known lecturer, from Eceti (Enlightened Contact with Extra Terrestrial Intelligence), big changes are coming to the surface 2016 – 2017.
We’ve heard it from all angles. We can feel it on deep cellular level in our bodies, as we are strongly connected to Gaia. The energies on Earth are changing and spinning round. An electromagnetic field is running through all living organisms, thus also us - being these energy BEings here on Earth. We are generating this electromagnetic field of electrical activity in our bodies that is created by electrical currents in our nervous systems, as well as the electrochemical processes that are constantly occurring in all of our cells.
This leads us to the topic of how we are affected by the energies of the biggest energy generator upon us – the Sun, which is aligning us with Unity Consciousness. The wave of the energy generated from the Sun is getting stronger and stronger as we are moving into this major transition in time, spoken of by Mayan Ancestors and indigenous tribes for years.
People’s entire worlds are falling apart. We are all experiencing turbulences in relationships, health, personal lives, losing jobs, houses and money and being pushed to the edge of comfort zones as we are shifting to what we have known.
We are purging old programming, heavy densities that we’ve denied before or refused to look at. All of this is coming to the surface now and shouldn’t be judged as something bad or wrong. It shows up because we are ready to acknowledge it for what it is. It invites us to see through it as an old unnecessary baggage that is no longer needed to be overburdening us, and therefore released from our lives. This way, we open the door to the new exciting lives just waiting around the corner for us, which would otherwise not show up until we close the old, rusty one.
So what is the Purpose of The Sun in this Galactic Process and how it affects us?
The sun and its recorded changing activity confirmed by astrological centers all over the world plays a huge role in what we are all going through. We are in the midst of intense changes on the planetary level and we should embrace it fully instead of going into fear mode.
When these energies come in, they affect the energy field around the human body. They affect the weather and entire Planet Earth. We have crazy activity of volcanoes, earth quakes, floods happening in many places of the world.
Whenever you inject a lot of energy into a system, like the increased sun flares’ radiation, everything has to change and has to rise up to that occasion. Hence major emotional, psychological and physical changes take place within our bodies as well, as we are an innate part of the living organism, Mother Earth. It does not happen to us to punish us for anything, though. It is happening because we are ready to step into something more magical, more Divine, more abundant and meaningful in our lives.
The whole Universe, including all of us, is moving into highly energized place in space that we haven’t been in before. This astronomical change affects the Sun as well.
The Sun is so important, says James Gilliland in several interviews for Awake and Empowered TV hosted by spiritual teacher Ethann Fox. And people do not often realize, the sun is conscious. The rays of light coming to Earth actually carry with them consciousness and energy, and not just light. And the information is transferred through other dimensions. It affects our genetics through constant gamma emission radiation coming from the Sun. It affects our DNA and most of these affects are vibrational upgrades of different strands of DNA, known so far as “Junk DNA”.
If one strand gets activated we are going to open ourselves up to telepathy. Another strand will activate direct knowing. Another one will activate the ability to regenerate itself. Yet another, to move forward and back in time, developing bio-locating skills. As impossible as it may sound for some, these abilities are being recognized by many around the world, and will be coming out more during the next years.
These powerful energies activate all that was dormant before. As we bring our higher consciousness energy into our body and hold it as who we are now, we activate that which used to float around outside of our energy field. As we allow all "lack of purity and love" as it emerges, love will fill our cells and replace those old illusory beliefs once held inside. As we honor the energetic release by way of an emotion or thought, our body holds more light. As we sleep, integration occurs. As we choose, we change our own reality. As we commit, we shift the energy. As we focus our energy and stop wasting, dreams start to materialize in our physical experience.
As we break through those old barriers we held in place, as we go deep inside and find the inspiration, the desire, the knowing we already hold, as we cut out distractions of the old, as we invest in “me”/my journey/my purposes and missions here, as we love our body and ourselves... our entire physical reality starts to change. Planetary Liberation happens when we choose to liberate ourselves from inside out as we do not resist the process.
We become this change built on the foundation of Unity Consciousness from where all infinite possibilities for us become available.
Writing inspired by knowledge and information brought to light by interviews held by Ethann Fox from Awake and Empowered Expo TV and Flower of Life Center for Human Evolution
Disclaimer: All information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Please consult a naturopathic or medical doctor.
On March 8-9, 2016, a total solar eclipse will will trigger the biggest raise in consciousness in human history and set in motion the quantum leap toward unity and 5th dimensional consciousness.
On both collective and individual levels, this solar alignment will allow us to reestablish our connection to Earth as one consciousness, to recognize more of our true selves, and will facilitate our healing.
The Sun and Ascension Codes
Our sun is akin to a large storage unit of light coded information that activates ascension codes within our DNA, during these solar alignments. Ascension codes allow us to access more information within ourselves and tap into our multi-dimensional nature. This expanded access to information is the basis for healing, and structural changes within the body, through the reconnection to the earth’s crystalline core.
As ascension codes within the earth and human structure are activated, humanity’s connection with Gaia’s crystalline core is recognized by the collective. When this occurs, 3rd dimensional aspects of disease and energetic density can no longer exist within the structure. Each of us possesses a sacred geometric energetic pattern that is held within our energy field. These sacred geometric patterns exist within the fabric of the universe and can be seen through the science of cymatics and water memory as a product of vibration through sound and conscious intent. When these sacred geometric patterns vibrate harmoniously with the geometric pattern of earth, the reconnection to the core reaches its full potential.
Solar Opportunity to Adapt These Energies
In order to adapt the structure to the incoming energies in the best way possible, it is important to understand three key elements of this eclipse.
Firstly, it is crucial to recognize the solar eclipse as an opportunity to receive information through expanded versions of ourselves and heal. The planet has been resonating at a 3rd-4th dimensional transient space, so the collective’s ability to receive information has been lower than that of higher dimensional realities. As a result, the sun is needed to magnetize our ascension.
The sun can be thought of as a mirror that magnetizes our own expansion and radiates that expansion back to us as the collective chooses to raise its consciousness. In other words, the sun is giving back to us our own information in an expanded fashion so we can use it to our benefit.
Through this expansion, people become aware of new perspectives about how to heal certain situations in their lives, and can choose to create those timelines of experience by focusing their attention on the solution. By shifting our attention to the solution, we learn to accept ourselves for who we truly are, and create our reality from a perspective of love and joy. When we do this, we heal those situations in our lives that are held within the structure as disharmonious sacred geometric patterns.
Secondly, spending time outside in the sun expands the DNA and causes the sacred geometric patterns within the body to become harmonious. Thirdly, the emotional body is integrated and aligned by solar energies. During this transitional period, the emotional body plays an important role in the timelines of experience we manifest based on the vibration that is held there. If the emotional body is aligned, we create our reality based on joy, which is the basis for healing.
Manifestation of Healing
The March eclipse is the beginning of humanity’s transition from an individual to more of a collective focus in terms of how we understand and use the structure to heal. Currently, we recognize and heal experiences in our life in a singular manner, whether the experience be from a past life or this incarnation. Imprints from different experiences are contained within the body as separate. Furthermore, these energies may manifest as different physical illnesses.
When someone receives a healing session, these imprints or illnesses are recognized as separate and are released on an individual basis. For instance, if someone comes to a healer with a rash and a headache, the rash might be healed in the first session and the headache in the second. Moreover, the conscious attention of the person determines the effectiveness of the session. Often times, energetic purging can manifest as physical discomfort. However, this discomfort and purging is actually a sign of healing.
If an individual places his or her attention on the body already being healed as a whole, rather than focusing on the area with one specific issue, the person will have a much better result. This is because they are moving their attention from a 3D perspective of separation to a higher space of awareness where all parts of the structure can be integrated and healed holistically.
When the human structure becomes more crystalline, it allows the body to recognize the common energetic thread between past, present, and future imprints so that we can heal all of those imprints at once. This is because the spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical bodies are all integrated as one. Connecting to the soul of earth intentionally during meditation can be used as a process in order to assist in this integration. This process allows the physical body to balance to the rising earth frequency by slowing a person’s frequency slightly and giving them access to universal light coded information.
As we transition through the March alignment, the energetic and physical body will be resonating at a higher frequency. Humanity will be ascending to a higher level of dimensional consciousness, and as a result, its ability to receive expanded information will increase. This will allow us to use the light codes of the sun to heal more easily by giving us the opportunity to access parts of ourselves that we have ascended through.
The sun’s ability to provide nutrients and energy to the body is widely understood, and many healing practices have been used to absorb light from the sun directly into the body. However, the fact that we’ve been operating with a 3rd dimensional structure, has limited us from utilizing the sun’s full energetic potential. The density of the 3rd dimension has forced us to handle situations in our life in physically based ways.
In previous alignments, the human consciousness had to manifest things in the physical in order to heal them. Once the structural changes are complete, humanity will have the opportunity to heal things without manifesting so much physical density. When we harmonize and balance to the new earth frequency, humanity will hold more of a 4th dimensional access point to light information. This means that we will be able to heal things in our life in a more energetic manner. A 4th dimensional structure holds less energetic density than a 3rd dimensional one.
In addition, a higher dimensional energy field can hold positive energetic imprints within the body in order to manifest permanent healing changes. For example, something like an essential oil holds a certain healing vibration based on its energetic properties and when used, it helps our structure balance to a more harmonious vibration.
In the past, our structure could only hold that vibration for a limited amount of time depending on a person’s emotional state. The emotional body was not integrated with the rest of the structure and out of harmony with the earth, so it was unable to sustain a permanent high vibration. After the March transition, the emotional body will be better integrated, and tools such as essential oils can be used more effectively in tandem with an individual’s consciousness to self-heal.
Final Advice on the Solar Eclipse Experience
The details of the solar alignment and structural changes provide a basis of understanding about how we are embarking on one of the most significant transformations in human history so we can begin to assimilate this transition into the collective consciousness. However, what matters most is our ability to heal situations in our lives with the capacity for love and understanding through joy.
Often times, people believe they must learn a lesson about a particular situation in order to heal it, and distract themselves with the details, searching for the solution to the lesson they are supposed to learn. This narrows their perspective of possibility and prevents them from seeing the solution. All that is necessary is for each of us to accept ourselves for who we are without judgment. Even if we are feeling angry or sad, it is important to acknowledge those feelings as part of ourselves so we can release them. This allows us to become the neutral observer of our experiences and enter the synchronistic flow of life.
When we become the observer of our experience, the understanding of the lessons we are supposed to learn naturally unfold for us because we are stepping into who we truly are and have full access to the expanded versions of ourselves that the sun magnetizes to us. We become fully immersed in the now moment and notice the common energetic thread within situations in our lives that need to be healed. When we work on loving and healing ourselves on an individual level, it benefits the ascension of not only earth, but the entire universal collective.
Watch this episode of AAE tv with special guest Micheila Sheldan to learn more about the March Solar Alignment and it's influences:
Disclaimer: All information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Please consult a naturopathic or medical doctor.
On March 8-9, 2016, a total solar eclipse will will trigger the biggest raise in consciousness in human history and set in motion the quantum leap toward unity and 5th dimensional consciousness.
On both collective and individual levels, this solar alignment will allow us to reestablish our connection to Earth as one consciousness, to recognize more of our true selves, and will facilitate our healing.
The Sun and Ascension Codes
Our sun is akin to a large storage unit of light coded information that activates ascension codes within our DNA, during these solar alignments. Ascension codes allow us to access more information within ourselves and tap into our multi-dimensional nature. This expanded access to information is the basis for healing, and structural changes within the body, through the reconnection to the earth’s crystalline core.
As ascension codes within the earth and human structure are activated, humanity’s connection with Gaia’s crystalline core is recognized by the collective. When this occurs, 3rd dimensional aspects of disease and energetic density can no longer exist within the structure. Each of us possesses a sacred geometric energetic pattern that is held within our energy field. These sacred geometric patterns exist within the fabric of the universe and can be seen through the science of cymatics and water memory as a product of vibration through sound and conscious intent. When these sacred geometric patterns vibrate harmoniously with the geometric pattern of earth, the reconnection to the core reaches its full potential.
Solar Opportunity to Adapt These Energies
In order to adapt the structure to the incoming energies in the best way possible, it is important to understand three key elements of this eclipse.
Firstly, it is crucial to recognize the solar eclipse as an opportunity to receive information through expanded versions of ourselves and heal. The planet has been resonating at a 3rd-4th dimensional transient space, so the collective’s ability to receive information has been lower than that of higher dimensional realities. As a result, the sun is needed to magnetize our ascension.
The sun can be thought of as a mirror that magnetizes our own expansion and radiates that expansion back to us as the collective chooses to raise its consciousness. In other words, the sun is giving back to us our own information in an expanded fashion so we can use it to our benefit.
Through this expansion, people become aware of new perspectives about how to heal certain situations in their lives, and can choose to create those timelines of experience by focusing their attention on the solution. By shifting our attention to the solution, we learn to accept ourselves for who we truly are, and create our reality from a perspective of love and joy. When we do this, we heal those situations in our lives that are held within the structure as disharmonious sacred geometric patterns.
Secondly, spending time outside in the sun expands the DNA and causes the sacred geometric patterns within the body to become harmonious. Thirdly, the emotional body is integrated and aligned by solar energies. During this transitional period, the emotional body plays an important role in the timelines of experience we manifest based on the vibration that is held there. If the emotional body is aligned, we create our reality based on joy, which is the basis for healing.
Manifestation of Healing
The March eclipse is the beginning of humanity’s transition from an individual to more of a collective focus in terms of how we understand and use the structure to heal. Currently, we recognize and heal experiences in our life in a singular manner, whether the experience be from a past life or this incarnation. Imprints from different experiences are contained within the body as separate. Furthermore, these energies may manifest as different physical illnesses.
When someone receives a healing session, these imprints or illnesses are recognized as separate and are released on an individual basis. For instance, if someone comes to a healer with a rash and a headache, the rash might be healed in the first session and the headache in the second. Moreover, the conscious attention of the person determines the effectiveness of the session. Often times, energetic purging can manifest as physical discomfort. However, this discomfort and purging is actually a sign of healing.
If an individual places his or her attention on the body already being healed as a whole, rather than focusing on the area with one specific issue, the person will have a much better result. This is because they are moving their attention from a 3D perspective of separation to a higher space of awareness where all parts of the structure can be integrated and healed holistically.
When the human structure becomes more crystalline, it allows the body to recognize the common energetic thread between past, present, and future imprints so that we can heal all of those imprints at once. This is because the spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical bodies are all integrated as one. Connecting to the soul of earth intentionally during meditation can be used as a process in order to assist in this integration. This process allows the physical body to balance to the rising earth frequency by slowing a person’s frequency slightly and giving them access to universal light coded information.
As we transition through the March alignment, the energetic and physical body will be resonating at a higher frequency. Humanity will be ascending to a higher level of dimensional consciousness, and as a result, its ability to receive expanded information will increase. This will allow us to use the light codes of the sun to heal more easily by giving us the opportunity to access parts of ourselves that we have ascended through.
The sun’s ability to provide nutrients and energy to the body is widely understood, and many healing practices have been used to absorb light from the sun directly into the body. However, the fact that we’ve been operating with a 3rd dimensional structure, has limited us from utilizing the sun’s full energetic potential. The density of the 3rd dimension has forced us to handle situations in our life in physically based ways.
In previous alignments, the human consciousness had to manifest things in the physical in order to heal them. Once the structural changes are complete, humanity will have the opportunity to heal things without manifesting so much physical density. When we harmonize and balance to the new earth frequency, humanity will hold more of a 4th dimensional access point to light information. This means that we will be able to heal things in our life in a more energetic manner. A 4th dimensional structure holds less energetic density than a 3rd dimensional one.
In addition, a higher dimensional energy field can hold positive energetic imprints within the body in order to manifest permanent healing changes. For example, something like an essential oil holds a certain healing vibration based on its energetic properties and when used, it helps our structure balance to a more harmonious vibration.
In the past, our structure could only hold that vibration for a limited amount of time depending on a person’s emotional state. The emotional body was not integrated with the rest of the structure and out of harmony with the earth, so it was unable to sustain a permanent high vibration. After the March transition, the emotional body will be better integrated, and tools such as essential oils can be used more effectively in tandem with an individual’s consciousness to self-heal.
Final Advice on the Solar Eclipse Experience
The details of the solar alignment and structural changes provide a basis of understanding about how we are embarking on one of the most significant transformations in human history so we can begin to assimilate this transition into the collective consciousness. However, what matters most is our ability to heal situations in our lives with the capacity for love and understanding through joy.
Often times, people believe they must learn a lesson about a particular situation in order to heal it, and distract themselves with the details, searching for the solution to the lesson they are supposed to learn. This narrows their perspective of possibility and prevents them from seeing the solution. All that is necessary is for each of us to accept ourselves for who we are without judgment. Even if we are feeling angry or sad, it is important to acknowledge those feelings as part of ourselves so we can release them. This allows us to become the neutral observer of our experiences and enter the synchronistic flow of life.
When we become the observer of our experience, the understanding of the lessons we are supposed to learn naturally unfold for us because we are stepping into who we truly are and have full access to the expanded versions of ourselves that the sun magnetizes to us. We become fully immersed in the now moment and notice the common energetic thread within situations in our lives that need to be healed. When we work on loving and healing ourselves on an individual level, it benefits the ascension of not only earth, but the entire universal collective.
Watch this episode of AAE tv with special guest Micheila Sheldan to learn more about the March Solar Alignment and it's influences:
Disclaimer: All information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Please consult a naturopathic or medical doctor.
In 2003 in the Hemberg municipality in the region of Switzerland called Toggensburg, residents suddenly felt sick. They started to experience headaches and problems with sleep and concentration after a mobile phone antenna was installed on the tower of the church. The local government agencies and the telecom provider wanted to find a way to keep the tower, but return the health to the residents. What many thought of as an impossible task was just another successful project for Dr. Ibrahim Karim, whose field of BioGeometry was able to help the people of Hemberg. Based on ancient knowledge, BioGeometry has the ability to open the healing channels to protect anyone from electromagnetic pollution, amplify positive energetic spots on the planet, facilitate complete wellbeing, and aid in self-healing techniques.
Dr. Ibrahim Karim, Creator of BioGeometry
Dr. Karim started his education in traditional establishments. Following his father’s career as an architect, he studied at F.I.T. Zurich, Switzerland, and later specialized in Tourist Planning. After he submerged himself into a career as a consultant for the Egyptian government in the fields of urban health, scientific research, and tourism, he became fascinated with the history of Ancient Egypt and dove deeper into searching for ancient knowledge. After combining his research of energy, modern physics, and studies of harmonics and perception, with his knowledge in the fields of architecture, geobiology, and building biology, a new field of science was born called BioGeometry.
What is BioGeometry?
"BioGeometry is the designing language of shape [that] brings harmony and balance into the subtle energy of the environments," explained Dr. Karim in a video interview with Ethann Fox on Awake and Empowered TV (available to view at the end of the article).
One of the ways BioGeometry can be used is to create symbols that amplify energy already existing and then radiating it to solve a problem such as EMF radiation effects in Hemberg.
Amplifying existing energy is not new. Symbols have been used since the ancient world to increase the spiritual energy. Two of such symbols are the shapes of a pyramid and a dome, used often in architecture.
This explains the location of many sacred sites on the planet. Ancient civilizations built these structures on already sacred spots to protect the special energy that they have, and emit it to harmonize all surrounding areas.
Dr. Karim analyzed these sacred spots and their use of design to gather and emit this energy, and created BioGeometry with this knowledge.
“I created the science of biogeometry in order to create the design language that reproduces the energy quality of sacred power spots,” said Dr. Karim.
Ancient Knowledge of Energy
“Ancient Greeks were the cradle of the western civilization and the western science as we know it today,” said Dr. Karim., “The core of being of the western civilization is hidden somewhere deep in the secrets of the ancient sciences of Egypt.”
In his research, Dr. Karim was looking for the roots of the Western civilization. He specifically wanted to know how people lived and where they acquired their knowledge.
A huge part of this knowledge came from Pythagoras. Known as the father of mathematics, Pythagoras studied in the temples of Egypt for 22 years and was initiated in the secret sciences, being shown the wisdom of the powers of nature and the energy of the universe. He had to, however, swear to keep this information secret. So when he came back to Greece, he only passed down one side of this knowledge, the side of the science that we know of today as mathematics and philosophy. But studying his work, we can clearly see that hidden on the other side of these sciences are what we call esoteric sciences, spirituality or energy work.
As Dr. Karim explains in the interview, if we go deep enough into our modern science, we end up at the other side of it: the secret sciences of Egypt and the sciences of energy. There is no separation between science and spirituality, he says, they both come from the same source, and they need each other to solve real day-to-day problems.
“All of the things [that you call spiritual abilities] become even more scientific than what you know as mainstream science,” said Dr. Karim.
Numerous Applications of BioGeometry
Dr. Karim believes that society only has the need for sciences that can be used in everyday life and help humanity in positive ways. BioGeometry is one such a field.
“With biogeometry you can solve every day problems that you cannot solve with mainstream science,” said Dr. Karim.
Electro-Magnetic Radiation and Hemberg, Switzerland
One of the new pollutants of today’s world is electromagnetic radiation that comes from our wireless technology, Internet and cell phones. BioGeometry can harmonize these frequencies, so that they no longer have a negative effect on humans.
“We need…a new science that can actually bring harmonizing energy quality into electromagnetic radiation…The harmonizing quality of this science is in a way spiritual energy,” said Dr. Karim.
When people of Hemberg felt negative health effects of a newly installed cell tower, Dr. Karim installed special geometrical shapes on the antenna itself and on the houses of the people. Just a week later, the residents reported that their health problems had gone away, and also the wild life, the birds and the bats came back.
Further reports on BioGeometry solving mobile radiation problems in Hemberg is available at www.BioGeometry.ca
Dr. Karim says that this solution is possible and is needed all around the globe, especially big cities most affected by EMFs.
Animal Farming Solutions: No Chemicals Needed
One example of successfully using BioGeometry in animal farming comes from Egypt. Professor Dr. Ahmed Hussein of Ain Shams University conducted a research project on raising chickens without the use of any chemicals. The technique he used was color placement. Chickens raised with BioGeometry were healthier and weighed more.
Another experiment was conducted in Quebec, Canada by Nutrinor, also on chickens for over a year, and the results were positive and “very conclusive,” according to letter from Nutrinor.
In Holland a few projects have been conducted on the cow hoof disease. Most of the cows were healed by using the BioGeometry Energy Balancing CD (created using the theories of Harmonics).
Mental Problems Negated with BioGeometry
“It is possible through the design of the room to relieve the mind, to help depression…” said Dr. Karim.
Dr. Karim explains that everything in our environment affects us physically, mentally, and spiritually - all of these aspects are interconnected, because they use the same energy. Negative environments can worsen and sometimes create mental issues such as depression, autism symptoms, and even epilepsy. Using BioGeometry, centers for children who have “special abilities” were created, and when inside the building the children felt calm, and happier, with their symptoms alleviated. One of the most important aspects of the architecture of these centers is not building the 90 degree corners and angles that we see in almost all of our architecture. Dr. Karim says that these angles cause pressure on the brain, and therefore increasing mental problems.
Research has also been done on applying BioGeometry to farming, creating building materials that guard against chemical and radioactive pollution, reducing the thermal effect of cell phones on skin, and lessening stress of a person who is inside a car or a plane. BioGeometry has also showed potential in helping with diseases, such as hepatitis C. All of the research is available at www.BioGeometry.ca
Dr. Karim’s website also includes a store with protective products for you and your home that are created using BioGeometry.
"Everything is energy...There is nothing but energy...Your thoughts are energy; "One day we can have a future civilization that uses the energy...in every aspect of our lives..”" -- inspiring words from Dr. Karim who has been working with BioGeometry for 45 years.
Listen to Dr. Karim share more about his story and research in the interview below:
Disclaimer: All information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Please consult a naturopathic or medical doctor.
In 2003 in the Hemberg municipality in the region of Switzerland called Toggensburg, residents suddenly felt sick. They started to experience headaches and problems with sleep and concentration after a mobile phone antenna was installed on the tower of the church. The local government agencies and the telecom provider wanted to find a way to keep the tower, but return the health to the residents. What many thought of as an impossible task was just another successful project for Dr. Ibrahim Karim, whose field of BioGeometry was able to help the people of Hemberg. Based on ancient knowledge, BioGeometry has the ability to open the healing channels to protect anyone from electromagnetic pollution, amplify positive energetic spots on the planet, facilitate complete wellbeing, and aid in self-healing techniques.
Dr. Ibrahim Karim, Creator of BioGeometry
Dr. Karim started his education in traditional establishments. Following his father’s career as an architect, he studied at F.I.T. Zurich, Switzerland, and later specialized in Tourist Planning. After he submerged himself into a career as a consultant for the Egyptian government in the fields of urban health, scientific research, and tourism, he became fascinated with the history of Ancient Egypt and dove deeper into searching for ancient knowledge. After combining his research of energy, modern physics, and studies of harmonics and perception, with his knowledge in the fields of architecture, geobiology, and building biology, a new field of science was born called BioGeometry.
What is BioGeometry?
"BioGeometry is the designing language of shape [that] brings harmony and balance into the subtle energy of the environments," explained Dr. Karim in a video interview with Ethann Fox on Awake and Empowered TV (available to view at the end of the article).
One of the ways BioGeometry can be used is to create symbols that amplify energy already existing and then radiating it to solve a problem such as EMF radiation effects in Hemberg.
Amplifying existing energy is not new. Symbols have been used since the ancient world to increase the spiritual energy. Two of such symbols are the shapes of a pyramid and a dome, used often in architecture.
This explains the location of many sacred sites on the planet. Ancient civilizations built these structures on already sacred spots to protect the special energy that they have, and emit it to harmonize all surrounding areas.
Dr. Karim analyzed these sacred spots and their use of design to gather and emit this energy, and created BioGeometry with this knowledge.
“I created the science of biogeometry in order to create the design language that reproduces the energy quality of sacred power spots,” said Dr. Karim.
Ancient Knowledge of Energy
“Ancient Greeks were the cradle of the western civilization and the western science as we know it today,” said Dr. Karim., “The core of being of the western civilization is hidden somewhere deep in the secrets of the ancient sciences of Egypt.”
In his research, Dr. Karim was looking for the roots of the Western civilization. He specifically wanted to know how people lived and where they acquired their knowledge.
A huge part of this knowledge came from Pythagoras. Known as the father of mathematics, Pythagoras studied in the temples of Egypt for 22 years and was initiated in the secret sciences, being shown the wisdom of the powers of nature and the energy of the universe. He had to, however, swear to keep this information secret. So when he came back to Greece, he only passed down one side of this knowledge, the side of the science that we know of today as mathematics and philosophy. But studying his work, we can clearly see that hidden on the other side of these sciences are what we call esoteric sciences, spirituality or energy work.
As Dr. Karim explains in the interview, if we go deep enough into our modern science, we end up at the other side of it: the secret sciences of Egypt and the sciences of energy. There is no separation between science and spirituality, he says, they both come from the same source, and they need each other to solve real day-to-day problems.
“All of the things [that you call spiritual abilities] become even more scientific than what you know as mainstream science,” said Dr. Karim.
Numerous Applications of BioGeometry
Dr. Karim believes that society only has the need for sciences that can be used in everyday life and help humanity in positive ways. BioGeometry is one such a field.
“With biogeometry you can solve every day problems that you cannot solve with mainstream science,” said Dr. Karim.
Electro-Magnetic Radiation and Hemberg, Switzerland
One of the new pollutants of today’s world is electromagnetic radiation that comes from our wireless technology, Internet and cell phones. BioGeometry can harmonize these frequencies, so that they no longer have a negative effect on humans.
“We need…a new science that can actually bring harmonizing energy quality into electromagnetic radiation…The harmonizing quality of this science is in a way spiritual energy,” said Dr. Karim.
When people of Hemberg felt negative health effects of a newly installed cell tower, Dr. Karim installed special geometrical shapes on the antenna itself and on the houses of the people. Just a week later, the residents reported that their health problems had gone away, and also the wild life, the birds and the bats came back.
Further reports on BioGeometry solving mobile radiation problems in Hemberg is available at www.BioGeometry.ca
Dr. Karim says that this solution is possible and is needed all around the globe, especially big cities most affected by EMFs.
Animal Farming Solutions: No Chemicals Needed
One example of successfully using BioGeometry in animal farming comes from Egypt. Professor Dr. Ahmed Hussein of Ain Shams University conducted a research project on raising chickens without the use of any chemicals. The technique he used was color placement. Chickens raised with BioGeometry were healthier and weighed more.
Another experiment was conducted in Quebec, Canada by Nutrinor, also on chickens for over a year, and the results were positive and “very conclusive,” according to letter from Nutrinor.
In Holland a few projects have been conducted on the cow hoof disease. Most of the cows were healed by using the BioGeometry Energy Balancing CD (created using the theories of Harmonics).
Mental Problems Negated with BioGeometry
“It is possible through the design of the room to relieve the mind, to help depression…” said Dr. Karim.
Dr. Karim explains that everything in our environment affects us physically, mentally, and spiritually - all of these aspects are interconnected, because they use the same energy. Negative environments can worsen and sometimes create mental issues such as depression, autism symptoms, and even epilepsy. Using BioGeometry, centers for children who have “special abilities” were created, and when inside the building the children felt calm, and happier, with their symptoms alleviated. One of the most important aspects of the architecture of these centers is not building the 90 degree corners and angles that we see in almost all of our architecture. Dr. Karim says that these angles cause pressure on the brain, and therefore increasing mental problems.
Research has also been done on applying BioGeometry to farming, creating building materials that guard against chemical and radioactive pollution, reducing the thermal effect of cell phones on skin, and lessening stress of a person who is inside a car or a plane. BioGeometry has also showed potential in helping with diseases, such as hepatitis C. All of the research is available at www.BioGeometry.ca
Dr. Karim’s website also includes a store with protective products for you and your home that are created using BioGeometry.
"Everything is energy...There is nothing but energy...Your thoughts are energy; "One day we can have a future civilization that uses the energy...in every aspect of our lives..”" -- inspiring words from Dr. Karim who has been working with BioGeometry for 45 years.
Listen to Dr. Karim share more about his story and research in the interview below:
Disclaimer: All information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Please consult a naturopathic or medical doctor.
The following is a writing from the Council of Light channeled through Micheila Sheldan. The Council of Light is a source energy collective of many races ascended through a 12th Dimensional reality. The purpose of the Council is to oversee and uphold the integrity of the Universal Time Grid, a web of consciousness connecting planets, star systems and galaxies through light frequency exchange. The Council has been an integral part of a channeled work coming through Micheila entitled, “Encapsulating the Human Soul as One: Lessons from the 9th Dimensional Energies in Universal Harmony"
Micheila has been receiving important information about the solar alignments to our earth, especially the upcoming solar eclipse occurring beginning March 8-9th, 2016. We are already beginning to feel and respond to this vibration and many are still integrating the opportunities to expand arising from the last eclipse in March 2015. The Council of Light gives us an explanation of how the solar energies work and translate into new opportunities for our ascension.
As your planet approaches the March eclipse, there is anticipation amongst your universal friends. We know that beyond your earth, beyond your structure and at the very cellular level, your ascension is representative of our own. And we hold the highest intentions for the reuniting with your planetary mother, Gaia. We wish for you to better understand this alignment and its purpose, as well as how your preparations and intentions can be the catalyst for the rebirth of a new dimensional consciousness and reality amongst your race.
Your DNA has been aware of this timeline unbeknownst to your conscious awareness. For millenniums of time, your planet has undergone similar transitions and your structure knows exactly what to do. It is comparable to migrating birds that sense the temperature fluctuation as a symbol of change. In this same way, your DNA and your consciousness is ready to accept the next phase of this transition, which is the impetus for your planet to renew itself and for history to be cleared. This is why you came. Many of you do not remember this exact collective assignment and the moment in which your soul agreed to accept. But you know, on some very deep level, that you came to align with this very transition and had a great purpose to fulfill… a part of its significant story in the universe.
Monogrammed Letters
Many of you are warmed and amused by clothing that is monogrammed with your name. It represents a symbol of who you are and differentiates you from others. The monogrammed clothing item is something you may show off proudly, as if to say, “look who I am and what I represent in the world”. What if we told you that everyone has the same name? And if a collective sweater were to be worn and monogrammed for the human collective, it would look identical to others – not just other humans – but the plants, the animals, the stars, the dirt and your earth home.
We equate this collective monogram to a very specific ascension code that is buried deep within your crystalline core. It is a part of your DNA which is collective in nature and it holds deep meaning to your current incarnation and the cosmic home in which you associate your mission. You see, your DNA storage bank and your crystalline structure holds many, many light codes. These codes are magnetized to unite with specific planetary alignments for a variety of unique, cosmic and earthly reasons. There are several types of ascension codes we wish to explain: those that are unique to your incarnation date and soul’s journey; those that are universal and cosmically held; and, those which are tied to your Mother Gaia home. We would relate these ascension codes to specific vibrations that are engaged through frequency, light and magnetics that cause a reaction in your structure. This reaction is tied to your DNA and history.
History Lessons
History is an important part of this story. Your race has defined history in a linear sense due to your physical density. You define history as equivalent to time and space, having a direct effect on your physical experience and lineage. But in reality, history has no space or time. History is vibration that is held in resistance to itself. All activity, all experience is vibration. And when a vibration is revisited, retaught and recycled, it become a consistent aspect of your reality defined through your perception as history.
Your attention to your collective experience and your perception of that experience creates history. Yes, history does contain actual physical manifestations of experience, but it also contains non-physical vibrations that hold meaning and cause confusion in the structure. You see, as a soul, one that incarnated for a physical experience, you have many timelines. And these timelines intersect with historic events, causing you to play them out in your reality over and over again through your own perception. Let us give you an example.
Your history teachers often speak of World War I in your elementary school classrooms. Your race believes that this event occurred in the past and this past was not a part of who you are in the school room chair. But imagine this for a moment: There is no chronological time in this earth bound reality. There is only the density to perceive chronological time. So when you learn of this war, you experience it on some energetic level. This is because the war resides within you once you perceive it. Through your intention and acceptance of this history, you now own it and it owns you. Once something becomes a concrete belief in your structure (World War I occurred on this planet) you own the vibration as a part of your role in the cosmic universe. And it becomes the impetus of the structure to play this scenario out in your unique experience to heal it and close the timeline, or in other words, create a new timeline.
You see, you are here to heal these timelines and create anew. This is what you signed up for when you came. It’s just that you became so entrenched in the physical density here that you misunderstood vibration and frequency. And, as such, you created more wars, within your own experience and within the collective experience, to heal.
Now is the time for the human consciousness to begin to break free of its history and the repetitive way in which it has been created through you. And the March 2016 eclipse is the event in which this new timeline acceptance begins.
Solar Significance
We alluded to the fact that your DNA has been preparing for this. How so? In particular, we would say there have been many unique ascension codes you have triggered that have prepared you for this journey. In addition, back in March 2015, the solar eclipse brought much of this history to the surface, under a cosmic microscope, for you to experience in your own unique timelines. You may call this karma. We call it an opportunity. And it challenged you to bring healing to the collective human history though your own experience. Many of you accepted the challenge, diving into the abyss of the unknown, feeling the fear, yet embracing the opportunity of what was to come. This is the vibrational stance that will be the catalyst for the healing within your own life and the lives of many others.
The March 2016 solar eclipse brings the human collective full circle as an earth bound ascension code is triggered, reconnecting you with the God frequency. This is a frequency that has always been held within you and given to you of and through your Mother Gaia home. But imagine now the impetus here for collaboration of the mind, body, spirit and soul! You have always been One with her and she with you. But your structure was operating singularly and not able to perceive into the fullness of multi-dimensional opportunity. And this opportunity awaits you with open arms.
Specifically we would like to explain where this alignment is taking you and what it has in store. We cannot do this without explaining the solar energies in more detail.
The earth’s sun was given to you by and through your collective intent as a One. It became for you the life blood through which you would remember your truest selves and your true history. The solar energies hold meaning. The vibrational expansion of your energy is stored here and, in its purest form, it is given back to you in full peak during direct alignments with the earth.
The Cosmic Pen
Remember the monogrammed sweater? The one by which you defined yourself as separate? This is an example of imprinted energy. Energies are imprinted through your experience and the sun accepted the highest vibrational imprinted experiences, holding them in storage for your own ascension. What about the lower vibrational imprinted energies? Your density and the aura of Mother Earth keeps them encapsulated here. So when the solar energies are at their fullest, the expansion you receive is the impetus for healing the imprints you do not wish to store in the structure to be used through your creative energy. And it re-writes your structure with highly charged ions and positively imprinted energies. This becomes the pen by which you rewrite the story. You are handed this cosmic pen every time your collective race is receiving of solar magnetized frequency.
So as you enter this very important timeline of opportunity, to make it simple, heal your history. This sounds big when, in fact, it’s very small. The physical experiences that are representative of collective history – the wars with family, friends and loved ones, the diseases of the mind – are the parts of you that are keeping history alive. It is time to take off the monogramed sweater, my friends, and accept a new imprint: Oneness and Love. Your Mother Earth is waiting for you to remember this part of yourself. And your structure is ready to accept her again. As you walk this transition with her, your history begins to change and your physical experience lifts itself to a new dimension. It is all within you.
The Council of Light.
Disclaimer: All information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Please consult a naturopathic or medical doctor.
The following is a writing from the Council of Light channeled through Micheila Sheldan. The Council of Light is a source energy collective of many races ascended through a 12th Dimensional reality. The purpose of the Council is to oversee and uphold the integrity of the Universal Time Grid, a web of consciousness connecting planets, star systems and galaxies through light frequency exchange. The Council has been an integral part of a channeled work coming through Micheila entitled, “Encapsulating the Human Soul as One: Lessons from the 9th Dimensional Energies in Universal Harmony"
Micheila has been receiving important information about the solar alignments to our earth, especially the upcoming solar eclipse occurring beginning March 8-9th, 2016. We are already beginning to feel and respond to this vibration and many are still integrating the opportunities to expand arising from the last eclipse in March 2015. The Council of Light gives us an explanation of how the solar energies work and translate into new opportunities for our ascension.
As your planet approaches the March eclipse, there is anticipation amongst your universal friends. We know that beyond your earth, beyond your structure and at the very cellular level, your ascension is representative of our own. And we hold the highest intentions for the reuniting with your planetary mother, Gaia. We wish for you to better understand this alignment and its purpose, as well as how your preparations and intentions can be the catalyst for the rebirth of a new dimensional consciousness and reality amongst your race.
Your DNA has been aware of this timeline unbeknownst to your conscious awareness. For millenniums of time, your planet has undergone similar transitions and your structure knows exactly what to do. It is comparable to migrating birds that sense the temperature fluctuation as a symbol of change. In this same way, your DNA and your consciousness is ready to accept the next phase of this transition, which is the impetus for your planet to renew itself and for history to be cleared. This is why you came. Many of you do not remember this exact collective assignment and the moment in which your soul agreed to accept. But you know, on some very deep level, that you came to align with this very transition and had a great purpose to fulfill… a part of its significant story in the universe.
Monogrammed Letters
Many of you are warmed and amused by clothing that is monogrammed with your name. It represents a symbol of who you are and differentiates you from others. The monogrammed clothing item is something you may show off proudly, as if to say, “look who I am and what I represent in the world”. What if we told you that everyone has the same name? And if a collective sweater were to be worn and monogrammed for the human collective, it would look identical to others – not just other humans – but the plants, the animals, the stars, the dirt and your earth home.
We equate this collective monogram to a very specific ascension code that is buried deep within your crystalline core. It is a part of your DNA which is collective in nature and it holds deep meaning to your current incarnation and the cosmic home in which you associate your mission. You see, your DNA storage bank and your crystalline structure holds many, many light codes. These codes are magnetized to unite with specific planetary alignments for a variety of unique, cosmic and earthly reasons. There are several types of ascension codes we wish to explain: those that are unique to your incarnation date and soul’s journey; those that are universal and cosmically held; and, those which are tied to your Mother Gaia home. We would relate these ascension codes to specific vibrations that are engaged through frequency, light and magnetics that cause a reaction in your structure. This reaction is tied to your DNA and history.
History Lessons
History is an important part of this story. Your race has defined history in a linear sense due to your physical density. You define history as equivalent to time and space, having a direct effect on your physical experience and lineage. But in reality, history has no space or time. History is vibration that is held in resistance to itself. All activity, all experience is vibration. And when a vibration is revisited, retaught and recycled, it become a consistent aspect of your reality defined through your perception as history.
Your attention to your collective experience and your perception of that experience creates history. Yes, history does contain actual physical manifestations of experience, but it also contains non-physical vibrations that hold meaning and cause confusion in the structure. You see, as a soul, one that incarnated for a physical experience, you have many timelines. And these timelines intersect with historic events, causing you to play them out in your reality over and over again through your own perception. Let us give you an example.
Your history teachers often speak of World War I in your elementary school classrooms. Your race believes that this event occurred in the past and this past was not a part of who you are in the school room chair. But imagine this for a moment: There is no chronological time in this earth bound reality. There is only the density to perceive chronological time. So when you learn of this war, you experience it on some energetic level. This is because the war resides within you once you perceive it. Through your intention and acceptance of this history, you now own it and it owns you. Once something becomes a concrete belief in your structure (World War I occurred on this planet) you own the vibration as a part of your role in the cosmic universe. And it becomes the impetus of the structure to play this scenario out in your unique experience to heal it and close the timeline, or in other words, create a new timeline.
You see, you are here to heal these timelines and create anew. This is what you signed up for when you came. It’s just that you became so entrenched in the physical density here that you misunderstood vibration and frequency. And, as such, you created more wars, within your own experience and within the collective experience, to heal.
Now is the time for the human consciousness to begin to break free of its history and the repetitive way in which it has been created through you. And the March 2016 eclipse is the event in which this new timeline acceptance begins.
Solar Significance
We alluded to the fact that your DNA has been preparing for this. How so? In particular, we would say there have been many unique ascension codes you have triggered that have prepared you for this journey. In addition, back in March 2015, the solar eclipse brought much of this history to the surface, under a cosmic microscope, for you to experience in your own unique timelines. You may call this karma. We call it an opportunity. And it challenged you to bring healing to the collective human history though your own experience. Many of you accepted the challenge, diving into the abyss of the unknown, feeling the fear, yet embracing the opportunity of what was to come. This is the vibrational stance that will be the catalyst for the healing within your own life and the lives of many others.
The March 2016 solar eclipse brings the human collective full circle as an earth bound ascension code is triggered, reconnecting you with the God frequency. This is a frequency that has always been held within you and given to you of and through your Mother Gaia home. But imagine now the impetus here for collaboration of the mind, body, spirit and soul! You have always been One with her and she with you. But your structure was operating singularly and not able to perceive into the fullness of multi-dimensional opportunity. And this opportunity awaits you with open arms.
Specifically we would like to explain where this alignment is taking you and what it has in store. We cannot do this without explaining the solar energies in more detail.
The earth’s sun was given to you by and through your collective intent as a One. It became for you the life blood through which you would remember your truest selves and your true history. The solar energies hold meaning. The vibrational expansion of your energy is stored here and, in its purest form, it is given back to you in full peak during direct alignments with the earth.
The Cosmic Pen
Remember the monogrammed sweater? The one by which you defined yourself as separate? This is an example of imprinted energy. Energies are imprinted through your experience and the sun accepted the highest vibrational imprinted experiences, holding them in storage for your own ascension. What about the lower vibrational imprinted energies? Your density and the aura of Mother Earth keeps them encapsulated here. So when the solar energies are at their fullest, the expansion you receive is the impetus for healing the imprints you do not wish to store in the structure to be used through your creative energy. And it re-writes your structure with highly charged ions and positively imprinted energies. This becomes the pen by which you rewrite the story. You are handed this cosmic pen every time your collective race is receiving of solar magnetized frequency.
So as you enter this very important timeline of opportunity, to make it simple, heal your history. This sounds big when, in fact, it’s very small. The physical experiences that are representative of collective history – the wars with family, friends and loved ones, the diseases of the mind – are the parts of you that are keeping history alive. It is time to take off the monogramed sweater, my friends, and accept a new imprint: Oneness and Love. Your Mother Earth is waiting for you to remember this part of yourself. And your structure is ready to accept her again. As you walk this transition with her, your history begins to change and your physical experience lifts itself to a new dimension. It is all within you.
The Council of Light.
Disclaimer: All information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Please consult a naturopathic or medical doctor.
Breatharian Akahi Ricardo firmly believes that humanity is moving in a positive direction of change towards a world where everyone is naturally happy, in a healthy state of body and mind, and able to access their spiritual gifts and healing abilities. To achieve that, each one of us has to do just one thing – learn to access energy and nourishment from correctly breathing air, also known as breatharianism. Breatharianism, also called living on light, is a way to live and thrive without the need for food and water, but only air and light. Its roots can be tracked back to ancient texts of Hinduism, Ayurvedic medicine, and Shamanism. People with high states of consciousness, such as Yogi Prahlad Jani, are able to completely eliminate food and water. But as Akahi explains in an interview for AAE TV, it is not about never eating again. Breatharianism, as he teaches it, is about showing the body the way to use breathing as a way to nourish, and gaining freedom to only eat food when and how much one chooses to without relying on it or experiencing hunger again.
Akahi’s Story: Finding a Higher State of Consciousness though Breathing
In the early 2000s Akahi left his home country of Ecuador to travel South America without money, instead relying on meeting strangers, exchanging services, and learning from those he met along the way. The beginning of his spiritual journey was encountering Shamanic practitioners and learning about the energy of Pachamama (the Earth). Soon he discovered the shamanic Sweat Lodge Ceremony, a sweating ritual that cleanses the body, mind, and soul. The ceremony connected him with the Earth’s energy, and he said that he was feeling so amazing, that he decided to continue traveling, now with the mission of sharing the Sweat Lodge with others. It was then that he met with people who were going through an initiation process to be able to live on light. The process he was shown lasted 21 days, and included 7 days of not drinking liquids and not eating (dry fasting), and 14 days of drinking juices. After hearing the amazing results others had, and taking 6 month to prepare his body by juicing, Akahi decided to go through the initiation himself in 2008. What happened after, changed his whole life: he became healthier, more energetic, calmer, happier, and more spiritual. “I felt very connected with my inner power, like a reconnection with power that was somehow covered, and by not eating…I was able to perceive it again,” Akahi said. Akahi says that once the body learns the process of acquiring energy from air, it never forgets again. He has experimented a couple of times with dry fasting (7 days the longest), drinking just water, and eating normally in order to compare how his body feels and to choose what is optimal for his body. Today he mostly drinks juice.
Advice on How to Become a Breatharian
“Every human is a breatharian to a degree because we are all breathing. But when we use our breatharian technology [our body], we can access higher states of consciousness – that is what I call a pranic state. The state of being in oneness with the prana, the energy source,” Akahi said. In today’s society, most people rely on food not only for nourishment, but for satisfying our emotions and attachments. Overeating, binge eating, and eating junk food, all root from feeling like there is a piece missing in us. Food gives us brief moments of happiness but they are fleeting and unsustainable. What can satisfy all our feelings of lack is spiritual energy, which is accessed by breatharianism. It reconnects the person with their inner self and the Source, leaving them feeling powerful, worthy, and in a natural state of joy and well-being. “For the goodness of all humanity…we can still eat, but not at a degree that we are doing, not at a degree in which we are depleting or damaging the planet,” Akahi said. Instead of just writing off food forever, Akahi recommends using breatharian technique to find balance. Most people who have gone through his 8-day program eat 80% less than they used to. They eat for their own enjoyment.
Scientific Evidence for Breatharianism
Both Akahi and his wife Camila have been living a breatharian lifestyle for years (Camila continued it while pregnant), and they have always felt great, but Akahi wanted to see if it was scientifically evident that they were healthy. Both of them have done blood tests, and the doctors were amazed how healthy their blood was. Camila was the only woman in the pregnant women group who did not have anemia. Then Akahi came across a practitioner who had the technology to perform GDV Kirlian-Energy Field Measurements, created by Russian scientist Dr. Konstantin G. Korotkov. This device measures how much energy the person has based on the electrical response that comes from the body. Akahi’s energy level measured higher than that of an athlete. Akahi then had the test performed on other light program participants, and the results were astonishing – everyone’s energy was higher without eating. They were rejuvenated; they were glowing. Video of the test performed can be viewed at www.Akahmi.com
Health Benefits of Breatharianism
Similar to fasting, breatharian technique, when performed correctly helps the body get rid of toxicity, both physical and emotional, and by doing that, the body’s natural ways to self-healing open up. While it is not Akahi’s intention to heal but only to share the technique, he said he has witnessed some miraculous healing happening in people. The most change he has heard about from his participants’ is restoring the gut to a healthy state, and even helping intestinal cancer vanish. The second biggest positive change witnessed is people’s mental state. The breatharian technique makes people calmer, removes feelings of stress, and even helps those who have suicidal thoughts find emotional peace. All it takes is 8 days of meditation, breathing and fasting to open up inner healing and inner power.
Akahi’s 8-day Program
While Akahi himself first had gone through the original 21-day program, he said that it originated in the 1990s when humanity’s level of consciousness was different; therefore the program was most appropriate at that time. It did not include breathing or meditation, which is the most important aspect in his opinion. His 8-day program constitutes 5 days of drinking juices and 3 days of either dry fasting, which is optional, or 3 days of drinking only water. All 8 days are highly focused on conscious breathing. Further information about the program is available at www.RicardoAkahi.com “Humanity is reconnecting with its spiritual energy. Every day more and more people are diving deeper in themselves…and as we dive within ourselves… we will encounter our inner power. When that happens the harmony in our being will take place. And when the harmony in one member of the family occurs, the whole family has a ripple effect. And when a family has changed, other families will change, and the society will switch to a state in which humanity will be running on prana, but they also can choose other fuels like food to use whenever they feel, but the primary nourishment will be prana – the Source,” Akahi said.
Watch full interview with Akahi at the Awake and Empowered TV:
Disclaimer: All information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Please consult a naturopathic or medical doctor.
Breatharian Akahi Ricardo firmly believes that humanity is moving in a positive direction of change towards a world where everyone is naturally happy, in a healthy state of body and mind, and able to access their spiritual gifts and healing abilities. To achieve that, each one of us has to do just one thing – learn to access energy and nourishment from correctly breathing air, also known as breatharianism. Breatharianism, also called living on light, is a way to live and thrive without the need for food and water, but only air and light. Its roots can be tracked back to ancient texts of Hinduism, Ayurvedic medicine, and Shamanism. People with high states of consciousness, such as Yogi Prahlad Jani, are able to completely eliminate food and water. But as Akahi explains in an interview for AAE TV, it is not about never eating again. Breatharianism, as he teaches it, is about showing the body the way to use breathing as a way to nourish, and gaining freedom to only eat food when and how much one chooses to without relying on it or experiencing hunger again.
Akahi’s Story: Finding a Higher State of Consciousness though Breathing
In the early 2000s Akahi left his home country of Ecuador to travel South America without money, instead relying on meeting strangers, exchanging services, and learning from those he met along the way. The beginning of his spiritual journey was encountering Shamanic practitioners and learning about the energy of Pachamama (the Earth). Soon he discovered the shamanic Sweat Lodge Ceremony, a sweating ritual that cleanses the body, mind, and soul. The ceremony connected him with the Earth’s energy, and he said that he was feeling so amazing, that he decided to continue traveling, now with the mission of sharing the Sweat Lodge with others. It was then that he met with people who were going through an initiation process to be able to live on light. The process he was shown lasted 21 days, and included 7 days of not drinking liquids and not eating (dry fasting), and 14 days of drinking juices. After hearing the amazing results others had, and taking 6 month to prepare his body by juicing, Akahi decided to go through the initiation himself in 2008. What happened after, changed his whole life: he became healthier, more energetic, calmer, happier, and more spiritual. “I felt very connected with my inner power, like a reconnection with power that was somehow covered, and by not eating…I was able to perceive it again,” Akahi said. Akahi says that once the body learns the process of acquiring energy from air, it never forgets again. He has experimented a couple of times with dry fasting (7 days the longest), drinking just water, and eating normally in order to compare how his body feels and to choose what is optimal for his body. Today he mostly drinks juice.
Advice on How to Become a Breatharian
“Every human is a breatharian to a degree because we are all breathing. But when we use our breatharian technology [our body], we can access higher states of consciousness – that is what I call a pranic state. The state of being in oneness with the prana, the energy source,” Akahi said. In today’s society, most people rely on food not only for nourishment, but for satisfying our emotions and attachments. Overeating, binge eating, and eating junk food, all root from feeling like there is a piece missing in us. Food gives us brief moments of happiness but they are fleeting and unsustainable. What can satisfy all our feelings of lack is spiritual energy, which is accessed by breatharianism. It reconnects the person with their inner self and the Source, leaving them feeling powerful, worthy, and in a natural state of joy and well-being. “For the goodness of all humanity…we can still eat, but not at a degree that we are doing, not at a degree in which we are depleting or damaging the planet,” Akahi said. Instead of just writing off food forever, Akahi recommends using breatharian technique to find balance. Most people who have gone through his 8-day program eat 80% less than they used to. They eat for their own enjoyment.
Scientific Evidence for Breatharianism
Both Akahi and his wife Camila have been living a breatharian lifestyle for years (Camila continued it while pregnant), and they have always felt great, but Akahi wanted to see if it was scientifically evident that they were healthy. Both of them have done blood tests, and the doctors were amazed how healthy their blood was. Camila was the only woman in the pregnant women group who did not have anemia. Then Akahi came across a practitioner who had the technology to perform GDV Kirlian-Energy Field Measurements, created by Russian scientist Dr. Konstantin G. Korotkov. This device measures how much energy the person has based on the electrical response that comes from the body. Akahi’s energy level measured higher than that of an athlete. Akahi then had the test performed on other light program participants, and the results were astonishing – everyone’s energy was higher without eating. They were rejuvenated; they were glowing. Video of the test performed can be viewed at www.Akahmi.com
Health Benefits of Breatharianism
Similar to fasting, breatharian technique, when performed correctly helps the body get rid of toxicity, both physical and emotional, and by doing that, the body’s natural ways to self-healing open up. While it is not Akahi’s intention to heal but only to share the technique, he said he has witnessed some miraculous healing happening in people. The most change he has heard about from his participants’ is restoring the gut to a healthy state, and even helping intestinal cancer vanish. The second biggest positive change witnessed is people’s mental state. The breatharian technique makes people calmer, removes feelings of stress, and even helps those who have suicidal thoughts find emotional peace. All it takes is 8 days of meditation, breathing and fasting to open up inner healing and inner power.
Akahi’s 8-day Program
While Akahi himself first had gone through the original 21-day program, he said that it originated in the 1990s when humanity’s level of consciousness was different; therefore the program was most appropriate at that time. It did not include breathing or meditation, which is the most important aspect in his opinion. His 8-day program constitutes 5 days of drinking juices and 3 days of either dry fasting, which is optional, or 3 days of drinking only water. All 8 days are highly focused on conscious breathing. Further information about the program is available at www.RicardoAkahi.com “Humanity is reconnecting with its spiritual energy. Every day more and more people are diving deeper in themselves…and as we dive within ourselves… we will encounter our inner power. When that happens the harmony in our being will take place. And when the harmony in one member of the family occurs, the whole family has a ripple effect. And when a family has changed, other families will change, and the society will switch to a state in which humanity will be running on prana, but they also can choose other fuels like food to use whenever they feel, but the primary nourishment will be prana – the Source,” Akahi said.
Watch full interview with Akahi at the Awake and Empowered TV:
Disclaimer: All information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Please consult a naturopathic or medical doctor.